The 2021 Sagittarius Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 4:14a PDT (5.43°). Maximum phase is also a Total Lunar Eclipse,

During a Full Moon, the Sun’s Light shines upon the full roundness of the face of the Moon, making it seem as if the Moon itself is shining. Yet it is only reflecting the Sun’s light. In this case, the Gemini 1 Sun’s Light is shining upon our thoughts and words, illuminating all the areas where we may not be saying everything we need to say, or where we may not be entirely honest about who we are or what we’re doing, or even not being open about what we really think or believe. As these truths are exposed, we may find ourselves becoming very emotional, yet this emotion may not be so much about being exposed as it is about not being able to hide ourselves any longer.

Now, in the light of the Sun, we each and all are being seen for who we truly are. The good news in this revelation is that 1) for those of us who have been maintaining façades and pretenses, we no longer have to pretend to be someone we’re not; and 2) for those of us who have been our authentic selves all along, this may be quite an awakening as we may realize just how much we may have been surrounded by deception and manipulation. We’ll have plenty of questions for the newly-exposed people and institutions around us, and we won’t be content without answers. Then again, we may not be content hearing the answers, either, as they may lead to even more questions.

This 2021 Sagittarius Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse marks a moment in human chronology when we realize there’s no such thing as too much when it comes to getting to the Truth of matters. There can never be too many questions. There can never be too much openness. There can never be too much Truth revealed.

With so much Truth coming out into the open, there are going to be plenty of changes to come with those revelations. There will be absolutely no way for our personal and/or professional business to return to “normal” after this 2021 Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse. The mind games and word play of the past will be laid bare. The smokescreens and distraction tactics will no longer play their parts. The emotional manipulations of old won’t be effective. The old strategies will no longer work. They can’t keep up with the evolution of humanity. They can’t stop the informational and intellectual wakening that is now in full stride.

We’ve grown beyond the old limitations.
We’ve grown beyond the ways, and in some cases, we’ve even grown beyond the means and the minds of the old world.

We’ve grown beyond the past.

Now, it’s time to seek new wisdom, found in new experiences in a changing world. In true Sagittarius fashion, this Full Moon is a call to “go big” – take the risk, take the leap of faith, open your mind and your heart to what is being revealed in this ‘now’ moment. It’s time to grow beyond what you know yourself and the world around you to be.

However, don’t think the wisdom of the old is going down without a fight. Those who continue to live by the worldview of the past will not concede quietly or passively, refusing to accept their time is ending. These people will act out, and they will do so aggressively and with great cruelty. In fact, don’t be surprised if they being to apply a ‘scorched earth’ mindset to the matters-at-hand – an ‘if we can’t take it with us, we’re not leaving it for you’ approach. This fight is amplified by the Total Lunar Eclipse, as it is created by the Earth passing between the Sun and the Moon, obstructing the Sun’s light from reaching and being reflected by /the Moon.

If we take the eclipse literally, this represents earthly affairs – and the desire and efforts to uphold them – getting in the way of truth being fully revealed and freedom being established (or restored). It represents the physical, material, and financial getting in the way of the mind-heart connection. It’s our money, our stuff, and our physical needs disrupting and obstructing our enlightenment.

Yet it’s a short-lived obstruction.

Once the Earth’s shadow clears, the Light of Truth will seem more brilliant than ever. The reflection of our growing knowledge is more brilliant, more present. We will have a clearer understanding of what needs to be done, now and next.

This 2021 Sagittarius Full Moon + Total Lunar Eclipse is occurring on a 9 Universal Day throughout nearly the entire world. Nine is the energy of fulfillments, completions, and endings – the perfect complement to a Full Moon phase which represents the maximum fulfillment of this lunar cycle, and a time for recognizing what you’d like to release from your life and what you’d like to (or need to) bring to a close.

This 9 Universal Day is happening within a 1 Universal Month, which represents new beginning and fresh starts, so the day’s endings are meant to support you in beginning anew in one or more ways in your life – to let go of the past in order to enable you to move forward toward a brighter and bolder future. The day + month combo may also represent the beginning of the end of a chapter in your life’s journey.

These day and month energies are happening under the umbrella of a 5 Universal Year energy of change and unpredictability, implying that these endings and closures of the past enable new beginnings which enable major changes in your life which allow you to step into your authenticity in ways you’ve only imagined you could.

With all of that said, under this Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse, any relationships and other associations or affiliations which are holding you back from your fullest intellectual and/or communicative self-expression may be revealed; and the revelations of these connections may be painful at first, but will also open you up to your most open and truthful emotional self-expression. Understand that anything or anyone that limits you, holds you back or down, or tries to prevent your personal growth in any way is fair game to be cleared from your life if they don’t empower and encourage you to be who you Truly and fully are in and for the world. This is a liberating energy, and even though the pain of separation from the familiar may be felt at first, feelings of freedom will soon come in to ease the pain and heal the wounds.

For more details on the energies in play during this 2021 Sagittarius Full Moon, here are the astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of Moon’s maximum phase and the eclipse’s maximum totality:

NODAL BOWL: Sagittarius South Node sextile Aquarius Saturn Retrograde sextile Aries Chiron sextile Gemini North Node (10-13°) – The “wisdom” of the past no longer applies as instead of being aligned with, it finds itself being challenged by innovative and evolutionary ideas of how society could work to actually heal the self-identity wounds people carry rather than exploit them. This desire and intention to heal rather than exploit leads to more information and ideas being exchanged between individuals on how this could be possible and how it could be implemented. The time for a new way of thinking and communicating has begun as people want to speak openly, honestly, and authentically, dealing in factual, straightforward Truth instead of mind games, propaganda, and manipulation. A new wisdom is now being sought.

