The 2021 Taurus New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 12:00p PDT on Tuesday 11th May 2021 (21.29°). There’s a great deal of promise for positive things to come through this energy of this New Moon phase – new beginnings, fresh starts, renewals, rebirths – all the exciting energies that come with a New Moon phase. Occurring in the sign of Taurus, this New Moon implies all of this newness happening in our physical, material, and/or financial matters as they relate to the livelihoods and lifestyles which support both our individual self-identities and our sense of self-worth within those self-identities.

Yet in order to maximize the “positive” potential of the new livelihood and lifestyle opportunities available to us through this particular Taurus New Moon, we must also acknowledge the challenges we now face in regard to our personal and societal values, morals, and ethics; how those elements affect what we believe to be our fundamental rights, and what we perceive we are entitled to have in our lives. Our chosen personal values, our awareness of our essential rights, and our perceived entitlements will help us identify where we actually stand in giving value not only our own individual lives, but also what value we give to the lives of others in our communities, our societies, and throughout the world.

Therefore, this 2021 Taurus New Moon phase isn’t only about what we choose to value and prioritize in our personal everyday lives. It’s also about the personal moral and ethical conscience we exercise in setting those priorities.

Over the last 15 months, we’ve all had time to examine our lifestyles more closely than we could in the past. We’ve had time to crunch our numbers, reconnect with our inner Truths, to assess and gain clarity about what we really and truly care about and value most in our lives. Some of us have even found a renewed sense of self-worth – a sense of caring for ourselves not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. As result, many of us are positioning ourselves to reset our foundations and to start living in alignment with not only what we really want, but in some cases, what we truly need in order for ourselves and our loved ones to live sufficiently with dignity and respect.

Taurus represents the resources which support our individual self-identities established through Aries. There’s a desire to take self-initiated or self-determined action, yet at some point we realize we need certain physical, material, and/or financial resources necessary in order to make those actions effective on our own behalf. These are often referred to as our fundamental human survival needs – shelter, food, and physical health.

In many societies, as some of us have grown accustomed to certain levels of resource convenience and ease, and the perceptions of “need” and “survival” have evolved. As result, many of us in this day and age have lost touch with realistic perceptions of basic human survival. Spoiled by and having become dependent upon resource modernization and convenience, too many of us are unable to relate to or have genuine empathy for others in and/or around our communities who either live by or are trying to acquire the most basic forms of our fundamental resource needs in order to, literally, survive.

To that point, those of us who have grown accustomed to certain levels of resource convenience and ease deeply fear living their lives without those comforts. It is terrifying for many of us to even consider a possibility in which we would have to live our lives by the most basic of means as so many others do in the world. In some cases, people have become so accustomed to easy access to survival resources and/or having others do “the work” of survival for them, they perceive any possibility of having to do that work for themselves as “life-threatening”. This is why we are seeing so many more people committing suicide, mass shootings, individual and collective acts of violence, even flaring tensions in already tense situations in order to start larger conflicts at this time. Some people are choosing to end their lives because they don’t believe they could ever survive or recover from a fall from their current social or societal position or status. That, and/or they’d rather eliminate or end the lives of others because they believe others threaten their ability to sustain their current social or societal status.

At the root of both behaviors is a need to control their reality, and that need to control their surroundings is born of a deep, ego-driven fear of becoming like the people they’ve been conditioned to look down upon.  This is why we see so many people acting out in fear-driven rage when their personal comfort preferences are not being addressed to their liking on the most minimal of levels. People are afraid of becoming what they don’t know how to be. People are afraid they don’t know how to live at a basic level. Their perception of basic is so far above what so many others live with on a daily basis, and they’re terrified of living with anything less than what they’re accustomed to. It brings them too close to being “those people”.

This is also why instead of having empathy and compassion for those who are struggling to survive and suffering in their everyday lives, people would rather ignore them or have them eliminated from view. Seeing people who don’t have access to the same resources as they do serves as too real a reminder of the scope and scale of human existence, and as too real a reminder of their own humanity which they are desperate to deny. For those who live with easy access to resources, people living the most basic of lifestyles are a reminder of what actual survival really is, generating a sense of guilt or shame within them for having so much more access to resources and comfort. They don’t want to feel the guilt – they don’t want to feel anything for people who don’t have what they have, because that may find themselves giving too much and losing their place in society, and that place in the societal hierarchy means more to them than their fellow human beings.

Too many of us have given up on compassion and given into fear.
Too many of us have lost the capacity to love and care about the well-being of our fellow humans.

These denials, fears, and losses of compassion and empathy are largely due to the heavy influence certain social structures and societal institutions have had upon us for years, decades, centuries – influences which have heavily encouraged us to become dependent on these external structures and institutions for defining ourselves in the world. Yet current events are rapidly revealing to us just how many of the structures, systems, and institutions we’ve been conditioned to look to and/or rely upon for our literal livelihoods are not only lacking moral and ethical integrity, but also have little-to-no value of human life beyond generating profit. They’ve encouraged if not conditioned us to compromise our own personal morals, ethics, and values not as much out of fear of missing out on the latest and greatest conveniences, but more so out of fear of losing our individual resource comforts and conveniences. This encouraged fear of hierarchal loss and social disfavor has taken many of us out of alignment with our fundamental humanity and away from our individual inner Truths in order to align us with institutionally-manufactured societal ideals.

