So here we are, beginning the last week of Sun in Pisces for 2011. It’s been quite a month leading up to this, hasn’t it?
Some of you have been on me a bit in the last few weeks, letting me know how much of “a downer” the blog posts have been. I’ve gotten feedback that they’re too serious and too long, pushing too hard for introspection and self-assessment in this time of great upheaval and change in the world. And there’s been a reason I’ve been the way I’ve been about it:
Because I AM serious about it! Because it’s some serious business!
In this year at this time and possibly more than ever in modern history, we are all being called upon to look at all that’s occurring in the world and to examine how we feel about it and what we want to do what we are doing about it. And more than ever, you have the opportunity to slightly adjust or flat-out change the course of your life, if you desire to. I’ve been seriously encouraging you to look at yourself and your life so that if you are not certain or not feeling good about where you want to go or about what you say you want for your life right now, you can make empowered choices to become so. It is my hope that you are making the most of this time and that you are making choices and taking steps for the course of your life that you actually feel good about taking…not just taking the steps you think you should be taking because you think it’s what you’re “supposed” to do or because “that’s the way it’s supposed to be done”.
A large part of this ‘empowered choice’ process is recognizing YOUR thoughts and feelings as separate from the thoughts and feelings of OTHERS. This is so you can be sure that you are actually making choices based upon what YOU want rather than what OTHERS want. Yes, it’s important to be aware of what others are feeling and thinking from a compassion and philanthropy standpoint, but for you to make your best and most uniquely valuable contribution to humanity you must have a sense of who you are and how you feel about who you are despite humanity. You are not separate from others, yet you are distinctly different from others – there is only one you for a reason. If you aren’t already living into it…seek, embrace and live into that reason for yourself and for all of us so we all may be blessed and fulfilled by your unique expressions of love and contribution to the world.
The shift into Aries’ action energy (assertive and congenial actions when happy and confident; aggressive or violent actions when angry and/or fearful) has already begun.
- Jupiter has been in Aries since January 26th, acknowledging that there is growth and expansion through actions based in truth.
- On March 9th, Mercury entered Aries as well, shifting the focus of our thoughts and words onto our actions or the actions we intend to take.
- On March 11th, Uranus also entered Aries, putting the collective whole of humanity into communication and collaboration on a massive scale. (NOTE: It’s interesting that this is the day the massive earthquake in Japan occurred)
- And one week from today on Sunday, March 20th at 4:21p PDT, the Sun enters Aries, giving everything a sense of urgency.
- If that’s not enough Aries energy for you, Mars joins the crew in its native Aries on April 1st, putting anything that’s not already in action into action whether we like it or not.
- And to top it all off, the New Moon in Aries occurs on April 3rd, finally having our emotions catch up with all the action, for better or worse.
That’s SIX bodies of influence in the sign of Aries! An extremely intense and active time! It’ll be interesting to see exactly how that energy proceeds to show up in the world and in our individual life experiences, for better and worse…and there’s sure to be plenty of both.
However, one element that will remain in Pisces for a while longer is Chiron, “the wounded healer”. This influence will continue to give each and all of us the opportunity to heal and/or complete our emotional upsets rooted in the past through the course(s) of action we choose in our lives. This is why it is so important for you to be clear about your feelings and emotions – because you WILL act upon your thoughts and your thoughts ARE influenced by your feelings. If you don’t like your thoughts, you’ll be making choices and taking actions that won’t leave you feeling happy or fulfilled as result.
So if you don’t like your thoughts, CHANGE YOUR MIND! To change your mind, let yourself be honest about how you really feel and let yourself feel it. Then figure out what those feelings are prompting you to do, and find healthy and positive expressions for them that brings you joy and fulfillment. THIS is where astrological and numerological insights into your own unique self come in handy. Using The Life by Soul System ©, I can assist you into a great or greater awakening of your unique life purpose and how you can most directly and effectively contribute to the greater whole.
If ever there were a time where humanity is inclined to individually and collectively act before we realize what we’re doing, it’s over the course of the next three weeks…and the inclinations will only get stronger within this time frame, both individually and collectively. And these inclinations will be rooted in whatever our individual and collective emotions and feelings are about what’s going on. We’d better know how we really feel about what we say we want, and we’d best hope we truly feel good about it, as we each will be taking actions in alignment with the real and true feelings behind our actions, and each and all of us will be getting results that reflect those realities and truths.
I look forward to finding out even more about what we each and all are capable of through our feelings, thoughts and actions, and to what our responses will be to events in the coming week(s).
Until next week, here’s to discovery…
~ Light, Love, and Blessings,