healing the heart of the world - graphicstockChiron is known as “the wounded healer”, excellent in solving problems and healing wounds in practical and purposeful ways as the ruler of Virgo…often because it has had those same wounds and challenges itself at one point. It shares with others its means for regaining its health and well-being.

Chiron has been traveling in the sign opposite its sign of rulership, Pisces, since 2011. This is great because Pisces is also a sign of service, though it focuses on large-scale service – charity, philanthropy, and/or spiritual or transcendental service to All-That-Is. It recognizes the interconnectedness of everyone and everything which is a very noble and inclusive perspective, but Piscean energy can also encourage victimization or martyrdom in individuals or groups when they don’t feel included or connected.

Chiron in Pisces was traveling in its latest phase of retrograde motion since 24th June 2015. Retrograde motion means that the energy being generated by Chiron in Pisces was being projected toward you from the outside-in rather than generated and projected from within you out into the world. While Chiron in Pisces was retrograde, you may have become more aware of how wounded the world is…beyond yourself. Instead of feeling like you were a victim, you were given a chance to see what real victimization really is and how your experience of being a victim may pale in comparison. The old cliché was confirmed – “No matter how badly you think you’ve got it, there’s always someone who’s got something worse”.

Yet this confirmation wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. What the 2015 Chiron Retrograde in Pisces did its best to teach you and all of us is that each and all of us need something, and just because you may be in need doesn’t mean that others aren’t in need as well. You also may have learned that playing victim to others doesn’t ensure that you will get what you want or be served the way you want to be served, and hurting others because you’re hurting really doesn’t heal anyone – it just leaves us all walking around in pain and fear.

You may have learned these lessons the hard way – through others coming to you asking for assistance or service while you believed you needed the same and didn’t have much if anything to give. You may have realized how you play martyr in your life – trying to save others from their pain while you are in pain yourself. You may be protecting or defending yourself and others from threats to emotional and spiritual well-being – threats which are both real and imagined.

Yet the greatest gift the 2015 Chiron Retrograde in Pisces gave all of us was awakening to and awareness of the fact that each and every one of us feels wounded and needs healing in some way. Chiron Retrograde in Pisces blessed us with the gift of empathy and compassion – not just for ourselves, but for others beyond ourselves.

Having returned to direct motion as of 10:43p PST on 27th November 2015, Chiron Direct in Pisces is now reminding you to focus on yourself again. Look at how you interact with the world. Look at how you play victim to others…or how you choose to martyr/sacrifice your well-being for others.

Chiron Direct in Pisces is asking you to recognize how your own emotional-spiritual wounds are part of a bigger wound – the wound of the collective whole; the wound of Oneness. Collectively, we’ve lost our sense of connection to each other. We’ve lost our sense of our place in the world, in humanity, in the Universe. We aren’t sure where we stand right now, and we’re looking to each other for answers which are not necessarily clear…only because we’re not allowing ourselves to look at a bigger picture.

The challenge here is that you may be so focused on protecting or defending your wounds that you aren’t able to see how this affects All-That-is. You may not be able to see that the woundedness you feel is the woundedness we all feel – that everyone and everything feels. Even though we may each have a different individual experience of that wound, the wound at its core is still the same.

We each want to feel safe and secure. We each want to love and be loved unconditionally. We each want to know that we are emotionally and spiritually connected to something bigger than ourselves, and through that something bigger, we are connected to each other. We are One, and we want that sense of Oneness to be healed.

Yet you learned while Chiron was retrograde that the world isn’t going to change to accommodate you. That experience was intended to shift the inquiry. As part of Oneness – as a part of the collective whole of All-That-is – it’s not about how is the world going to change and affect you. It comes down to how willing you are to change your emotional-spiritual perceptions of your (service) role for others in the world.

With Chiron Direct in Pisces, the questions are…

  • How do you intend to attend to healing your own emotional-spiritual wounds?
  • How do you intend to heal yourself so you can truly be of service to the world in healing others?

If anything over the last few months, we’ve learned that emotional-spiritual hypocrisy really doesn’t work. It doesn’t work to try and heal others while we are mortally bleeding. We cannot be in truly selfless service to others if we are busy hurting ourselves or keeping our wounds open. If we are to earnestly bring healing to the world, we must be willing to face, forgive, release, and heal what is wounded in ourselves.

So, what can you do to heal yourself now? How can you serve in ways which heal you as well as others? This is your project over the next seven months while Chiron in Pisces is in direct motion.

Here are the Chiron Direct in Pisces transits coming up in the next 2-3 weeks:

  • Sagittarius Mercury square Chiron in Pisces on 1st December – Thoughts and ideas may have been communicated before they were fully thought through, revealing some blunt and painful truths and salting open emotional-spiritual wounds. However, the pain reveals where healing needs to occur.
  • Sagittarius Sun square Chiron in Pisces on 9th December –The more you grow and expand, the more your weaknesses and wounds become exposed. Shining your Light of Truth into the world may reveal emotional-spiritual wounds previously hidden. It’s time to heal what you may not have known was (still) wounded.
  • Scorpio Venus trine Chiron in Pisces on 19th December – By allowing yourself to be deeply vulnerable on the emotional-spiritual level, you may gain access to the core of the wound and finally heal it at its source. One-on-one connections help heal those emotional-spiritual wounds. From the 17th through the 21st (including a Chiron-Moon conjunction on the 17th), this transit is part of a larger configuration in which societal objectives may finally be clarified, making it more clear which emotional-spiritual beliefs and Truths are wounded and need to be addressed and healed in order for those societal objectives to be achieved. We may finally begin to recognize that no matter where we may physically live in the world, we are each and all connected through our simple common existence and our common desire to belong, be safe, and be loved unconditionally.

Chiron will continue to be in the sign of Pisces until 2019. Chiron in Pisces’ next retrograde phase will begin in late June 2016.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings to you,





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