I’m intrigued by this emotion for the simple fact that I’ve encountered a few angry people this week and heard and seen a few things that have resulted in some interesting expressions of anger, and I thought it would be appropriate to explore this subject for this week’s post.
What has us – any of us – get angry? I thought of the chart work and readings I’ve done, and realized that all it comes down to is that we aren’t getting our way in something. Yet, as simple as that sounds, it’s not necessarily that simple.
You see. We may not be getting our way as result of an ideal or a fantasy not being realized, or it may be that we are not being able to maintain control over a situation or a person (as if we ever really had control in the first place). We may not be getting the attention or affection we want from another…and/or we may feel unable or unworthy of asking for it. But whatever the case, it all comes down this: we want something(s) a certain way, and our circumstances or situations are not that way. Period.
(Those of you who re not sci-fi inclined, forgive me for going here.) The Borg characters in Star Trek are known to use the tag line “Resistance is futile”. Well, they knew what they were talking about. The more we resist whatever we are angry about, it persists. Anger is our resistance to something – it’s our way of throwing a child’s tantrum, of expressing the resistance to the way things are or the way someone is being. What we often don’t realize is that we don’t have to be angry, and if we are, that anger doesn’t have to intensify.
Now some of us may say that we don’t have room for rationalization when we are in the midst of our anger. We aren’t thinking – we aren’t even present to the moment. We’re just raging. And that is where self-awareness comes into play. When we have awareness of what may trigger our anger responses, and when we have clear awareness of why we react the way we do, then we can begin to transform our anger into a more positive and productive expression. Once we understand how each of us are uniquely wired for anger, we can understand what gets us to that point of rage and step in to prevent it before it starts. Of course, a large component of the preventative measures is self-responsibility – an ownership that cannot truly be embraced and utilized until self-awareness is awakened…and that is one of the benefits of knowing oneself through astrology and numerology – self-awareness to prevent our anger from taking over our loving and peaceful outward self-expressions.
ALL (yes, I said ALL) of the numeric and astrological energies and combinations have the capacity to be angry in some way. It’s the way things are laid out in one’s chart that helps differentiate how anger may show up and/or be expressed in a specific person. But this is the most important thing to note: there is NO sure fire way to predict how the CAPACITY for anger will be outwardly expressed through a person through astrology and/or numerology alone. In fact, it is easier to see it after the fact simply because we often do not know someone’s upbringing or background uniquely affects them to know how their anger energy will ultimately be expressed. The key to consider is that everyone (yes, each and every one of us) has the capacity for both anger and peace, for “good” and “evil”. And take note that anger is not always a bad thing. In fact, it can be a very good thing in that it can help us know when we are not operating in integrity with ourselves – when we are out of alignment with our deepest desires and intentions. The key is to utlize that knowledge to transform our lives from the inside (of ourselves) out into the world around us, therefore transforming our perception and experience of the world around us.
Just something to think about the next time we encounter anger in ourselves or in others.
Until next week…
~ Light, Love, and Blessings,