Love in BalanceVenus entered the sign of Cancer at 12:39p PDT on Friday, 17the June 2016, bringing heightened awareness of the presence or absence of emotional support and encouragement.

Cancer is cardinal water energy, which makes it an initiative emotional energy. It is also the first water sign in the natural order of the Zodiac, meaning it represents our first emotional experiences and our emotional development. As result, Cancer is known for being the “maternal” energy of the Zodiac – the sign in which our first emotional impressions or imprints are made. Where Cancer resides in your chart can reveal where you best express your maternal instincts, but it may also be where and who you look to have your own emotional needs met.

Because it is the “Zodiac mother”, many people believe that Cancer reflects how we mother others – how we nurture, care for, and protect them. It does, but only in that we are apt to nurture for others in direct correlation with or in direct contrast to how we were emotionally nurtured ourselves. As children, we look to the adults around us to help us define ourselves and how we are to be in the world. There is no better example of how to give emotional care and support for people in our lives than the people who provided emotional nurturing, protection, and support to us from the beginning of our lives and along the way through our journey. Some of us will believe our mothers were the best and do our best to emulate them, while others of us will feel our mothers didn’t give us what we needed and do our best to be to our loved ones what our mothers weren’t for us.

Venus in this sign plays its part in representing the ‘others’ we emotionally invest ourselves in. As the ruler of Libra (another cardinal energy sign, representing the intellect and objective logic of the air element), Venus brings a focus to one-on-one relationships and interactions of all kinds. To that point, partnerships are usually seen as relationships which require an equal (or pre-determined) balance of power and responsibility, and reciprocation. Here is also great effort applied to establishing and maintaining emotional balance and peace.

Therefore, Venus in Cancer could be explained as taking an objective, emotionally-detached assessment of the reciprocity and balance in our emotion-driven one-on-one relationships – an assessment which often shows up as the following questions:

  • Who emotionally supports, encourages, and protects you?
  • Who and/or what do you emotionally support, encourage, and protect?
  • Is there an equally-balanced reciprocation of emotional support, encouragement, and protection? Does there need to be?

Venus in Cancer addresses the provision of emotional nurturing, caring, and protection. Who gives you the emotional encouragement you need to move forward and upward in your life? And who discourages or neglects you? You may want to figure out how to be more selective in who you are in one-on-one relationships of all kinds with, but especially your personal ones.

You may also take notice of who you are emotionally supportive of. Who do you naturally want to encourage, and who do you resist or avoid encouraging and supporting? This is also very important to recognize and acknowledge during this time. If you don’t really care or feel a positive emotional connection with someone or something, Venus in Cancer may help you see where and how you need to shift your energies away from what you don’t care about and to who and what you truly do care about.

To these points, if you’re having trouble finding the balance in your partnership(s) and relationships with loved ones, it may help to identify how they express their emotional investment in you…and to notice how you emotionally invest in them. It would be wise for you to notice how your partner(s) and loved ones in your life actually express themselves emotionally. Not everyone is wired to give physical affection or encouraging words. Some people may find themselves giving material, physical, or financial resources as their way of showing emotional support. Some may give you intellectual or logical advice or solutions to your problems. Some may even take action on your behalf or in your defense. This new understanding could be the best part of this 2016 Venus in Cancer…or it could be the hardest part as you may realize that others may express their emotions in ways that aren’t aligned with the emotional expression you need to receive, and you may not express your emotions in ways they need to receive.

One more thing to note: it is easy for Venus in Cancer to become overprotective of their partners or to nurture them in excess. Many people have become so fearful of being emotionally neglectful, they may believe they must to go to the opposite extreme in order not to neglect their loved ones. Yet being overly present may deny your partner(s) their independence and autonomy. They need your encouragement, but they also need you to give them space to be themselves. Keep in mind that the way you choose to be present for someone reveals just as much if not more about you than it does about them.

Here are the upcoming 2016 Venus in Cancer transits:

Cancer Venus trine Pisces Neptune Retrograde, most exact on 27th June – Are your partnerships meeting your ideals? Are you meeting the partnership ideals of others? This is a great energy for recognizing and acknowledging what fulfills your idealistic or romantic partnership vision.

Cancer Venus opposite Capricorn Pluto Retrograde, most exact on 30th June – As the societal standards for achievement and success are undergoing major transformations, are you still as emotionally invested in the same projects or people you were before…or has your perspective of your relationships changed?

Cancer Venus sextile Virgo Jupiter, most exact on 1st July – Where are you finding your emotional encouragement and support is making the most practically positive difference? Where is your caring and nurturing having the most positive effect on progress, growth, and expansion of purpose?

Cancer Venus trine Scorpio Mars, most exact on 6th July – This is the time to take decisive action(s) to reveal and/or honor your emotional investments. This could be a time of great emotional intensity and intimacy – be ready to let your guard down to let others know where you’re willing to stand up for love.

Cancer Venus square Aries Uranus, most exact on 7th July –  You may find yourself in one of two positions – either assertively (or aggressively)standing up for your emotional investments…or possibly standing up to loved ones in order to assert your own autonomy and independence.

Cancer Venus trine Pisces Chiron Retrograde, most exact on 8th July – Listen to others’ share their pain in order to find the emotional balance needed to heal long-standing wounds.

Venus moves into the sign of Leo on 11th July.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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