Well, Mercury is now direct as of yesterday. Everybody can now breathe and get on with your lives. The Sun is now moving through Taurus. Venus has entered Aries, joining Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus in the sign of initiative, action, and energy. Life goes on.
On this Easter Sunday, on this Christian holiday to meant to acknowledge and celebrate resurrection, we get to celebrate life continuing on.
If you are familiar with the account (or story), you know that Jesus Christ died an excruciatingly painful death on the cross (or stake) only to resurrect three days later. He died to be reborn, and to show us that the energy of Love and Life is eternal. In doing so, he then proved experientially what today’s science is now also proving. (I’ll post a link or a few on this subject later in the week.)
We are all part of the Universe – in the most basic way, as atoms, particles, and the energies that have them take form. And it is how all those little bits come together that make us who each and all of us are. Whether we like it or not, we are indeed all connected. We are all connected with everyone and everything. And our connection transcends our physical being.
It’s on religious holidays such as this – especially Easter – that I am reminded of the symbiotic nature of religion and science – the blending of belief and proof. It’s a timely thought in this time of Sun in Taurus (physical-material-financial) with so much continuing in Aries.
Many people won’t believe until they see, touch, or experience. They insist on proof or assurance before they will take action. They want to know that they are going to have things turn out the way they want them to. It’s a control thing, which is a self-protection thing. No one wants to be hurt. No one wants to make a poor choice out of fear of being hurt or of dying – either physically or emotionally. So most people want proof that they will be able to preserve their perspectives or beliefs about themselves before they’ll take one step forward. This burden of proof is often what leads people two steps back, for they don’t learn and grow but rather remain stagnant in fear.
If everything went the way you wanted all of the time, you’d never learn or have incentive to evolve. You’d be stuck in your ways and if anything happened that you have no control over, you would have no way to respond other than panic or drastic action. It is through your poor choices that you learn what good choices are and grow from there. It’s in experiencing the results you don’t want that you gain the opportunity to shift your course of action to start producing results that you do want. This is the learning process of life. This is the reason that “If you’re not learning, you’re dead.”
Life is about learning and evolving in your existence. The results you get in life are the results of who you choose to be – it’s the tangible proof of your own real and true beliefs about yourself and about life.
Yet even when presented with proof, people doubt and deny. People especially reject proof and truth when they find they are capable of producing the results that they believe to be beyond their capabilities. I think of the account in the Bible where Peter was actually walking on water with Jesus, and how the moment he realized that he was actually doing it, he became afraid then began to sink. It wasn’t that he wasn’t able – he even stated he wanted to and would. Yet once he was doing it, he chose to believe that he shouldn’t be able to do what Jesus could do. Jesus even called him out on it – “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”. The disciples in the boat responded, “You are truly the Son of God”, deflecting their potential for greatness back onto Jesus, denying themselves that same Light of greatness.
But this is the thing – Peter was capable! As we are all capable, yet most of us have convinced ourselves otherwise. Over legacies and centuries, humanity has convinced itself that we are not capable of greatness, that we are not part of something larger than ourselves, that we are not worthy and deserving of greatness and transcendence and connection with All-That-Is let alone to each other. We have convinced ourselves that we are not worthy of abundance and joy and Love.
Yet now even science dictates otherwise. Scientific research is factually proving our connection to All-That-Is. There is an energy connection in and with all things, in all beings…and we can choose whether or not we want to be aware of and have faith in that connection.
The thing is…it doesn’t even have to be Christian faith. Jesus, like Mohammed and the Buddha and others, is a teacher for us to help us learn and know what is possible for each and all of us. They are all extraordinary examples of and testaments to faith in connection and Oneness.
(And by the way, even if you say you believe in science over religion, you are still placing your faith in something.)
So, if you don’t like the results of your actions or the results you are getting in your life, do something about it. Believe yourself and prove yourself to be greater than the results you are getting and alter your beliefs and actions.
Love yourself and prove to yourself that you are worthy and deserving of the good that can come your way as result of your actions taken in faith…whatever you choose to believe in.
And do yourself and all of us a favor – believe in something loving and good.
Enjoy the week. Until next post…
~ Light, Love, and Blessings, Grace