UPDATE: This particular post was written in 2013.  Though the information is still very valid as an interpretation, for my most recent interpretation of this transit/aspect (2015), please click here.  Thanks!

Venus conjuncted Chiron in Pisces on March 5th, 2013 at 1:28p PST.

It is said that Love heals all wounds.  This is likely because most wounds are the result of our feeling “unloved”.  Neglect, ignorance, avoidance, abuse in all its forms, abandonment, etc. – they all are the result of the erroneous belief that we are unloved or unlovable.

Under the sign of Pisces, Venus conjunct Chiron is an indicator of these wounds showing up as result of relationship expectations not being met, or as fantasies not becoming manifest in our experience of reality.  The pain of these wounds also gives us opportunities to recognize how we may be healed.

Any expectations someone may have are usually born of the ideals they may carry about what relationships and partners are supposed to be like or how they are supposed to show up in their lives.  Often, people imagine their “perfect” partner(s) based upon what they themselves need to feel complete.  They seek their completion outside of themselves as if they are incapable of completing themselves.  They believe that their wounds were inflicted by someone else, so they must need to be healed by someone else as well.

When their partners don’t show up exactly like they envisioned, they may try to change them and mold them into who they want them to be.  Often, they meet what they believe to be their ideals with a just a few things that need some tweaking.  You know, like if they can get them to stop doing that one thing, and get them to start doing this other thing, and they’ve got to get rid of that shirt, and that horrible chair…

Circumstances may also lead someone to settle for a relationship even though it’s less than what they really want.  Maybe they have issues with abandonment or with being unable to sustain lasting relationships. So they stay in it, hoping that either their partner will change or that someone better will come along so they can leave the current one for a new one.  They may even stick with something they know isn’t good for them, hoping it will get better even though they already know deep inside that they’d be better off without it at all.

Over time, after many attempts to tweak someone into being someone they aren’t, or after settling for less than ideal and not having their patience rewarded with their desired outcome, they may realize that their partner or the relationship as a whole didn’t meet their real ideals after all.

That is the thing about Pisces energy, and in particular, this conjunction of Venus and Chiron in Pisces.  The ideal is wonderful, dreamy, romantic partnership at its finest…until it isn’t.  When the real truth of the relationship comes forth, it can be a very painful reality to face.   This is especially true if they’ve become emotionally invested in their delusion that “everything is wonderful” when it really wasn’t for a long time, if it ever truly was.

But suppose that the reality and pain that Venus conjunct Chiron in Pisces may bring reveals a bigger plan – a Universal plan?

If that’s the case, why should they be disappointed?

Sometimes, healing can only be realized when they allow themselves to let go of what wounded them, to forgive others and themselves, and to learn from the experience.  If they find themselves wounded by the continuation or ending of a relationship, could they recognize their holding onto something that may no longer be serving them well, and be grateful for the experience they had?  Can they accept that their experience of that person may have taught them things that prepare them for an even greater relationship experience with someone else?

And if they say they can’t forgive – try this on.  What if they knew themselves and loved themselves enough to know who would best complement them as a partner?  What if they could know and love themselves enough to know that the other person was or wasn’t their “perfect” partner, or maybe that their partner was perfect for them at that point in their life and now it’s time to go separate ways?

What if you could allow yourself to know and love yourself to know what is best for you in relationships?  What if you were to trust your intuitions, your instincts, and your feelings in doing so?  And what if you could know and love yourself enough to ask for what you really want and need in a partner?

That is the reward available to you in Venus conjunct Chiron in Pisces – the promise of emotional and spiritual revelation, healing, and growth that leads you to a greater and healthier relationship experience.

This conjunction, though it was exact on Tuesday, March 5th, will have an effect on us Saturday, March 2nd through Thursday, March 7th.  Think back over the last few days about what has shown up for you in this regard, and with a day or two remaining, make the most of the healing potential of this transit by allowing yourself to feel the pain and understand what you need to heal it.

Thank you for reading and sharing.   Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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