Sun Rise Over the South Pacific - International Space StationBeing an astrologer-numerologist, whenever one of my friends has an issue with their phone or computer or tablet or car or pretty much anything mechanical or technological, I get a text or call or e-mail – “Is Mercury Retrograde right now? My ____ isn’t working” or “My e-mails aren’t going through” or…well, whatever communication or transportation breakdown may be occurring.   You get the idea.

It’s to the point where all I can do is laugh…until the number of inquiries and over-dramatic comments gets into the double-digits.  Then it just gets annoying.

So to keep the questions and drama at bay, I’m writing this blog article.  Hopefully it will answer your questions about retrogrades and help maintain the sanity of myself and my fellow astrologers.


During a planetary retrograde, the planet in question is not actually going backward.  It only appears to be due to the fact that the earth is moving past the other planet at a faster rate of speed due to the orbit patterns of the two bodies.  It’s like when you pass a car on the freeway – you’re both moving forward, yet you may be traveling faster than the other car which makes it look like it’s traveling backward to you.  The same thing happens in retrogrades – the planet that is retrograde is moving more slowly than the Earth.  Therefore, it looks like it’s going backward…or rather, retrograde.

That’s the technical explanation.  Now for the astrologically interpretive one…

When a planet goes into retrograde motion, it is an indicator that the influence of that planet makes itself undeniably known on your inner workings.  The work that is to be done is affecting you from the outside-in, in order to help you (or force you) to recognize important things about yourself from the inside-out.  It’s like a mirror forcing you to face your reflection constantly – you may not want to look at yourself all day, or at all.  Yet during a retrograde, you are constantly faced with yourself and your own thoughts and behaviors through the filter of whatever that planet represents.


Retrogrades can be challenging for many people as we generally aren’t fond of owning up to our parts in our circumstances.  Therefore, if blaming others for your woes is your M.O., retrogrades can be quite a wild ride.  To explain how this works, why don’t we focus on Mercury as our example planet, as it starts its next retrograde motion tomorrow, 6th February at 1:43p PST.

Mercury is the planetary ruler of the sign of Gemini.  Generally speaking, the positions of Mercury and Gemini in your own personal chart can help you better understand how you learn things and how you best communicate and/or receive information from others to expand your knowledge base.  Mercury in your natal and progressed charts represents your mind and your mouth, and is very logical and intellectual in nature.

Changes to how you think and communicate are often revealed by the position of Mercury in the sky at any given time – a.k.a. – Mercury in transit – which is why Mercury Retrograde can be such a big deal.  Yet, there’s a more esoteric dynamic at play.  Often times, we as humans think we know better that the Universe we live in.  We balk at the idea that there is a reason and a season for everything, and often expect things to happen on our timetables – we say “now”, and it arrives now, right?

Not according to the Universe, which has a bigger plan for each and all of us than we are often privy to.  Yes, there is an element of free will.  Yet what we don’t often understand is that our free-will choices often dictate whether we take a direct path or “the scenic route” to our destined outcomes.  Our choices determine our fate, but our destiny is our destiny.

When Mercury is retrograde, one or more of the following things may be happening:

1)      Notice how the “disruptions” you’re experiencing may not be disruptions as much as they are delays or detours.  The Universe may be trying to get you to shift your attention and energy elsewhere, or it may be trying to get you to make a different choice or take a different step.  Pay attention to how you are being blocked or thwarted rather than getting upset or downright angry.  You may notice something that you didn’t see before that helps you understand your challenge.

2)      Notice that the Universe may be trying to get you to stop seeking the advice and counsel of others and/or to slow down or stop to focus on yourself.  What are YOUR thoughts?  What are YOUR ideas?  What do you REALLY want to say?  During Mercury Retrograde, it’s a time for you to get in touch with that.  If you’re “not able” to communicate the way you want to, you may want to consider that you actually need to say something other than what you think you want or need to say, or that maybe now is not the time to say it.

3)      Retrograde energy can also be “do-over” energy.  This may be giving you the chance to say something you needed to say before but didn’t, or to do something you could have done before but waited or passed on that was an important part of moving you forward on your life’s journey.  If a second chance to say or do something that you thought you missed comes up, you may want to take it this time around, especially if it’s coming up during a retrograde.

4)      Notice how you may be getting upset because you aren’t able to do something that you are determined to do.  You’re probably complaining that the Universe is holding you back or getting in your way, etc.  If anything, understand one thing:  The Universe is always working toward your best and Highest good.  If things aren’t going the way you want them to go or in the timeline that you want them to go during a Mercury Retrograde period, it may be a message for you to stop trying to control every detail of a matter.  Let go of the belief that you have to call all of the shots!  You may be holding on too tightly for what you want to come into manifestation.  Don’t get mad at the Universe – it may only be trying to get you out of your own way.

Tomorrow’s Mercury Retrograde starts in the sign of Pisces before moving back into the sign of Aquarius on 12th February.  This indicates that our efforts and abilities to share our thoughts, ideas, dreams, and imaginings may be affected.  This may also affect our own perceptions of what can be said or done in regard to our dreams, visions, and fantasies.  Again, where Mercury Retrograde in Pisces falls in your own personal charts will determine the specifics of how it affects you, but no matter where it falls in your chart or anyone else’s – be ready for some “come to reality” moments.

Once you have those moments, then you’re likely to have a few more moments as you face the reality of the communities and people around you.  Maybe it’s not that they’ve been wrong about you or toxic to you.  Maybe, just maybe, it’s been the other way around.  Maybe the people around you have been trying to help you see how you’ve been lost in LaLaLand or how you’ve been romanticizing something that needed to be seen as it really is/was.

You may have to face that you’ve been lying to yourself and/or others about something that has been very important to you only because you’ve been unrealistic or delusional about what was really said or done; or that you’ve been trying to escape or avoid acknowledging something that can no longer be avoided; or you’ve been afraid of facing something that could actually be the opportunity of a lifetime helping you to fulfill your wildest dreams, and you’re being given a second chance to step into it.  These are the possible effects of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius.

For the record, the planet Jupiter is also currently in retrograde motion in the sign of Cancer, having us look at our own feelings about and behaviors toward our loved ones in our personal, domestic, and/or familial environments and relationships.  And there are many retrograde planets coming up in the next 1-2 months as Mars, Saturn, and Pluto are all slated to enter retrograde motion during March and April 2014.  Your actions, your personal focus and discipline, and your personal power and influence all get a thorough examination starting this coming Spring.

Now that you understand what happens during planetary retrogrades, if you find that you’re getting frustrated and you just want to complain about how you can’t do what you want to do during a retrograde, just have this article bookmarked so you can refer to it when you feel the urge to text me and complain.  Even better, type your frustration as a comment to this post!

However, feel free to contact me to schedule a private session if you’d really like to know more about how these current and upcoming retrogrades may affect you directly.  I’d be happy to assist you in going through your charts to better understand what is happening for you right now.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,






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