I’ve shared with you the astrological dynamics of the beginning of this New Year in the recent blog posts and in the e-zine for the month of Capricorn 2012-13.  However, I’d like to get more in-depth about the numerology of 2013.

2013 is a Universal 6 Year, numerologically speaking.

6 is an energy of nurturing, caring, and protecting.  It is a maternal energy, and it tends to be emotionally based.  It is also associated with healing and wellness.  Many people who have this influence in their natal charts tend to be drawn toward professions or activities that encourage and support good health.  These could be roles such as nurses, psychotherapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, nutritionists, etc.  Generally speaking, 6 is a number inclined to roles and professions in which they can provide nurturing, caring, and loving service to others.

The good news about this influence is that it can prove to be very nurturing and healing.  6 could very well be called “The Love Number” because it is that geared toward providing whatever is needed for others to feel emotionally cared for.  In my practice, I tend to call 6 energy “Mommy Energy”, as it can represent maternal energy at its best and worst.

This is a great energy to have present coming out of all of the changes during our previous 5 Universal Year.  Some of those changes were pretty intense, and some healing energy is definitely welcome now.  In this 6 Year, It would be wise for people to seek out others who can help them come to terms with the challenges they face as result of these changes – to help them adjust to the new landscapes of their lives.  Others may do best being of loving and nurturing service to others, finding that being nurturing and healing for others proves to be healing for their own hearts as well.

The challenge with this influence is that like a mother protecting her child, people may protect their “loved” interests or their loved ones with great ferocity.  The concept of “circling the wagons” is how this influence will show up for some.  It could also show up as over-protection of loved ones, and disrespect for privacy or personal boundaries may be seen as “necessary” in order to protect one’s emotional interests.

There could also be some “tough love” dealt out, with less warm and fuzzy being shared and more pushing loved ones out of the nest in order to break emotionally clingy or dependent ties.

Either way, there are usually good loving and nurturing intentions here – after all, it is a mothering influence.  But for all their good intentions, sometimes mothers make some not-so-good choices.  We will definitely experience both the good and the not-so-good this year.


In personal matters, there are people who will either have a need for loving care and nurturing awakened in them, or who will find themselves very uncomfortable with allowing others to care for, nurture, or protect them.

For those who awaken to a need for this energy, these individuals will either seek out others who will provide them with this loving and nurturing care or they will seek out others they can provide this care to.

With the latter, the helpful element is that they can provide much-needed healing service to others at this time – helping others become healthy and well, developing within them the confidence and courage to move on with their lives.  The challenging detail here is that they may be so caring and nurturing, they could end up smothering or controlling those they care for – becoming over-protective and dependent on those they “need” to take care of to the point where they don’t allow their loved ones to grow up or develop independence and self-responsibility.

With the former, they are often the recipients of this type of care and nurturing.  Their openness to receive can be as healing for the ones giving them that care.  However, like the caregivers, the receivers can become dependent and not be willing to further develop their independence or growth.  They may seek out protection and control of others, giving up their personal power to others in order to avoid taking responsibility for themselves.

On the uncomfortable side, these individuals may feel they are giving up their individuality and freedom in allowing others to care for them or in having to take care of others. “Smothered”, “controlled”, or “manipulated” are usually words used by these individuals who are deeply afraid of being or becoming dependent on others.  These people may find themselves having to confront their issues around loving relationships with family and close friends.  Some will find themselves unable to make a healthy shift, pushing away others who try to love or care for them – like a turtle or a crab, they will withdraw into their shell to “protect” themselves from being emotionally vulnerable to others.  However, others may turn a corner and open themselves up to healthy emotional vulnerability.  In doing so, they may very well experience an appreciation for receiving and/or giving loving care and protection like they never have before.


On a larger scale, this 6 Universal Year energy could show up as corporations, governments, and other large institutions making major strides to care for and nurture their employees or citizens.  There could be some very humanitarian or philanthropic efforts and acts to be of service to as many people as possible in the most positive, healing, and healthy ways.  There will be acts of protection and provision that may be much needed and welcomed by its recipients.

However, these large scale acts and efforts could just as well result in the eliminating of public privacy safeguards or eliminating or overstepping legal boundaries in order to provide this “protection” or “service” to others.  This type of protection and nurturing can be detrimental as it creates either dependency or abandonment dynamics in cultures and societies.  Individuals within these social structures may find themselves at the mercy of the larger entities, feeling like they are being forced into circumstances they don’t want to be in yet feeling obligated to comply.  This has been occurring in some ways for a while now, but be prepared to see it and feel the effects of it (and responses to it) far more clearly in this 6 Year.


2013 starts off with January 2013 being a 7 Universal Month, meaning that there is a thoughtful, analytical, and somewhat introverted energy in the air.  Many of us will be thinking about the year we are coming out of, and thinking just as much if not more about what we are creating for this New Year.  We will also be observing and taking note of what is happening around us.  With the 6 energy of the Universal Year, we are probably going to look at what supports, nurtures, and cares for us both on the personal/private and external/public levels of our everyday lives…and more important, the balance of provision and self-responsibility.

February 2013 will be an 8 month, and in that month be prepared to see some actions taken in order to claim power, position, and control.  Much like December 2012, there will be some intense dynamics, but this time around they are likely to involve individuals coming together to champion larger causes and concerns that are humanitarian or philanthropic in nature.


All in all, 2013 will provide us with many opportunities in a grand variety of ways on many different levels to help each of us assess and re-define what Love is and how Love is expressed in our lives.  I hope this article gives you some valuable insights for the early part of 2013.  There will be more to come over the coming weeks and months.

Wishing you all the best for 2013!

~Light, Love, and Blessings,





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