medical_110001499-011314intThe tension has been building, and it comes to its peak at 11:56p PDT on Wednesday, 16th September 2015 when Jupiter in Virgo makes exact opposition with Neptune Retrograde in Pisces.

Jupiter is all about growth and expansion. Virgo is all about practical and purposeful service – healing, health, wellness, and functionality. If something’s not working, Jupiter in Virgo makes finding a solution for it a big deal. If something works, Virgo Jupiter makes it work better and on a bigger scale. Jupiter in Virgo is saying, “I want to see my work making a practical and meaningful difference in my everyday life and in the everyday lives of those around me.” It’s saying, “I want the effects of my service to be productive and expansive.”

Yet this 2015 Jupiter in Virgo has a curious twist. Virgo is known for healing and problem-solving, and Jupiter has a penchant for increase and amplification. This is the strong indicator of the quickly-growing practical problems we are currently facing – problems which need comprehensive and expandable practical solutions. One major example of this is the global matter of immigration. Both the refugee crisis in the Middle East and Europe and the continuing debate on immigration in the Americas reflect the dynamic expansion and swelling concerns about what is being left behind and what is ahead for both the refugees who are migrating and the nations and peoples who are receiving them.

Neptune is all about dreams, visions, and fantasies – imagination, artistry, and escapism. Pisces is about Oneness and connection to Source – transcendental ideals and selfless service to All-That-Is. Retrogrades always provide feedback, so information is coming from the outside-in. Neptune Retrograde in Pisces is saying, “I want to see how well I am serving or catering to your ideals and beliefs” and/or “I want to see if and how well you are serving my ideals or expectations.”

However, this 2015 Neptune Retrograde in Pisces brings a challenge. You see – when faced with the reality and expanse of practical problems, Pisces Neptune Retrograde doesn’t want to deal. Instead, it would rather keep its head in the sand…or underwater…or in the clouds. Anywhere reality isn’t, Neptune Retrograde in Pisces wants to be.

To revisit the previous example, there are hundreds of thousands of people seeking the ideal of a better quality of life outside of their war-torn nations of origin. Yet there are so many people, there is now talk of, if not the actual attempts, to implement fences and walls to prevent the flow of refugee migration. There are countries unwilling to take on refugees out of security concerns (fear) of terrorism and/or concerns of economic hardship or collapse. Refugee camps are immense, holding centers are filling, and people are still risking (or giving) their lives in their efforts to get out of the places they come from. There are countries – at first eagerly willing to accept the masses – now realizing that their resources are being strained and they need to better regulate the influx of people. Yet instead of seeking solutions which are practical, purposeful, and tangibly implemented in healthy and morally sound ways; many of the ideas coming forth from both sides of the issue are extremely unrealistic. In fact, some of the suggested solutions are blatant national immigration/border violations, and some may end up being international human rights violations.

There are more challenges making themselves known in the world right now, too. There are natural disasters due to fires, floods, and volcanic eruptions. There are progressive world leaders being voted into office while more conservative leaders are being voted out. This opposition between Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces is revealing a growing desperation to find balanced solutions for growing problems. It’s also revealing how some people or groups may be acting in emotion-driven extremes, avoiding practical reality in order to push their idealistic agendas forward. We also see how some people are going to great lengths to keep themselves in denial of the realities of the matters at hand, living in and speaking from bubbles of willful ignorance or delusions of the greatness of their beliefs.

These emotional extremes may increase before they subside. This is due to the fact that the Scorpio Moon makes exact sextile to Jupiter and exact trine to Neptune Retrograde within mere minutes following the exact Jupiter-Neptune opposition. For about 12 hours (from about 6:45p PDT on the 16th until 6:45a PDT on the 17th), the Moon’s emotional energy will make its presence known by swaying people into all-or-nothing emotional responses to whatever realities are occurring and setting in around them. It would be very wise NOT to make any impulsive decisions – give yourself time to feel and think things through. Otherwise, any emotionally rash decisions may result in some swift and unbiased feedback for you as Mercury begins its next retrograde in Libra only about 4.5 hours later at 11:10a PDT on the 17th.

So, how do you recognize which end of the Jupiter-Neptune opposition you’re working from – the reality or the fantasy?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you growing and expanding the quality and functionality of your everyday life?
  • Are you growing and expanding the quality and functionality of the everyday lives of others?
  • Are you a victim of the personal beliefs or ideals of others, or being a martyr for your own?
  • Are you victimizing others with your personal beliefs or ideals, or are you pushing others in the hopes of getting them to martyr themselves for yours?
  • Are you serving in ways which positively reflect your emotional and/or spiritual ideals and beliefs? And are you serving in ways make things work in practical, purposeful, and healthy-healing ways for as many people as possible?

The key is to make sure that whatever is in your best interests is also in the best interests of everyone around you in practical ways. If your ideal doesn’t make your life and the lives of others function better in everyday reality than they did before, it’s not in your best interests.

This Virgo Jupiter-Pisces Neptune Retrograde opposition is going to give us a bumpy ride these next few days, but the silver lining in it all is that it may finally bring some if not all of these matters into a balanced perspective – a perspective which gets enough of us on the same page to begin creating realistic plans and making practical progress in solving the growing challenges we face in our families, in our communities, in our nations, and in our world.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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