Many of these institutions present themselves as straight-forward, authentic, supportive of free will, and constructive for all parties involved. However, more and more people are waking up to these institutional and structural efforts to deceive, and now we’re facing collective and personal crises as our social and societal institutions can no longer sustain their façades.

We’ve lost our sense of humanity, and as result, societies around the world are at a breaking point.
We – as the whole of humanity – are at a breaking point.

The best analogy I can give for the energy dynamic we’re experiencing right now is a wall with a massive amount of water on the other side. At first, the pressure of the water against the wall is only one little fissure, and it’s likely people are arguing over how the fissure got there in the first place – pointing fingers and blaming each other with no one actually doing anything to get to the root of the problem. But as the water continues to pressure the surface, more fissures appear and more water starts to come through. People stop arguing and start running around trying to cover all the fissures and leaks, but eventually, there are too many holes. The wall’s about to break, the water’s about to flood in, and everyone in the room’s trying to figure out where to run in order to avoid having their personal sense of security washed away, only to realize it’s inevitable their lives will also be affected.

The bad news – at least for the people who have been waiting for things to “go back to normal” – is how this “flood” of reality will bring realizations that all of the dark truths coming to light now have always been the “normal” of the past. The coverup was the norm. The events of these 2021 Taurus New Moon days will finally make it clear why we, as a collective whole of humanity, cannot go back to the way things were.

The good news is that this “flood” will also bring clarity by washing away everything that no longer serves us well, giving us a chance to restructure ourselves and our lives, in both the spaces around us and the spaces within us that have been cleared. The personal and/or professional lifestyle changes many of us are making now are born of our acceptance of these major changes to society emerging in earnest now. There’s a new normal being now being formed, and all of us who are alive now get to take part in creating it, within ourselves as well as out in the world.

These impending yet inevitable structural and institutional changes will make each and all of us feel vulnerable, though not in the same “divulging deep, dark emotional-spiritual truths” way the Scorpio Full Moon did two weeks ago. This time under this 2021 Taurus New Moon, we’ll feel the emotional impact of the rapidly-changing physical, material, and financial conditions in and around our lives. Whether there are increases or decreases in our personal resources, changes in our access to resources, or changes in the availability of resources, many of us now understand a major shift in how we perceive the resources that sustain our physical lives is absolutely necessary. This understanding is crucial in an honest lifestyle values assessment – not from a monetary value perspective, but rather, an actual human life and livelihood perspective.

For those of us who benefit from our more modern, convenient, and comfortable lives, many of our “needs” today are rooted in how we’ve been conditioned to determine our personal “value” through the filter of money and finance. We live in a social hierarchy rooted in monetary value as result. Every day, we ask ourselves what our physical labor is worth in monetary terms, what our intellectual and/or creative ability is worth in monetary terms, what our time is worth in monetary terms… We’ve reached a point where human life has been reduced to a monetary number in most of our world societies and circumstances.

That said, this 2021 Taurus New Moon brings attention to an essential fact – as long as we’re questioning the value of actual human abilities and lives in monetary terms, there can be no truly new beginnings available except through the possibility of reframing our perspectives of our survival resources through a renewed connection with the entirety of the human condition, and the right of all humans to live with sufficiency, dignity, and respect…

…which brings us back to the initial question of this 2021 Taurus New Moon energy dynamic.

As we begin to experience significant changes in one or more areas of our lives, we also get to distinguish between rights and entitlement. What do we – as humans – have a right to, and what – as people living in our societies – have we allowed ourselves to feel entitled to?

It will be important to ask those yourself if your social circles and the societal institutions you align with are acting from love or acting from fear.

Then to ask yourself – are you acting from love or are you acting from fear?

This 2021 Taurus New Moon occurs on a numerological 3 Universal Day for the Western half of the world, and a 4 Universal Day for most of the Eastern nations. The 3 energy encourages learning, growth, and expansion. This learning and growth occur through taking on a student mindset – being willing to open your mind to learn about experiences, resources, and situations you may not be aware of or fully informed about. The 4 energy usually focuses on stability, security, and structure, yet in the face of increasing lifestyle and livelihood instability (both real and feared), more people are becoming aware of the true natures of the social and societal structures and institutions we’ve relied upon, and are beginning to wonder if things are really changing or if they’re just being revealed for what they’ve been all along.

