The 2021 Capricorn New Moon reaches its maximum phase on 12/13 January 2021 at 9:00p PST (23.22), bringing its New phase energy of “clearing the slate” and beginning anew into a very interesting and very compatible astrological and numerological period.

Capricorn represents our societal institutions and structures, our societal standards for success and status, and the hierarchy of our societal roles (in a number of different ways). Capricorn also represents our public and/or professional ambitions, intentions, and goals; and the focus and discipline to achieve and fulfill them. With it being an initiative/cardinal earth energy sign, I like to think of Capricorn energy as “starting with the end goal in mind”.

Yet through this 2021 Capricorn New Moon phase, we’ll be experiencing a feeling of endings with new beginnings in mind. This ‘ending for beginning’ energy is affirmed by the numerology of the New Moon’s maximum phase. The 2021 Capricorn New Moon occurs a 1 Universal Day for most of the world – an ideal day for a New Moon as the energies of both the New Moon phase and 1 day represent an opportunity to set a new course, initiate a new beginning, or make a fresh start. Yet for most of North America and all points west of it, the max phase will occur on a 9 Universal day of fulfillments, endings, & completions – the clearing out of old, outdated standards and institutions. Both energies are interesting and appropriate energies to have in place at the time of any Moon’s maximum New phase, but they’re especially appropriate for a Capricorn New Moon.

Despite the effort to push the traditional New Year/New Moon theme of “out with the old, in with the new”, we see that there continues to be a remarkable number of people who say they’re eager to move on to the future, yet they’re desperately clinging to the past. Yet what makes this 2021 Capricorn New Moon different is that it’s bringing completion energy to the people and entities we’ve often looked to for our collective guidance – our societal institutions and hierarchies, and the standards which they uphold. Too many people have taken these for granted for too long, only now waking up to the fact they’ve been compromised if not corrupted to their cores and can no longer be counted on to provide stability, security, and safety. That, or something (or someone) else has failed us in some other way, leaving us feeling abandoned and alone.

While many are trying to find ways to sustain the (failing) societal status quo, there are many others striving to create space for a new form and/or experience of society to emerge. In the face of the possible if not probable collapse of most of the societal institutions and traditions many of us have relied upon for guidance and a sense of normalcy, there are people who are seeing and/or feeling the potential of and opportunities for creating something truly new and different from now and before. This shift is supported by the numerological energy of our current 5 Universal year of change, adaptability, and unexpected events; and by the 6 Universal month energy which encourages health and wellness in the context of practical functionality, finding a way to “make it work” whether it’s system, processes, or our own physical bodies (healing).

Besides the numerology of this 2021 Capricorn New Moon phase, there are also major astrological events occurring which are allowing us to witness and/or experience the implosion of systems and structures which no longer serve the greater good in real time. We’re also witnessing how everything that’s happening is shining too much light for factual truths to be hidden any longer. Verifiable information is coming forth and being communicated to the masses faster than it can be contained.

And through the information we’re now receiving, it’s becoming clear that the old ways of ambitiously pursing societal position by any means necessary are still a top priority for too many people. Yet there are increasing numbers of people ready to both challenge and change the current social and societal priorities to enact very different priorities as quickly and completely as possible. And at this stage, it’s almost as if no matter how the status quo tries, it can no longer prevent transformative and evolutionary change from coming.

But in order to earnestly effect lasting transformation and evolution, people committed to change must be honest with what’s at the root of the desire to defend and uphold the past. Much of that fight is rooted in a dilemma of self-identity. In fact, the most important part of this whole “endings to beginnings” experience is in each of us consciously choosing and allowing who we currently believe ourselves to be to fall away, making space for who we can become. That becoming is strengthened by whatever celebrates our individual uniqueness and energizes our passion for living, regardless of what others may have to say about it. In other words, this 2021 Capricorn New Moon is a call for us to individually and collectively define ourselves newly or differently than as we are now… and we’re being asked to do this on our own to honor our True individualities, not through the filter of society’s standards or projections. Our individual selves get to decide what makes us who we are.

The biggest challenge in this process is too many of us have been conditioned to define ourselves by who we are in the public or professional domain. We’ve learned to define ourselves by our public or professional roles, by our places in societal and social hierarchies, by our physical appearances, by the titles we earn or are given, by the accolades or attention we get, etc. With all of these social benchmarks and the structures and institutions that uphold them changing or being eliminated, many of us are feeling lost, abandoned, and emotionally drained. Instability and uncertainty are opening up a lot of self-identity wounds for many people, bringing up feelings of fear, anger, and/or rage.

