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With Uranus in Aries, we have been asserting our individual self-expressions while seeking communities where our individual expressions are accepted and encouraged. We have been looking for like-minded people with whom we can make our unique contributions to something greater than ourselves and make both our individual and collective greatness known in doing so.

As Uranus in Aries begins its latest round of retrograde motion today, Friday 29th July 2016 at 2:06p PDT, it gives us an opportunity to see the effects our communities or tribes have on our individual self-expressions.

With Uranus Retrograde in Aries, it’s time to awaken, be aware, assess, and align with your True tribe.

On a large scale, what does your tribe stand for? What do they represent? And on a personal level, does your tribe appreciate your unique contribution to its collective whole? And the most important question is…does what your tribe represents also represent your own individual thoughts, beliefs, and actions?

In other words, is your tribe really your tribe?

I ask that because with this event occurring on this numerological 9 universal day in this 9 universal year, it lets us know this 2016 Uranus Retrograde in Aries is giving you one (last) opportunity to clear away and break away from the associations and affiliations which no longer serve you. Over the next five months, you get to figure out if you should stick with your current tribes or move on to new ones which better align with your emerging individual truth. It’s a time to leave (or to begin planning to leave) the associations and affiliations which no longer serve you, to walk away (or prepare to walk away) from the groups which no longer inspire you, to end (or experience the ending) of connections which no longer have a place in your journey because they no longer encourage you to be your individual or independent-minded self.

Of course, with any call to change, there are people who will resist or reject the call. Let’s discuss why under this 2016 Uranus Retrograde in Aries, that resistance or rejection may be a defining moment for them…and for you.

Under the influence of Uranus in Aries, we’ve been experiencing a revolution – an awakening of individuals who are reclaiming their independence from outdated stationary or regressive group/tribal mindsets by becoming more assertive and initiative, standing up and fighting for the changes they want to see in the world.

The amusing irony of this is…as we individually seek to reclaim our individuality and independence from the old tribes, we also begin to realize that we cannot reclaim our power alone. Though a revolution may start with one bold voice, it takes many individual voices coming together as one for a message to be clearly heard. New tribes with a new, evolutionary mindset are forming as result.

In the bigger picture of things, we are all One. Despite all the ways we may try to divide and distinguish ourselves from one another, the truth is that we are all in this together. But until we realize that truth as fact, we will continue to try and divide ourselves and assert our individual identities. It may seem weird, but in order to come together, we must first distinguish our individualities. Then we must gradually find the ways we can authentically connect with other through our commonalities while acknowledging our differences, eventually figuring out ways to connect the whole of humanity. Then we get to connect humanity with the whole of All-That-Is.

Uranus in Aries represents an intellectual battle which is gradually becoming more experiential. Uranus – the ruler of Aquarius – is known to represent innovations in both mass communications and technology, so it’s no surprise that “the revolution will not be televised”. It’s being awakened and documented through a different means of technology. The “old guard” knows how to function and sustain its presence in the television age, but it doesn’t know how to keep up in the age of the worldwide web. The internet is proving to be a powerful tool in the rising of revolutionary energy. With more outlets for information to be freely shared and spread, the “new guard” is able to circumvent the old and get its message out into the world more quickly and effectively than the old can keep up.

And we must remember that we are dealing with Uranus in Aries energy. Ruled by Mars, Aries is the assertive, aggressive, proactive, initiative energy of the Zodiac. Though associated with action and leadership, it is also often associated with selfishness, anger, bullying, and/or acts of violence. Therefore, in the face of a changing society, those who are firmly entrenched in the old ways of the world will be very resistant to and will likely have great anger toward these revolutionary intentions emerging under Uranus in Aries. During this retrograde, the “old guard” will have no choice but to acknowledge the “new guard”. Yet how the old chooses to deal with the new will be the event to watch for the remainder of 2016. It’s likely to be a battle for the ages.

Retrograde means “outside in”. Therefore, we will be more aware of what is happening around us, and that information will help inform us about our own individual positions and perspectives. Will be able to stand with and stand for what we are seeing about our communities and our social affiliations and associations and how they fit in with the bigger picture of society, or will we find ourselves ready to change our affiliations and associations because we can no longer accept or align with what we see them to be?

The retrograde also brings opportunities for second chances and do-overs. If something wasn’t done correctly the first time, here’s a chance for you to correct your course or set the record straight. This could also be a repeating of a challenge or a block with an opportunity for you to triumph over it this time around. This may show up as an opportunity to become part of a community or group you missed a chance to be part of once before. It may also be an opportunity for you to leave a community you should have left long ago.

One other thing – the internet is proving to be an amazing resource for connecting those of like-minds. People no longer need to meet in person to come together – the new technologies give people a way to meet from wherever they are rather than having to come together in a specific geographical location. Community actions can be initiated anywhere by a collection of people from everywhere gathering through a singular technological entity which brings them together from wherever they are. Some say this technology is driving us apart when in reality, it’s not only bringing us together – it’s making us stronger. Yet there will be ways it drives us apart or weakens us…just not in the ways you may expect.

The unexpected benefit of this 2016 Uranus Retrograde in Aries is that we begin to see our communities as collective entities striving for a common goal. From a narrow view, we get to ask ourselves whether or not we recognize our individual role within these groups; whether or not our presence is making a positive difference in and for the other individuals in the collective whole. As this perspective widens, we get to assess whether or not our individual and collective actions are making a positive difference in the bigger picture of our societies and/or our world, and we may choose to align with communities and organization which enable us to be more active and creative in that regard.

Yet the unexpected challenge of this 2016 Uranus Retrograde in Aries is the ever-increasing battle of wills between the old and the new which will likely worsen before it gets better. These next five months are going to be both tense and intense, and a lot of pent-up resentment and anger is going to emerge. We’ll get to recognize whether or not the communities we are part of are fighting to bring forth peace…or fighting to destroy it. Is their internal wiring changing to allow changes of perception of tribalism to occur, or are they hard-wired for the old lines of tribalism? Also, as the new tribes grow and strengthen, the old tribes may become more combative and competitive as they fight for their existence. As the old tribes have a difficult time keeping up with the new, they may resort to last-ditch, extreme efforts to keep themselves in place. This is the beginning of their last gasp.

Uranus in Aries will be retrograde for five months, turning back to direct motion on 29th December 2016 – exactly 5 months from today.

Until then, use this time to figure out if you are participating in and affiliated with communities which include and celebrate who you truly are. Now’s your time to align…with yourself and your tribe.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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