These days are occurring in a 1 Universal Month of initiative action, new beginnings, and fresh starts. This month energy serves as a reminder that we’re only at the beginning, so patience is key. Actions taken now may not result in tangible or experiential outcomes for a while. This is seed-planting energy for ideas or visions you want to bring into manifestation. Don’t be afraid of things taking time to come forth. That sense of being at the beginning is important as we recognize the 5 Universal Year energy – an energy of unexpected events, changes, and calls for adaptability. Though it may seem as if we’ve already been through so much change, this combination of the 1 month, 5 year, and the New Moon deliver an important message – we’re only just beginning to truly experience a societal if not global transformation, and the changes we seek will come when we least expect them.

To bring greater clarity to how the energies are moving now, here are the astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of the 2021 Taurus New Moon’s maximum phase:

STELLIUM: (Taurus Sun conjunct Moon conjunct Black Moon Lilith) (21-22) – A great deal may be revealed about us individually and collectively through what we refuse to give up because we’re not only emotionally, but also ego-invested in a particular belief or a specific element of comfort or routine.

  • sextile Pisces Neptune (21-22) – reveals a determination to “keep the dream alive” as originally envisioned
  • sextile Pisces Pallas Athena (19-21) – reveals a pattern in how you envision your values in the world, and what you believe your values should represent
  • quincunx Sagittarius White Moon Selene conjunct Juno (20-22) – reveals a commitment to a Higher Truth that is not aligned with ego-driven values; a challenge to see what it will take for someone to move beyond their personal routine or comfort

SEQUENCE: Pisces Neptune semi-sextile Aries Eris semi-sextile Taurus Black Moon Lilith (22-24) – A lofty ideal or a grandiose vision of how things should be or occur leads to anger and frustration with how things are playing out, resulting in ego-driven tantrums when the old, comfortable lifestyle routine(s) cannot be replicated or restored.

(Sagittarius White Moon Selene conjunct Juno) square Pisces Neptune (20-22) – A commitment to move forward and upward embracing Higher Truth may challenge your ideals and visions for what you want for yourself in your life. Is what you want actually possible or is it delusional?

Sagittarius White Moon Selene conjunct Juno square Pisces Pallas Athena (19-21) – A commitment to Higher Truth also challenges your patterns in regard to how you envision, dream, and/or aspire. Are you willing to change your pattern to experience what you seek?

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde square Aries Eris (24-26) – When the public-at-large wants the societal institutions to transform, notice how the individuals who benefit from the existing institutions act and behave. If they’re acting out in anger and rage, it’s likely they’re acting from fear of losing their societal self-identities and/or their place in the societal hierarchy if not losing hierarchy altogether.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde semi-sextile Aquarius Jupiter (26-29) – There’s a deep desire for societal transformation that is growing in unexpected, surprising, and global ways. It’s becoming clear that what is happening isn’t just happening in one place – it’s happening in many places for very similar reasons. The awareness of the desire being many places encourages those who once felt isolated. Now they understand they are part of something bigger than themselves, bigger than their communities, bigger than their nations. They are part of the whole of humanity.

(Gemini North Node conjunct Mercury) sextile Aries Chiron (10-12) – Don’t be afraid to ask questions, exchange information and ideas, or think outside the traditional boxes. The old ideas are proving futile in this quickly-evolving world, and those holding onto those outdated world views cannot or will not understand that they are the reason the structures they themselves created are now imploding. There is a resistance to acknowledge the self-inflicted wounds by those trying desperately to uphold their status-quo; while there is healing for those taking action to dismantle the status quo and find their power in this world at this time.

SEQUENCE: Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Uranus semi-sextile (Gemini North Node conjunct Mercury) semi-sextile Cancer Mars (10-12) – A powerful desire for self-healing leads to unexpected shifts in personal values, morals, and ethics, which lead to a search for others to exchange information and ideas with in order to generate clear directions for actions which actually provide support and encouragement for the people who need it most.

Aquarius Saturn square Taurus Uranus (11-13) – The battle between the way it’s always been and the way it needs to become is challenging many people’s personal values. Now that they can see how much influence and power institutions have on society, there is more support for collective public-driven movements for change. These movements pressure those In power, yet it seems to pressure them to double-down on maintaining their status quo.

Aquarius Saturn quincunx Cancer Mars (11-13) – Emotion-driven action won’t work against those who believe they have authority over you – they don’t have the capacity for empathy. On the flip side, those who believe it’s okay for them to act with emotion will expect you to respond with empathy. This is case where it would be wise to emulate their behavior, not to lack empathy, but to recognize their abusive if not violent behavior as another form of their efforts to control you.

BLESSING TRIANGLE: Aquarius Saturn sextile Aries Chiron sextile (Gemini North Node conjunct Mercury) (11-13) – It may be time to set some boundaries with those who believe they have authority over you in order to heal yourself. The space created by these boundaries may give you just enough room to find the healing you need through exchanging information and ideas with different if not new people.

The energies of this 2021 Taurus New Moon will be felt from Saturday 8th May through Friday 14th May. Take this time to claim your right to begin again from love instead of from fear. Remember your own humanity, and remember the humanity of others around you.

It could not only change your life – it could change the world.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Until next post…

~ Light and Blessings,




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