Some people are becoming very angry because they’re discovering they aren’t as aligned as they thought they were with who they believed themselves to be. Some are becoming angry and/or fearful because other people are holding them accountable for their hypocrisy and lack of integrity. Some are becoming angry and fearful because they’re on the receiving end of others’ hypocrisy and lack of integrity. In other words, the anger and rage aren’t exclusive to one group. It’s happening to many people and in many different ways for very different reasons. Yet it’s all born of people’s self-identities being challenged if not threatened by the factual reality we’re all faced with now.

That said, the energies present during this 2021 Capricorn New Moon have the potential to be powerfully inspirational, yet they are more likely to be profoundly challenging. It’s important to remember that a large-scale societal transformation has begun, and that means certain familiar and comfortable things are coming to an end, allowing current form and experience of yourself and your world to end, in order for new forms and experiences of yourself and the world to emerge.

To that point, let’s look more closely at the astrological transits in play during this 2021 Capricorn New Moon (3° orb with a couple of exceptions due to configurations).

STELLIUM: (Capricorn Sun conjunct Moon conjunct Pluto) square Aries Eris (23-24°) – If you thought we’d already experienced the worst of the chaos, well, it was just a warmup. The chaos begins in earnest within the 7-day frame of this Capricorn New Moon. Though it may not show up as a major event right away, choices and plans are being made, and actions are (or aren’t) being taken which will cause the systems, structures, and institutions that are no longer effective to begin imploding on themselves. These implosions occur as it becomes increasingly clear that some of the institutions, structures, and strategies employed are no longer a match (if they ever were a match) for the world as it is now, nor for the anger and rage of dissatisfaction with what no longer serves the collective whole coming to the surface now. Yes, notice the groups. But also be prepared for individuals to act out as self-appointed representatives of those larger objectives to transform our societal structures. Some of these individuals will become martyrs, others will become leaders. Yet all of the individuals who put themselves into action will be part of initiating something bigger than themselves.

(Capricorn Sun conjunct Moon conjunct Pluto) trine Virgo Vesta (21-24°) – The thing is… there’s also an emotional investment in making the systems and structures in place functional. This is part of the reason people are trying to hold up what is clearly collapsing – they truly believe they can fix it, and are determined to do so. Yet this major investment requires honesty with self and others, and the facts maybe pretty hard to accept or take. But if you want to fix it, you’ve got to heal the root of the issue. And in the case of the societal institutions and structures currently in free fall, you may eventually realize that letting the ineffective structures, strategies, and agendas in place fall may be the best solution.

SEQUENCE INTO DAISY-CHAIN STELLIUM: Sagittarius White Moon Selene semi-sextile Capricorn Venus semi-sextile (Aquarius Saturn conjunct Jupiter conjunct Mercury) (3-7°) – There’s a Higher call to seek and have the first-hand experience of your Truth out in the world. Along the way, you may find potential partners with the same or similar goals and objectives as you. This is in order to breakthrough obstacles, delays, r other limitations to your actions intended to expand your efforts to communicate and/or organize with others through public broadcasts and/or other technological means (likely internet/social media). The key here is to get your information out to as many people as possible in order to facilitate the awakening of a mass movement for significant social and societal change. This is an undeniable call to activism on behalf of the whole of humanity.

BLESSING TRIANGLE 1: Sagittarius White Moon Lilith sextile (Aquarius Saturn conjunct Jupiter) sextile Aries Chiron (3-5°) – That same Higher call to experience your Truth out in the world supports your search for a way to circumvent the obstacles to the growth and expansion of your message – a message that could bring healing to many on both their individual and collective levels of self-identity. But what heals some is likely to wound others. The question is… which message heals more people? Which message serves humanity in a more positive and life-affirming way?

BLESSING TRIANGLE 2: Sagittarius Juno sextile (Aquarius Jupiter conjunct Mercury) sextile Aries Chiron (5-7°) – In this Blessing Triangle, the people more committed to walking their talk are the ones with more influence over the masses at this time. Their resolve is what helps them find a way to move beyond perceived limitations and obstacles, and enables them to be in action on a public scale. It’s also what encourages them to take the risk of putting themselves out into the world in full expression their Truth. In this case, it’s the choice to take action in alignment with the message you’re communicating with the world which heals individual self-identities. The actions you take in alignment with your message bring integrity to your words, even if those words may be painful or shocking for others to hear.

NODAL GRAND SQUARE: Gemini North Node square Virgo Vesta square Sagittarius South Node square Pisces Neptune (18-19°) – This configuration has been in place for a while now, and still has its staunch determination to implement new and pragmatic solutions to the problems we’re individually and collectively facing in this moment. However, those who believe they “know better” are still trying to stop any changes to the status quo, refusing to accommodate the ideal of serving All. Desperately resisting the massive (and increasing) need for changes, they’re running into more complications as it’s becoming clearer they won’t be able to stop the tides of change now coming in, and won’t be able to uphold their perceived roles as the bastions of all wisdom and knowledge. Their façades are beginning to fail as they’re beginning to realize how they may have created the conditions for their own demise. They won’t be able to further delay either humanity’s evolution or regression, and they won’t be able to project blame for their failures onto anyone else for much longer. And the choice of evolution or regression for humanity will be up to the people en masse, keeping in mind, majority rules.

