glass-heart_GJfIk8dd - graphicstockVenus entered the sign of Pisces at 7:23p PST on 12th March 2016. When it did, it shifted our partnership awareness from others in our communities to our co-creative partnership with the Universe and our role in Oneness.

Our co-creative partnership with the Universe is just that – partnership with All-That-Is. By asking for what we want or need, we are recognizing that we cannot fulfill our intentions alone or on our own. Therefore, we are acknowledging our interdependence with Universal connection and providence.

I use the word interdependence because the Universe also cannot fulfill on its intentions without employing each one of us in its plans and processes. Each one of us has a role in the bigger picture – in the greater reality of All-That-Is. There are things going on behind the scenes and beyond our human knowing that we could never comprehend. The Universe works with each and all of us simultaneously to bring about the manifestations of our heartfelt , clearly-defined, and clearly-communicated intentions and requests.

By recognizing and acknowledging each of our roles in the bigger picture, it is undeniable that we are inevitably and inseparably interconnected. This truth makes each of us part of a collective whole – part of Oneness. The fabulous thing is…we are each part of Oneness. We cannot be separate of Oneness. Therefore, we are never ever alone and we are never ever an outsider. Even if we feel separate from others, that separation is an illusion because we are all energetically intertwined.

To acknowledge our interconnectedness means that we each are each other. I am you, you are me, they are you, you are them, I am them, they are me…we’re all connected, and we are all connected to everyone and everything. All beings and all realities are One.

This also means that through Venus in Pisces, we are in partnerships with ourselves.

Once we are aware of this, we get to examine our relationships with ourselves and how they are reflected in our relationships with others. We also get to face the reality of how peace in our relationships and partnerships actually comes about.

There are two facts to learn and understand:

  • There cannot be peace in victimization – it requires that you hold someone or something else accountable for your emotions, feelings, or beliefs.
  • There cannot be peace in martyrdom – it requires that you hold yourself accountable for someone or something else’s emotions, feelings, or beliefs.

If you are part of Oneness, you cannot find peace by believing yourself to be separate from others. You cannot shift blame or responsibility onto others on Oneness – the responsibility is always your own because we are all One.

That said, how can we have individual accountability and responsibility if we are One? How can we distinguish our individual responsibilities if we are connected to the Whole?

In our individualities, we get to each treat ourselves as we would treat others…and we each treat others as we would treat ourselves.

In a space of true partnership, compassion and unconditional love reign and there is peace. There is an acceptance that the other is a part of you, just as you are a part of them. This is where the precept of “do onto others as you would have them do unto you” resides – by treating others with the compassion and acceptance you would want to receive from them, it comes back to you through Oneness…though this return is often indirect. To that point…

If you see yourself as a victim, do your best to love others. If you are able to give others what you seek and need for yourself emotionally and spiritually, then you aren’t desperately seeking that fulfillment in or from others. There is no pressure on you to find another person or being to fulfill your emotional and/or spiritual needs, and there is no pressure on others to fulfill your needs. Relationships are less complicated because you aren’t expecting or demanding that others give you something you won’t give yourself.

If you see yourself as a martyr, do your best to love yourself. If you are able to give yourself what you eagerly give others, then you aren’t denying or sacrificing yourself by putting others’ needs before your own. There is no pressure on you to fulfill the emotional and/or spiritual needs of others, and there is no pressure on others to be (or to pretend to be) helpless to fulfill your needs. Relationships are less complicated because you aren’t giving others what you need to be giving yourself.

However, both these efforts are challenging if you don’t believe yourself to be worthy or deserving of receiving love and compassion. If you don’t believe you should receive it, then you will have a difficult time giving it to anyone else.

This is why it is so important for you to recognize yourself as part of Oneness – to recognize that you deserve the same love and compassion simply because you are part of it ALL.

Some upcoming transits for thisglass-heart_GJfIk8dd - graphicstock 2016 Venus in Pisces:

  • Pisces Venus conjunct Neptune, most exact on 20th March – Emotional-spiritual connections may bring forth transcendental experiences. Yet be aware – the rose-colored glasses may also be on in full force. If a deal or agreement seems too good to be true, it very well may be. Use discernment.
  • Pisces Venus trine Scorpio Juno Rx, most exact on 23rd March – Your partners’ all-in commitment to develop a stronger bond between you may have you reassessing your own partnership commitments. Are you all-in? Are you as committed…or are you happy with your partnership not being clearly-defined?
  • Pisces Venus opposite Virgo Jupiter Retrograde & square Sagittarius Saturn, most exact on 25th March – Partnerships hold potential for healing emotional-spiritual wounds and as result, bringing solutions to growing problems. However, facts need to be acknowledged for true healing to truly take place.

Embrace your place in Oneness during this 2016 Venus in Pisces period. Venus will continue on in Pisces now until the morning of 5th April 2016.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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