Sun-Mercury Eclipse - Canva, GraphicstockTaurus energy tends to simultaneously bring out the best and worst in us. This is because Taurus reminds us about our comfort zones and the level of material, physical, and financial resource we need, want, or are familiar with. It activates our survival mechanisms, with the biggest challenge being the moments we recognize…our comfort zones may not actually be comfortable for us. Living under the influence of the Taurus Sun, we are quickly reminded that familiarity and comfort are NOT the same thing.

At 8:13a PDT on Monday, 9th May 2016, Mercury makes a conjunction transit with the Taurus Sun (19.42°). During a conjunction of Sun and Mercury in Taurus, you are being empowered to stand up and speak up for yourself and the lifestyle you want to live. Regardless of what someone else has or wants, this is all about you and what makes you feel stable, safe, secure, and at ease. Which resources and how much of them do you need in order to feel your self-identity is supported?

This isn’t your ordinary Sun-Mercury conjunction, though.

For one, the 2016 Mercury in Taurus is currently in retrograde motion. This means that you have an opportunity to receive feedback, information, and insights from others. It is an opportunity to look, listen, and learn about what is happening around you…and to better assess what you really want for yourself. The feedback you receive at this time will help you learn and understand why change may be needed or necessary in your life. It will be clear to you who and what aligns with your desired lifestyle and who and what doesn’t.

As you listen to what others have to say to you, you may begin to notice that you don’t want what they may want. You may find that people around you don’t agree or align with your lifestyle desires. You may realize that you’re not comfortable in your comfort zone because it may never have been your comfort zone in the first place – you may have adopted someone else’s as your own. The more you find yourself agreeing or disagreeing with what you hear and see, the more you come into your own recognition of who you want to be in your life and what you need in regard to material-physical-financial resources to support your self-identity.

Secondly, Mercury Retrograde in Taurus will actually cross over the Sun, creating an eclipse. The funny thing is, Mercury is tiny – it’s 285 times smaller than the Sun! Therefore, when this rare eclipse occurs (only 12 times in 100 years), the Sun won’t be blacked out. Instead, Mercury will appear as a little black dot moving across the Sun. This eclipse factor only amplifies the power of this Sun-Mercury Retrograde conjunction, making the messages which come through now even stronger, more profound, and dare I say, more urgent. The communications which occur at this time will be intense. The kid gloves come off, and things which need to be said will be said. The thing is…the words and the thoughts, beliefs, and ideas they express may be painful and uncomfortable to hear, but they’re necessary so that everyone involved knows where they stand in matters of their personal values and resources and the lifestyles they live as result.

Thirdly, the Taurus Sun-Mercury Retrograde eclipse is part of a planetary geometric configuration called a Nodal Grand Trine-Kite – making trine aspect to North Node in Virgo and Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, and a sextile aspect to South Node in Pisces, and the configuration is at its most exact at the time the conjunction/eclipse is most exact.

The South Node is the point of the Kite, meaning that all of the energy of this configuration is going into idealistic Piscean dreams and visions of Oneness, peace, and emotional-spiritual healing. However, the trine reveals that in order for that vision to become reality, there must be the necessary exchange of information, ideas, and insights in order to acquire the resources needed (Taurus Sun + Mercury Rx) to fulfill karmic lessons and develop the karmic mastery (Virgo North Node) needed to cause a major transformation of the societal institutions which are in place (Cap Pluto Rx) so that healing and Oneness can occur (Pisces South Node).

There is a fatedness about this whole 2016 Sun-Mercury Retrograde eclipse experience. It will feel like your future (individually) and our future (collectively) is in the balance. The challenge will be how to discuss, debate, and come together to come up with solutions to make things work on a practical level so that the necessary societal changes can be made to heal wounds and bring all of us together with a common dream and/or goal. A great deal of empathy and compassion will be required – those are qualities which are not easily developed, especially in such a polarized social climates such as the ones many of us are living in now.

Last but not least, we take a look at the numerology to find out this is a 5 universal day – a day of change, variety, versatility, and unexpected events. This numerological energy plays nicely to the Capricorn Pluto Retrograde energy, strongly encouraging transformative change to occur. This also indicates that changes will come to those who won’t willingly make them.  If you’re holding on or holding out for a sign or one that’s big or obvious so you have no doubt change is needed, well…today may very well be the day you get your big sign.

Oh! And one more thing – as this is technically an eclipse, the effects of this 2016 Taurus Sun-Mercury Retrograde conjunction and transit will be felt for a long time to come. This eclipse and Kite configuration combo is a catalyst for change which is certain to start today, with its effects lasting well beyond this day. Even if there isn’t a big event on this day, any big event(s) which occur within the next 2-3 months are likely to have their origins born in today’s energies.

Consider this a day in which an itty-bitty eclipse makes a lasting impression on the world.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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