At 8:21p PDT on Saturday, October 6th, 2012, Mars moves into Sagittarius to complete a flurry of planetary sign change in the last 48 hours.

Mars has been in Scorpio, lending a rather extreme energy to our actions.  You may have found that your actions and the actions of others have had an all-or-nothing quality about them, producing some extreme and life-altering results in the last few weeks (since August 23rd).  Much has happened, and now with Mars moving into the adventurous and open-minded Sagittarius, we are encouraged to seize the opportunity to take actions to move onward through the after-effects with a positive and hopeful attitude.

Sagittarius is an optimistic energy, which will be desperately needed at this time.  Having Mars in this sign will influence our actions by encouraging us to take actions that move us into positive and growth-inducing learning experiences.  Sagittarius, more than any other sign, learns from first-hand experience – it wants and needs to have the experience itself so it can share and/or teach the wisdom of its experiences with others.

Wisdom is one of the most important parts of this 2012 Mars in Sagittarius cycle.  The actions you take now will likely be the product of the wisdom of your experiences before now.  This is a chance for you to take the most positive lessons from your past and apply them to your life in the present moment.

The other important element is truth.  Truth and the search for it is the ultimate goal of Sagittarius.  There is plenty to discover and learn along the way, but when it’s all said and done, Sag wants to be able to get to the bottom of things and know that its journey has uncovered or connected assorted events to a bigger Universal truth.  This is important to note because the actions you take under Mars in Sagittarius’ influence will not only be about the wisdom of your experiences – they will also be about getting to and sharing the truth of those experiences.

That said, in this 2012 Mars in Sagittarius cycle, there will be a great deal of truth revealed in your actions and in the actions of others.  The truths revealed could very well include your deepest and most emotionally-intimate thoughts (Mercury in Scorpio); the real reality of the nature and purpose of your one-on-one relationships and partnerships (Venus in Virgo); and what you really believe yourself to be capable and worthy of achieving and/or accomplishing in your life, and how you feel about yourself and your life as it stands now in the face of those beliefs (mutual reception of Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn).

You will be undergoing this process…and so will others.  Mars in Sagittarius provides each and all of us the opportunity to learn the truth about ourselves and each other through our actions.  Especially while the Sun in still in Libra until October 22nd, we will be able to assess whether or not the relationships in our lives support or detract from our lives.  Some (if not all) of what we keep most hidden and most secret about our relationships has the potential of being revealed at this time.  And as the Sun moves into Scorpio, those relationship revelations will in turn reveal some (if not all) of what we keep most hidden and secret about individual ourselves to others.

Keep in mind, however, that if your secrets are indeed revealed through your actions, it is only because there is a bigger purpose for that revelation to occur when it does.  Trust that whatever is revealed is somehow exactly what needs to be revealed in order for the transformation of yourself or your life to occur…so that your chosen goals and ambitions can be realized.

This is, again, where those goals I’ve been talking about for months now come into play.  If you have set clearly-defined goals or a clear vision for yourself about the life you are creating, then the truths that will be revealed will reflect what changes are (and aren’t) occurring in and around your life for those goals to be realized.  However, if you have not set clearly defined goals for yourself, you may find that the truth of your indecision will be revealed as well.   Without a clear direction, these next few weeks and possibly the remainder of this year may be quite difficult for you to navigate.

Mars leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn on November 16th, 2012 to begin bringing forth tangible results out of our truth-revealing actions.

Until then, make the most of this Mars in Sagittarius cycle by doing your best to enjoy the adventures and revelations that come into your life, and the wisdom and truth that come out of them for your benefit now and forward.

To find out which areas of your life may be most affected by Mars moving into Sagittarius, look to where Sagittarius falls in your chart(s).  For more insights on this subject, click here to contact me for a chart interpretation.

Thank you again for reading and sharing this blog.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,






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