The 2018 Capricorn Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 9:53p PDT on Wednesday 27th June (6.47°). At the time of max phase, the full hearts radiant with the light of the Cancer 8 Sun will be opposing the iron fists of a Capricorn Saturn Retrograde + Capricorn Moon conjunction to bring forth an energy that’s more about using rules and regulations to restrict emotional expression and using (or abusing) institutional power to influence the emotions of others than it is about using institutional power to provide emotionally nurturing support and care for others.

I call the Cancer-Capricorn opposition “the Axis of Intention“ – the Zodiac’s traditional mother/maternal archetype (Cancer) to the Zodiac’s traditional father/paternal archetype (Capricorn). In the case of this 2018 Capricorn Full Moon phase, any emotional expression in exercising paternal, authoritative focus and discipline is profoundly hindered, despite its reflection of the Cancer 8 Sun’s maternal, nurturing support and caring.

This reveals the stark contrast between the two emotional expressions. The Saturn Retrograde+Moon’s conjunction reveals an almost emotionless drive to succeed at all costs, with its emotional expression activated only by the ability to succeed or fail in achieving one’s goals (individual or institutional/societal). Meanwhile, the Sun’s emotional radiance is activated by the awareness of its sympathy for others (individual and/or personal), and with such an emotionless contrast on the opposite end, the experiences of those in touch with their feelings are likely to be fraught with angst, anger, and sadness as it seems nothing they say or do can get their sympathies acknowledged.

The emotional energy we feel during this time will likely be either satisfaction or frustration, with many people who are feeling sympathetic about the current circumstances also feeling frustrated and possibly angry about the lack of compassion being demonstrated by the powers-that-be while those who are in positions of authority (or who are possibly aligned with the authorities) being more focused than ever on moving their intentions and goals forward. If the latter group is frustrated about anything, it’s that their agenda isn’t being implemented quickly enough for their tastes or that their agenda isn’t being well-received or accepted by others without question or challenge.

This isn’t only about institutional or public demonstrations of authority and discipline. There will be many representations of this dynamic in our personal lives as well. We may find ourselves recognizing the authoritarians and disciplinarians in our family circles, friendship circles, and work or professional circles. We’ll also notice those who are focused more on pursuing and achieving their own goals and ambitions than their emotional connections with others.

As we identify the people who play these roles in our lives, we will also recognize how much personal power we give to them or take from them. We will also notice how those power and control dynamics play out in various aspects of our relationships with them.

  • Do we feel empowered or powerless?
  • Do we feel in control or controlled?
  • Do we feel cared for and about or do we feel used and underappreciated?

Sadly, the compassionate “do-gooders” have a pattern of service-driven and savior-minded behavior that is very predictable for those trying to move their disciplinarian agenda forward, and despite their efforts, compassionate service-oriented folks may find themselves outwitted and outlasted by institutional powers-that-be which may be committed to “bigger plan(s)” than many of us realize. Under the influence of this 2018 Capricorn Full Moon, those who are more emotionally sensitive or expressive are likely to feel ignored or disrespected, while those who tend to be more goal-oriented and results-driven may find themselves feeling entitled to acknowledgment and respect.

We must remember – in a Full Moon phase, the Moon is reflecting the Sun’s energy. Therefore, the Cancer 8 Sun, which is powerfully projecting its emotional sympathy for others, is shining its light, revealing the Capricorn Moon’s emotional participation in worldly agendas, intentions, and goals as it does. This 2018 Capricorn Full Moon is forcing each and all of us to confront our own emotional truths about what we’re really emotionally invested in in our personal and collective life experiences. Through that confrontation process, it is revealing those who have forgone their desires for emotional human connection to pursue success solely by worldly terms.

The challenge for all of us in these next few days will be reassessing our what we say we are committed to as those revelations occur, figuring out where we each (or all) stand in the balance – are we aligning with our emotional truths, are we aligning with our earthly goals, or are we more aligned and balanced between the two than we recognize… or are we really too far on one side or the other to restore that balance on our own?

That said, these energy dynamics are not in the favor of those looking for warm and fuzzy embraces or someone to hold their hand through these tough times. Those looking for a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on may find themselves left out in the cold alone. This Capricorn Full Moon is a call to take responsibility for one’s self, including for your own emotions.

The fact is, too many people are too caught up in their own emotions to be able to assist you with yours. It’s not that they don’t care – for many people who are sympathetic, they may care too much, and now it costs them their own emotional well-being to assist you while trying to assist themselves. This isn’t a time to lash out at them. They’re in the same boat as you, and if you are truly compassionate, you’ll understand that it’s time for you to own up to and attend to your own emotional growth. It’s time for you to develop self-love rather than looking to others to validate or affirm the validity of your emotions.

That, and the people who are more focused on achieving worldly objectives and results will not have much if any sympathy nor will they have much care for those seeking emotional nurturing and support. Interestingly enough, these are the people who are likely to find the most support, success, and advancement of their agendas at this time. If you’re focused on the worldly stuff, you’ll likely be having an easier time because you aren’t dealing with the emotional instability – you’re focused on different prizes. Your lack of emotional investment actually serves you very well right now, for in the face of so much heartbreak and disappointment for many, you’re able to use your iron fists to push aside any bleeding hearts which attempt to slow you down.

That said, there are a few other transits to note which are in effect at the time of maximum phase:

  • A Cardinal T-Square of Capricorn Lilith, Aries Juno, and Cancer Mercury is in effect, and though it does not directly transit the Full Moon components and is about to transit out of orb, its presence is still felt at the time of Capricorn Full Moon’s max phase. This indicates a commitment to self-interest, and the only emotional investment being rooted in an intellectual assessment – whether or not something serves oneself. Ego is driving the desire to reach one’s goals and produce results solely for the purpose of saying “I did it!”. For those of us who are self-esteem challenged, this could be good for us to shift our focus from everyone else to ourselves. Yet for those who have plenty of self-esteem, this could reveal arrogant and/or aggressive self-importance.
  • Scorpio Jupiter Retrograde trine Pisces Neptune Retrograde reveals that the best thing to do is to wait and watch, especially if you’re emotionally out of sorts. There’s not much you can do to control matters at this moment, so allow things to play out as they are. This may seem like a nightmare, but there are still truths lurking in the back of the closet eager to come to light. If all else fails, root for the monsters which scare “the monsters” in your life.
  • Leo Venus quincunx Pisces Neptune Retrograde reveals one partner’s demand for acknowledgment of their perceived triumph over the other partner’s ideals. The thing is… those demanding acknowledgment may want to be careful what they wish for as things may appear ideal now, but will they actually be good over the long haul?
  • But the most fascinating configuration is the Progressive Rectangle involving the Full Moon opposition! Formed by the Cancer 8 Sun semi-sextile Leo North Node quincunx Capricorn Saturn Retrograde conjunct Moon semi-sextile Aquarius South Node, this indicates to me that all that of the tension that we are experiencing now has karmic implications and will initiate some MAJOR events which will release that tension in ways which will influence our next steps as individual, as societies/communities, and as the whole of humanity.

We will be feeling the impact of this 2018 Capricorn Full Moon most powerfully from 23rd-30th June, but especially in the 3 days prior to the Full Moon’s maximum phase.

This isn’t going to be easy – having full hearts squeezed through by iron fists. Yet it may be the only way people come to realize just how cold the world can be if we allow its priorities to take us over… yet it may also be the only way we collectively come to realize how powerful love can be if we choose to allow its absence to reignite the light of passion and guide our way forward from within.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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