Pink Rose - hdwallpapers.inThe much-dreaded Mercury Retrograde is upon us, with it changing direction in the sign of Cancer at 4:57a PDT on Saturday, 07 June 2014.  I’ve stated my position on retrogrades before, but I’ll address what is happening with this June 2014 version in particular in this post.

This June 2014 Mercury Retrograde may be more interesting than the usual Mercury Retrograde because for its first 10 days, it involves emotion-based and emotion-driven communications common when this planet is traveling in the sign of Cancer.  Yet what you may notice is that you are faced with your own emotional reactions to the information and communications you are witness to and/or receive from others.

With Mercury in Cancer, there is likely to be a lot of talk about family, nurturing, caring, and protecting of emotional interests.  There is also likely to be a lot of revelation about what people really feel about their connections with certain family members or loved ones.  You may find yourself reassessing your own relationships with your family and friends as result of what you hear, see, and learn.

However, one of the biggest revelations you may have and/or lessons you may learn through this 2014 Mercury Retrograde in Cancer is about emotional reciprocation.  You get to assess whether or not you’re giving care and love to others because you genuinely feel love for them, or if you’re giving it in order to receive love back from the people you give to.  When you are giving nurturing love and care to others, do you really care with your heart about the people you are extending loving care to…or are you giving from an empty or hurting heart, hoping to do enough to get them to give you the same or more affection in return?

Retrogrades have a “do-over” quality about them, so this is an opportunity for you to look at how you’ve been going about the practice of love, and maybe to make some adjustments in the way you express or communicate your love.  For some of you, that may be learning to express it more openly.  For others of you, it may be learning to express it authentically.  And for others of you still, it may be learning that you need to be honest with yourself and others that trying to make them love you is an emotionally and sometimes mentally exhausting and unfulfilling path to tread – a path that may require a change of course.

Speaking of mental energy, this Mercury Retrograde is a special one because it will change sign!  This retrograde will take Mercury back into its home sign of Gemini on 17 June.  But don’t get too excited about the possibility of things moving along more quickly – you’ll still need to deal with the fact that if The Universe needs you to look at something more closely, it’ll slow things down or pause the agenda altogether.  Things rarely move quickly during retrogrades, and anything rushed or forced through will probably get a second look if not fall apart once Mercury returns to direct motion on 01 July 2014.

That said, I will use this as an opportunity to give a reminder:  If you are getting frustrated or upset by delays or blocks to your communications or dealings, STOP FUSSING!  Take a moment to look at why you may be delayed.  Is there anything you need to look at more closely?  Is there something you may be missing or forgetting?  Is the Universe giving you an opportunity to step out of a bad situation before you’re stuck in it for the long haul?  Especially because we’re dealing with Mercury, use your mental and analytical skills to think about it before you complain about it.  The slow pace may end up being for a very good reason, so take consideration of your own mindset and communications and what they are contributing to matters during this time.

As Mercury Retrograde travels back through Gemini, it’s a good time for you to think through all that you heard, saw, and learned for that brief time Mercury was in Cancer.  Mercury’s re-entry into Gemini is a chance for you to rethink your ideas and thoughts and theories about what nurturing, care, and love truly are and how and/or why you communicate them the way you do.

Move forward consciously and conscientiously through this Mercury Retrograde with full awareness of how your thoughts and words really do create your life, and use this time to make the adjustments necessary so you can create ways of thinking about and expressing love that feels good to you and true to you.

After all, giving without expectation of how it should come back to us makes it easier to appreciate and receive the love that does come to us.  An open mind allows an open heart.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs & Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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