2015 Capricorn Full Moon 20150630_213607As we begin this calendar month of July 2015, we continue on in the 2015 Cancer Sun period while entering a numerological 6 universal month. Cancer is the “mommy” energy of the Zodiac. Six is the “mommy” energy of numerology. This double dose of maternal dynamism is a rather extraordinary experience…

…and it’s an intensely emotional one, too.

People will be more emotionally sensitive and responsive than usual over the next 3+ weeks, simply because their fundamental emotional truths are being both supported and tested in ways they haven’t been before.

You may find yourself desperate to keep the past in place –maintaining a sense of emotional safety and security that is long familiar to you to avoid feeling any kind of emotional discomfort or pain. Alternatively, you may find yourself eager to move beyond the past into a present and future that doesn’t have the same emotional pain that you’ve felt for so long.

This is the influence of Cancer 6 – a.k.a. the “Super Mommy” dynamic. Like mother bears fiercely protecting their cubs, you’ll notice there will be people defending their emotional status quo. And like snakes shedding their skins, there will also be people releasing their emotional pasts for a more positive and loving emotional experience.

The key here is that all of this is emotion-based. None of this is rooted in tangible reality – it’s all about how we feel, and the belief systems we’ve created upon those feelings. It all about the stories we’ve made up to get by, get through, to get on with our lives despite what we may have actually experienced on the emotional level of our beings. It’s what we each needed to be, say, and/or do in order to make it to where we are now.

The thing is…in acting from your own emotional truths, you might realize that you are acting from whichever age you formed the emotional belief. If you took on the belief when you were 5 years old, you will be acting out as a 5 year old. If you developed an emotional attachment to a certain truth when you were 15 years old, then you’ll act out as a teenager. Under the influence of Cancer 6 Sun energy, you may realize that you might be an adult by age, but you’re acting like a child not getting their way and looking for “mommy” to come and fix it for you.

Understand that everyone is going through this awakening of emotional consciousness and conscience. Just like your own emotion-driven responses may be revealing your emotional immaturity, others’ responses may be revealing their emotional immaturities, too.

Yet on this first day of July 2015, we will each and all be called to account for our emotional responses in the reflection of the 2015 Capricorn Full Moon.

The 2015 Capricorn Full Moon is at maximum phase at 7:20p PDT today, 1st July 2015. As this amplified emotional energy makes its presence known, you may be more eager to defend and protect your emotional truths OR you may be eager to shed them to allow a new emotional experience to emerge from within you. Recognize and remember that through your actions, you are also claiming responsibility for the good, the bad, and the ugly of those truths. You will be held accountable and responsible for whatever expressions of those emotional beliefs you put on display. As result, you may be called to let go of and transform whatever you feel and believe that no longer serves the greater institution of society.

In other words, you may be forced to grow up emotionally. You may not want to grow up, but you also may not have a choice in that matter this time around.

Today is a 7 universal day, numerologically speaking. This is a great day to take some time alone to feel your own feelings, away from the influence or presence of others.  If you can, meditate in nature or in a quiet space – the quiet time in the midst of the Full Moon’s emotional amplification may help you get in touch with your inner emotional truth more easily.

Yet tomorrow is an 8 universal day, and Wednesday, 2nd July may be the day when many of these emotional tantrums emerge in earnest under the influence of the Full Moon.

Getting to the heart of the matter, the Capricorn Full Moon is ultimately a call to be personally and solely responsible for manifesting your own happiness. You’ll be able to see your practical reality alongside your emotional truth, and you’ll be able to see if the two really align with each other. If they are not aligned, it may be time to update your goals and ambitions – to figure out what you really want to manifest now rather than continuing to live in pursuit of goals that no longer serve you well.

Thanks to the Cancer Sun-Pisces Neptune Retrograde trine that also occurs today (at 2:10p PDT), you may also begin realizing that any emotional frustration or upset you may be experiencing might be due to the fact that you’ve been living someone else’s dreams or emotional truths, not your own. You may notice that old interests or passions that you pushed aside in order to “be responsible” in the eyes of your family or your community are actually still within you longing to be fulfilled.

Now may be the time for you to let go of what you erroneously believed was “responsible” so you can now be truly responsible for your emotional satisfaction and your life. Your emotional maturity may very well come through following the feelings in your own heart rather than rather than what you were told to feel by those closest to you up before now. Now, it may be the perfect time to claim your true feelings and seek ways to experience the gratification that comes through pursuing and fulfilling your unfulfilled dreams.

Other significant Cancer 6 Sun transits during this 2015 Cancer Sun period:

7/6 – Sun opposite Capricorn Pluto Rx will find us face to face with the collapse of social and/or societal institutions. What no longer serves a purpose is being destroyed and transformed into something that does serve. Major “mommy” withdrawals and emotional tantrums may be evident on and around this day as people and institutions begin to be held accountable for their behaviors.

7/12 – Sun square Aries Uranus will awaken some independent streaks in individuals and possible in groups as individuals find like-minded others to align with. This may also reveal a larger collective uprising in which large numbers of individuals come together in intellectual and emotional alignment to say “enough is enough”.

7/13 – Sun trine Pisces Chiron Rx opens a door to healing the emotional pain that has lingered below the surface for so long and is now surfacing.  Of course, people must be willing to walk through the door. Otherwise, this could lead to even more pain and suffering as old wounds could be reopened. Either way, the healing will come eventually or gradually as emotional healing often takes longer than any other form.

7/18 – Sun sextile Virgo Black Moon Lilith brings light to our deepest emotional truths – this may be the darkness that no one has wanted to see or acknowledge…yet it’s also possible that what’s been hiding in that darkness may not be as bad as feared.  There’s only one way to find out – be willing to get in there!

7/21 – Sun trine Scorpio Saturn Rx brings revelations of the structures in place and lines being drawn in order either to defend and protect emotional truths OR to destroy and collapse the truths which no longer serve. With the Sun-Pluto Rx opposition 2 weeks before, this could very well be a last stand for the old structure to remain standing before it falls, making way for a new and very different structure being put in its place.

Wishing you emotional fulfillment and happiness on this Capricorn Full Moon day, throughout this Cancer 6 period, and in your life moving forward!

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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