Scorpio is inclined to all-or-nothing thinking. Almost everything is one extreme or the other – there is no grey area.

So having the upcoming full moon in Taurus (which means the Sun is in Scorpio) is the culmination of all that started with the New Moon a few weeks ago. There is already plenty of transformative energy in the air…however, having Mercury, Mars, and Venus retrograde also under Scorpio’s power is downright overwhelming for some, as Scorpio is influencing our thoughts and beliefs, our relationships, and our actions and behaviors with its transformative energy. Things around us and within us are pulling us into major transitions in aspects of our lives, our society, and our world, whether we like them or not. And please note:  Transformation is not just change – it’s complete overhaul. What is occurring will alter your perspective on the matter(s) at hand now and forward. There’s no going back with Scorpio. Your old perspective or experience will be completely gone.

The key to getting through this time is to recognize that these transformations are ultimately beneficial. Even if they may not seem like it in the moment, Scorpio’s energy is always clearing away what we no longer need, lightening our load so we can easily move forward into growth and expansion of what is truly important to us and what is truly necessary for us on our life journeys. That’s not to say that we should not mourn the losses that occur – simply that we can mourn them and then look forward to what comes into the space created in their absence. After all, we cannot receive until we let go of what we hold onto so tightly.

What needs to be let go? On a personal level, look to certain thought patterns or beliefs that may be holding you back. Or maybe it’s a relationship or two that you need to re-assess. Or maybe it’s the actions you are taking or activities you are participating (or the lack thereof) that are in need of a new approach. Use this upcoming full moon and the roughly 30-36 hours that the moon is in Scorpio (Friday evening 10/22, Saturday 10/23, and very early Sunday 10/24) to tap into your feelings and emotions to find out what you really want to transform in your life…or to see what is brought to your attention and/or comes to a head in your life during that time.

A special note here: Since the New Moon two weeks ago was in Libra, it may be our relationships that shift most of all. It can be relationships with other individuals, but also may be relationships to institutions, aspects of society, groups, interests, etc. Take a look at how your perspectives of various relationships are being challenged and transformed.

And remember, it’s all good…even if it doesn’t seem like it in the moment. Everything happens for a reason. Welcome the clearing and the clarity…and welcome the new and true into the space that is cleared.  

Until next week…

 ~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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