astro_2gw_200_nigeria_girls__kidnapping.66698.1947This shocking event occurred on 15 April 2014, which was an 8 numerological day – a day of power, influence, and strength.  The dark side of this energy is control and/or manipulation in order to gain control.  All characteristics of the 8 energy apply to this event in some way.

I was looking for an exact time of the kidnapping in the news reports, but was unable to find it.  It seems to reports of the militants moving toward the town & school were made right before midnight, but the other reports say the attack itself did not happen until right before dawn, so I chose to draft the chart based on 5:00a of 15 April 2014 local time.

This is the day that the Cardinal T-Square of Jupiter in Cancer opposite Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries was strengthened by Mercury conjuncting Uranus in Aries at the pivot.  Mars Retrograde in Libra was in opposition to Mercury and square to Pluto Retrograde on this day, bringing forth actions to back up their intentions.  This is a strong indicator that the militants were committed to bringing their beliefs about Western education to Light.  They wanted people to know just how unacceptable this is to them, and did so by abducting these girls from their home/comfort zone.  Jupiter in Cancer would have been in the 4th house (private, personal, domestic status, home) and Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn would have been in the 10th house (publicity, social-professional status) at the time of the kidnapping.

A special dynamic outside of the T-Square configuration was the Aries Sun-Juno conjunction opposite Ceres Retrograde-Moon in Libra conjunction, with Juno at 23° and the Sun at 25° opposing Ceres Retrograde at 25° and the Moon at 22° at the time of the kidnapping.  With the Libra Moon conjuncting Ceres,this amplified the focus on feminine energy.  With the Sun and Juno conjunct in Aries on the other side, this only strengthened the masculine aggression toward the feminine energy.

Another important dynamic outside of the T-Square configuration was a Venus in Pisces-Jupiter in Cancer trine.  At its best, this would celebrate the growth and expansion of the nurturing of girls/women in alignment with a transcendent ideal.   However, this Venus-Jupiter trine may speak directly to the fact that this was a mass abduction from the dorm or temporary “home” where the girls felt safest and most secure.  Since home is represented by the sign of Cancer and Pisces can represent what is hidden, mysterious, and/or inexplicable as well as the delusional and idealistic, this tandem makes sense in this context.  The Pisces energy could also reinforce that this event occurred in the middle of the night, when it was least likely to be prevented, detected, or disrupted.

One other transit of note at the time of the kidnapping is Mars Retrograde in Libra quincunx Chiron in Pisces.  Though it seemed to be indirectly related at first (as quincunx aspects often do), this event triggered a significant wound to the collective vision held by the community and nation regarding these girls being educated to accomplish great things in the world.  Jupiter in Cancer entered a trine with Chiron in Pisces later in the morning (about 9:00a local time), indicating that the wound(s) could expand their reach and be felt very deeply and felt throughout the world – it did just that.

One other thing that stands out to me is Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio in the 8th house at the time of the kidnapping.  If I interpret this literally, this indicates a transformation of the authority and/or power structures in place from the outside in.  This event has definitely called many things into question as there has been a great deal of collective introspection as the Nigerian government and the people of Nigeria assess the effectiveness and power of the authority and security structures in place.  This may signify a recognition of how much power and influence the militia may have over the government and military of Nigeria at this time.  This may also signify the extreme that finally tips the scales in a way that has the Nigerian government into action against a terrorist group that has long challenged this African nation over the subject of Western education.

This mass kidnapping was definitely intended to make a statement, and it did by instilling terror in the hearts of the female population and in the hearts and minds of all who support the empowering of women and girls in Nigeria and in the world.

Yet it also brought to Light the fact that these religion-culture and gender equality issues still abound in the world today, even now in 2014.  The Western world is often oblivious to the degree of difficulty many Middle Eastern and African nations face in regard to the blending of Eastern cultural-social-religious beliefs and practices with Western social-cultural-political practices. Many Westerners fail to acknowledge the difficulties of the implementation or conversion process, even though many Western nations still face similar challenges (though often on a lesser scale).

There are many people in all of our nations that believe that new isn’t better and that traditions and beliefs of their ethnicities and cultures should remain the same.  Some of those who believe in the status quo are willing to take arms in order to preserve their beliefs, and this mass abduction is one of the examples of the lengths to which the believers will go to preserve the world as they know it.

From the perspective of our collective Oneness, it is easy to recognize the shift that is happening in the world, and how these old, outdates, antiquated beliefs no longer serve the greater whole of humanity and the world.  Yet those of us in the West would be wise to refrain from judging those in the East until we are willing to look at ourselves and our own cultural struggles in the same vein.  Recognize where we are willing to fight for the status quo in our own lives, in our own cultures, in our own institutions.  Where do you see the status quo fighting for its survival? Are you one of the ones fighting for that survival?

In the face of the militant actions of this group, the other people of Nigeria are ready to prove themselves stronger, and the world is gathering behind them.  There will be losses in this battle, but if I stand by the positive elements of the Venus-Jupiter trine, the militia will eventually fall and the people – and the girls – will prevail.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Main info references:

Article by AP:

Chart by Astrodiesnt ( – Chart drafted to nearest city/town to Chibok, Borno State, Nigeria in database (Abuja, Nigeria) at 5:00a local time.




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