(Aquarius Saturn conjunct Jupiter) square Taurus Mars (2-5°) – This transit has a lot to unpack as it likely represents the denial or refusal to address the fundamental humanity of all people. The actions people choose to take under the influence of this transit will be rooted in one’s personal values, especially in regard to lifestyle and the resources which sustain it. Keep that in mind as you witness the choices being made by people at this time – people (including yourself) will likely be reacting to the large social and societal shifts from a position of what sustains their personal comfort zones of physical, material, financial, and experiential familiarity and safety. If there are any delays or obstacles to large-scale changes, they will be due to others trying to prevent social maturity and intellectual awakening beyond where we are now, and/or from those who don’t want to give up the lifestyles they’re living or their perceived place in the social hierarchy.

Speaking of social hierarchy: There are quite a few people who don’t have any more options for sustaining their lifestyles and livelihoods during this time of pandemic. Don’t be surprised when the people who have nothing to lose on a resource level begin very outwardly and publicly demanding support… but also don’t be surprised when those who could make decisions to support them won’t choose in the favor of those in need out of their perceived self-preservation. This dynamic could very well mark the end of celebrity culture as circumstances begin to get painfully real for many, and people may no longer care to look at the wealthy and famous as worthy of their aspiration or admiration. This could be a wake-up call for those in a position to use their fame and fortune, not to promote or enrich themselves, not to profit from, but to genuinely and purely bring attention to bigger humanitarian issues so they may be resolved.

Capricorn Venus square Aries Chiron (5°) – Some of the partners you believed would heal you may end up hurting you instead… but only if you choose not to learn the lessons from your experiences with them. There’s healing available to you once you realize that even pain has its blessings.

Capricorn Venus trine Taurus Mars (2-5°) – “A little help from your friends” goes a long way right now, and this transit helps us recognize partners who we can pool resources with to achieve shared goals, fulfill common objectives, and mutually benefit materially, physically, and financially from the joint venture.

Capricorn Venus trine Taurus Uranus (5-6°) – Finding partners and pooling resources could also prove beneficial in finding ways to bring public attention to the resource needs of those in survival mode. Instead of being exclusively in service to yourself, this may be an opportunity to contribute to the lives of others who are struggling in ways which lift and empower them to contribute in turn once their own lives have stabilized. In other words, pay it forward and watch your joint acts of kindness spread to many.

Taurus Uranus conjunct Black Moon Lilith (6-9°) – Of course, the pay-it-forward intention only works if people can move beyond their own egos to willingly contribute to others. That’s the thing – those invested in their place in society may not be willing to share the information or resources they have out of fear of “losing their place” or losing what they perceive defines them – their material, financial, and physical properties and possessions. Even if they have an abundance, if they fear losing their comfort and ease, they won’t share. That is, unless they loosen their ego investment and recognize themselves as part of the greater whole of humanity. This transit could provide some valuable lessons and shifts in one’s personal priorities and what truly matters most in life.

Pisces Ceres conjunct Neptune (15-18°) – Our collective values are aligned with our collective ideals. The challenge here is that we must get on the same page with our collective values – we as the whole of humanity need to reconnect with All-That-Is. This is encouragement to get back out in nature, to reconnect with plants and animals, to recognize and remember that our human dramas often affect the planet and its health and well-being, which in turn affects our overall health and wellbeing. The world is much bigger than our human dramas, and we would be wise to remember how this planet cares for us physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

There’s so much happening at this moment, and what’s most frustrating for many is there is little to no stability. Yet much of that instability is due to the fact that the world around us is unstable, now undergoing a massive transformation in earnest. Yet too many of us have looked outside of ourselves for too long for what defines us, and everything happening right now is demanding that we look within ourselves individually and collectively – to see, face, and deal with what we know to be true. It’s time for each and all of us to come to terms with how we are or aren’t in alignment with those collective and/or Universal truths in our societies and in our societal roles.

All of this to remind you…

It’s difficult to see the beginnings possible in the midst of so many endings. Yet the ground is being cleared now, and new things are being planted, even it it’s not clear when those seeds will breakthrough.

The energy of the 2021 Capricorn New Moon will be felt from Saturday 9th January through Friday 15th January 2021. Use this time to plant seeds emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically; then wait. In the meantime, take action on other things which may support what is quietly growing underneath the surface. The new ways will surface when its time is right.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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