yellow falling-lights_fkjLwKBO - GraphicstockNOTE: Happy 2016 to you! I’m playing a bit of post-holiday catch-up on transits, so bear with me. This is the first of a few posts which will be coming over the next day or two.

While Uranus in Aries was retrograde, each and all of us were getting feedback. We may not have liked the feedback we were getting, but it was an opportunity for us to recognize that we’ve been trying to let each other know that the status quo has become a “no go”.

As of 7:53p PST on Friday, 25th December 2015, Uranus in Aries turned back to direct motion and as it did, it also turned the tide. If you didn’t receive the message that was being forecast about people wanting something new or different, that message is now being delivered loud and clear.

The outcasts and eccentrics are now becoming the mainstream. “Different” is the new normal.

People want different – something new, something unique, something that doesn’t subscribe to convention or tradition. They want people and processes which are “outside the box”. They want unpredictability. They want rebels, outcasts, and eccentrics…and with Uranus now direct, they’re beginning to act upon their desires for something out of the ordinary.

Uranus in Aries’ latest change of direction occurred on a 9 universal day – a day of fulfillment, completions, endings, and clearings. This collective intention to buck convention makes it undeniably clear that the social agreements that have been in place for decades if not centuries are no longer agreed upon by the larger whole which is now calling for their end. Uranus in Aries direct speaks to a notable shift in popular opinion, or rather, a significant shift in what is deemed to be socially acceptable by the people who have been living under those ideologies. The people’s revolution is upon us.

Yet amongst the people, who’s way of making changes will win the day? Which intellectual ideas are now most popular? Which ways of thinking and speaking are dominant in the culture now? That’s the beauty of this movement toward new and different. Though we are clearly ready to implement something new, we aren’t sure exactly what that new will be. This plays to Uranus’ unpredictability. The element of surprise is in play, and we (as the collective of humanity) may very well surprise ourselves through our acts of free will.

And though there is consensus that the old ways are no longer acceptable, the challenge in making these changes arises in not knowing which ideology holds the majority – the uncertainty in how will convention be bucked. This uncertainty is where the Aries inclination toward aggression and anger is likely to find an opening for its expression.

It’s important for us to recognize that new isn’t easy. Though change is long overdue in many of our communities and cultures, we’d be wise not to change too quickly. Aries is an impulsive energy. Therefore, people may be making choices and taking actions to make changes before they think through what they’re setting into motion. They may be so desperate for different that they don’t stop to think about how much will be different if “different” is actually implemented. Every action has a reaction, and though different may be appealing, it could come at a high cost to individual and collective freedoms. Autonomy and independence could be sacrificed for the “greater good”.

Uranus itself rules over technology and mass communication, and when we look at its role in the sign of Aries, we see the following:

  • Traditional media outlets seem to be delivering information with a distinctively more assertive tone in order to improve their ‘entertainment value’ and ratings. These communications and exchanges of information seem to be reflecting the anger and frustration with the fact that the public’s value of mainstream media is decreasing. Traditional media is quickly being disregarded and replaced in the court of public opinion.
  • Yet social media – the “replacement media” – is also becoming increasingly belligerent and aggressive, with certain communities revving up their rhetoric, speaking to fighting, battles, and/or war over ideologies and practices. Notice the increase in hostile words and phrases being used in communications in the last week or two. Notice the increasing polarity among varied ideologies.
  • The use of technological hardware and software is also increasing, and it’s being used or applied in more blatantly aggressive and controlling ways than ever before.

The energy of Uranus in Aries direct is making the beginning of 2016 much more interesting than it might be otherwise. The revolution has begun, and the outcasts and eccentrics are its leaders. It’ll be exciting to see how its influence plays out in the coming weeks and months.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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