T-SQUARE: Sagittarius White Moon Selene square (Pisces Pallas Athena conjunct Neptune) square (Gemini Venus conjunct Mercury) (21-24°) – There is hope that Higher wisdom will prevail, yet it seems too many still cling to the delusional ideals of the past, determined to repeat the same patterns of old yet again. The biggest challenges here may be in 1) having other individuals make perfect sense in their one-on-one conversations with us, bringing factual information to Light which shatters our rose-colored views of reality; and 2) having that information coming to Light exposing the hypocrisy many of us have choose to live by. If we want to live in integrity, we must release our deceptions and hypocrisy.

SEQUENCE: (Pisces Pallas Athena conjunct Neptune) semi-sextile Aries Eris semi-sextile Taurus Uranus semi-sextile Gemini Mercury (22-24°) – Those who are trying to repeat the patterns of old in order to manifest a delusional ideal of exclusivity are becoming more and more angry with and violent toward those who insist on moving on into a new and different way of living in our society – a whole new set of values, ethics, and morals which are much more inclusive and expansive than those of old. This is resulting in quite a war of ideas and words which are revealing both deeper and greater Truths than many wanted or expected to have come to light.

NODAL T-SQUARE: Gemini North Node square Virgo Vesta square Sagittarius South Node (10-11°) – So many new insights and ideas are coming forward, it’s challenging to maintain a steady focus on making sure the day-to-day of life continues to function. It’s tempting to shut your eyes and ears and regress back to the old ways of doing things, relying on what you’ve always known before now. Yet as more information comes to Light and the old ways prove increasingly dysfunctional and irrelevant, you may not have a choice but to meet the challenge and open your mind to learn and/or try something new.

YOD: Aries Chiron quincunx Virgo Vesta quincunx Aquarius Saturn Retrograde (11-13°) –Social evolution is happening through changes we’re making in the way we’re approaching our day-to-day lives. The more we try to make our everyday activities not just functional, but functional in both healthy and productive ways, the more we may find ourselves healing our self-identity wounds and making changes in our societal structures. Look for more people to stand up for themselves and others in workplaces and in societal infrastructures in the coming days, weeks, months, and possibly years after this configuration makes its contribution to humanity during this Sagittarius Full Moon.  

Taurus Uranus trine Virgo Vesta (11-12°) – As social and societal values continue to change and evolve, some are choosing to double-down trying to make the old ways work, while others are dedicating themselves to adaptation of changes and making their lives work in the new moral and ethical environment emerging.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde square Aries Eris (24-26°) – There’s been enormous pressure from the powers-that-be to resist changes to the status quo. Yet now with Pluto Retrograde, that pressure is being turned on them… and they’re angry about it. Consider their outbursts of arrogance and possibly violence as one of their last opportunities to save face. In the long run, this pressure is a very good thing for the evolution of humanity; but in the short term, this pressure has the potential to represent a potent shift in how we each and all perceive ourselves and our lives. The past will not go quietly.

Taurus Ceres semi-sextile Gemini 1 Sun (5-7°) – As lifestyle values – and the morals and ethics which are supposed to reflect them – continue to be points of debate in our daily dialogues, the debates are beginning to reveal people’s hypocrisies as their arguments for one point contradict their positions on another. This is a call to begin living by our words, or to at least start speaking honestly about how we’re actually living and which values, morals, and ethics we’re truly living our lives by.

Gemini Venus opposite Sagittarius Juno Retrograde (18-21°) – We may say we’re committed to Truth, yet our exchanges of insight and information with others will reveal if we can really uphold that commitment. The temptations to lie and play mind games with other in order to save face are strong, yet honesty is always the best policy as those games may ultimately reveal you’ve been playing yourself the whole time.

Gemini Venus semi-sextile Cancer Mars (20-21°) – The information exchanged through one-one-one conversations leads to emotion-driven actions, for better or worse. In some cases, minds may be changed for the better, and actions are driven by compassion, empathy, and a desire to care. However, some cases may result in actions driven by fear, self-protection, and a desire to defend one’s position on a matter or two (or a few).

Cancer Mars trine (Pisces Pallas Athena conjunct Neptune) (20-22°) – Emotion-driven actions are encouraged and empowered by the desire to turn grandiose ideals and/or fantasies into realities. Yet it’s important to make sure the dreams and visions you’re acting upon are actually your own dreams and visions, not the dreams of others. Otherwise, immediate self-gratification on an emotional level is likely to result in long-term self-disappointment on both the emotional and spiritual levels. Honor your intuition and your own emotional Truth even if it’s not aligned with everyone else around you, and move at your own pace even if it’s ahead or behind those around you. When it’s all said and done, you’ll realize you were always doing the best thing for all involved by being yourself, and you were always right on time in doing anything you did.

The energy of this 2021 Sagittarius Full Moon phase will be felt from Sunday 23rd May through Saturday 29th May. Yet the power of this Total Lunar Eclipse will be felt for at least six months, and of course, the events during the six-month period will have enduring effects upon the foreseeable future.

It will be important to keep an open mind as well as an open heart throughout this Full Moon week. Allow yourself to consider letting go of your fear of the future by embracing it with open arms, spreading your wings to fly beyond…

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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