Yes. You read that title correctly.
There are SIX retrogrades currently active at this time!

I was going to include this breakdown of each of the six retrograde bodies in the article for the 2020 Gemini New Moon, but I decided to make it a quick separate post – a prelude of sorts. I think it may be helpful in better understanding what is happening in the bigger picture of things, especially under the influence of this current New Moon phase.

Our retrograde party attendees are: Venus, Pallas Athena, Juno, Jupiter, Saturn, & Pluto.

Retrogrades are feedback energy, meaning you can learn a great deal about yourself, others, and/or your circumstances at this time. Retrograde energy can also bring second-chance opportunities – chances for you to say ‘yes’ to something you weren’t sure about, said ‘no’ to, or maybe simply missed the first time it came around.

Venus Retrograde in Gemini (currently 20° Gem) means that 1-on-1 relationships of all kinds are having certain elements of their connections being brought into the open, for better or worse. This could reveal the true nature of the connection between two parties or two individuals. This could also reveal the areas of strength and weakness in one or more of your relationships with others, which likely have to do with communication and/or very different (or similar) ways of thinking and/or communicating. Take the information you learn, & apply it to working out the challenges in your relationships or recognizing the relationship doesn’t have enough substance to continue. Yet that doesn’t mean it was a waste of time or energy – carry its lessons forward in your journey.
Gemini Venus returns to direct motion on 25th June (5° Gem).

Pallas Athena Retrograde in Aquarius (currently 0° Aqu) reveals the impact of the patterns of our behaviors, both individually and collectively. The collective patterns are getting quite a bit of attention right now as they are the most obvious under our current circumstances. As some people are frustrated by their inability to adhere to social or societal patterns or norms, others are recognizing the current circumstances as an opportunity to break away from “group think” and to move into healthier, happier, more productive patterns that are focused on improving their individual quality of life based on their own personal standards and needs. The “forced” change is proving a good influence, and encouraging many people to update themselves and their lives, inside and out, in ways which are better for both their individual lives and their communities. You may also find yourself going back to something(s) that worked for you before or supported you in making major life changes that moved you upward and forward.
Pallas re-enters Capricorn on 2nd June, then returns to direct motion in Capricorn on 5th September (12° Cap).

Juno in Libra is nearing the end of its retrograde (currently 5° Lib stationing, going direct on 26th May – 5° Lib), however, it’s still giving us a chance to reassess our commitments of all kinds in our lives, especially in regard to our partnerships and relationships of all kinds. What are we really committed to having in regard to our connections with others? What are our commitments to ourselves when we are in relationships, and do the relationships we are in allow us to uphold those commitments to ourselves or break them? You may also be presented with second chances to restore balance, equity, and/or fairness in your connections with others or even in your relationship with yourself.

Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn (currently 27° Cap, retrograde until 12th September – 17° Cap) brings all the good energy you’ve put into the world back to you. Not only may you experience some bountiful rewards for efforts well-made or work well-done, you may also experience “instant good karma” for the genuine, generous, and helpful deeds you do for others and for yourself. However, you may also have a growing awareness of the societal standards and expectations in place around this kind of “do good” behavior, and you may feel pressured to perform in a certain way to gain the approval or acceptance of others, especially those in positions of authority. Yet Jupiter always encourages growth and expansion, and in retrograde, this may be a chance for you to use what comes to you as a way of tweaking the existing structures to your most beneficial advantage, using what’s left of the systems and structures in place to grow beyond the limitations…

… that Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius (currently 1° Aqu) is bringing to light and experience. Saturn represents focus, discipline, structure, and authority; and Aquarius is innovation, evolution, and technology to advance communication and intellect. In this position, Saturn Retrograde is revealing the impact of social expectations and standards upon the contributions we can make to our communities, society, and possibly humanity-at-large by sharing our unique and individual expressions fully. It’s actually encouraging us to recognize the needs of the collective, figure out how to use technology to meet them, then organize as a collective of individuals to bring the people what they want. As we embrace the technology available to us, we’re beginning to realize just how limited if not suppressed we’ve allowed our self-expressions to be. However, some people are using this call to express themselves as a reason to go rogue – to disregard institutional authorities, and to be reckless and careless regarding the futures of others and themselves. It’s important to remember that Aquarius energy isn’t about self-expression at the cost of humanity and its evolution – it’s self-expression as a beneficial contribution to the whole of humanity and its evolution. Ask yourself – how is your personal rebellion benefitting your fellow human beings? How could an organized collective rebellion benefit you individually? Because this Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius reveals the power of an organized group in bringing innovation and progress to the masses.
Aquarius Saturn re-enters Capricorn on 1st July, then returns to direct motion on 29th September (25° Cap).

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn (currently 24° Cap) continues bringing the transformation of our social and societal institutions, which in many cases will result in the implosion or collapse of the systems and structures which no longer serve us well as a collective whole. It reveals how certain elements of the past are limiting us, creating and/or expanding upon conditions of oppression and suppression by those who see themselves at the top of our social and societal institutions, afraid of losing their power and influence.
Under retrograde, we’re all experiencing the impact of these weakening infrastructures and institutions, but more of us are beginning to experience it on a personal or individual level now. The degree to which our individual lives are being affected is feedback on our progress. But this is the end of the “early signs” – only the end of the beginning phase of this transformation process. The next phase begins in earnest in June as these transformative events are going to become much larger, much more wide-spread, and much more profound as Jupiter moves toward tighter conjunction with Pluto (both in retrograde). Capricorn Pluto Retrograde will return to direct motion on 4th October (22° Cap).

Hopefully that helps explain a lot of the energy that’s behind recent events in and around all of our lives.
There will be plenty more retrogrades coming up in the next few weeks, but we’ll talk about those once they’re active.

Now, I’ll get to posting the 2020 Gemini New Moon article.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Next post on its way…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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