We’ve clearly entered the busy part of this 2018 Gemini Sun period.

After Mercury’s transit into Cancer the day before, and the Gemini New Moon a couple hours before, Venus enters the sign of Leo at 2:54p PDT on Wednesday, 13th June, 2018. This ingress shifts the focus of our 1-on-1 relationships of all kinds to individual, creative self-expression.

Yes, I said individual… while talking about relationships.

That’s what relationships are, right? Two individuals coming together and interacting together for some reason or purpose.

And they’re usually drawn to each other because they are attracted to something in or about the other… individual.

Yet often times, people change in relationships. Their light dims. They lose what makes them unique and special and beautiful in order to be with somebody or to stay with somebody. They make sacrifices in their individual creative self-expression, hiding their light so they don’t outshine their partner or in order to make the relationship a priority.

This 2018 Venus in Leo boldly proclaims, “Don’t do that!”

The 2018 Venus in Leo calls upon each and all of us to stand in our individual spotlights and SHINE! It demands we let our individual brilliance be known by any and all who will see it… and it demands we allow the people who see us to adore us. Yes, we get to receive the love. After all, they love us because we are being our true selves. If we aren’t being our true selves, how could anyone possibly know that we get to be loved by them?

How could we know that we get to be loved by them?

The first reminder Venus in Leo gives us is to remember to let ourselves be seen so we can let ourselves be loved. If they don’t see our glow, they won’t find us… and if we don’t see their glow, we won’t find them. It’s also at this point that we may want to remember that like attracts like, so we will draw in and be drawn to others who shine like us. If you’re shining fully, you recognize others shining fully. That’s when you can best assess whether you and another can form a solid partnership.

The second reminder Venus in Leo gives us is to allow and/or maintain our individual self-expression in a partnership where both people want to be acknowledged by the other. Relationships work wonderfully when both individuals have self-confidence and self-esteem and bring what they have to the table to combine their individual talents to make themselves more brilliant together. But when one or both individuals need the constant validation of the other, this could be problematic.

That’s because even in a “we”, there needs to be a “me”. Even when we are in relationships of any kind with others, we cannot lose our individual self-expression. By foregoing what makes us unique and special in order to be connected with someone else, we lose a large and important part of what makes us who we are. We begin to lose our light, our brilliance, our glow – we begin to lose what makes us shine for ourselves.

We lose what made us attracted to each other in the first place.

So, throughout this 2018 Venus in Leo period (which runs today through 9th July), be sure to keep your solo spotlight shining. That way, you and your partner can both shine individually, and when you bring your solo spotlights together, you’ll be brighter together than you or anyone else could ever imagine…

… and you’ll keep reminding each other who you are and why you’re together in the first place.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,




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