Jupiter is the ruler of the sign of Sagittarius, and is known for being “larger than life”.  Growth and expansion are its intentions, and Jupiter usually goes about fulfilling these intentions by going forward with an optimistic mindset and “learning from experience”.

Jupiter is generally considered a beneficial influence in astrology, but it can also indicate where there may be too much of a good thing.  This is where Jupiter in Gemini could prove to be a case of too much information.

Gemini is a sign of fast-moving information and communications.  Combined with big and jolly Jupiter, Gemini moves a bit slower than usual in gathering and processing information only because there is SO much being communicated.  It’s taking longer for Gemini to absorb it all, but Gemini loves taking in all that Jupiter brings to the table because it is learning from it.  Therefore, Jupiter in Gemini often brings opportunities for profound learning experiences.

That said, Jupiter has A LOT to share, and this may be too much of a good thing for GeminiGemini is a mental energy and likes to learn and process things quickly, then move on.  But with Jupiter giving it so much, Gemini may be a bit overwhelmed by Jupiter’s abundance.

In other words, we are collectively being encouraged to take in as much as we can from all the information being presented to us…but then the questions that arise are:

  • Is what your mind is taking in really what you need to move forward and expand your knowledge and wisdom in a positive way?
  • Are you really learning what you really need to know?

This is why it is so important for you to be clear about what it is you’re looking for.  There will be a vast amount of information coming to you – more than usual for certain.  The key in navigating through it all will be for you to know and be very clear about who you are, who you want to be, what you are looking for…then to discern if what is in front of you is really in alignment with what you want or not.  Ultimately, only you know what is best for you, and only you will be able to make those choices for yourself and make your choices known as Jupiter in Gemini goes direct.

Since Jupiter in Gemini has been retrograde since October 4, 2012, Jupiter’s influence has been rather introspective, meaning that Jupiter’s growth and expansion influence has probably been more internally experienced than outwardly expressed.  Much of the information that has been coming to you has likely been significant for you on an internal, self-awareness level.

But with Jupiter now moving in direct motion as of 3:38a PST this morning, that’s about to change.  All of the events of your life in these last four months have given you opportunities for personal growth and development, and all that you’ve learned about yourself is now about to make its public debut with Jupiter’s direction change.  It brings forth the following questions:

  • What have you learned about yourself in the last four months and how does it help you grow and expand your life?
  • What have you learned that you could share with others now?  What will you share with the rest of humanity – what will you “share with the class”?

Under the influence of the Aquarius Sun, what you learn from Jupiter in Gemini isn’t only about what you learn for yourself, but also how you grow and expand that knowledge by sharing it with others.  The outward expression of your growth and development doesn’t necessarily need to be all about your making a scene or being the center of attention.  You may not even have to initiate any actions (though you may notice that you feel more inclined to be active in moving your life forward in expansive ways).  However, it may be that things happening around you give you opportunities to respond to, test out, and/or share your new-found wisdom gained through your experiences of the last few months.

As you gather information, make decisive choices that align with your intentions, and share what you learn along the way with others, you will find that things will move quickly for you and will likely do so in major or profound ways.  After all, Jupiter is the big, jolly giant – it does everything in a big way.  Yet it’s still up to you to make sure you are asking for what you want and that you’re ready to receive it.  Be clear about what you are seeking and prepare for its arrival so you are not overwhelmed when it comes into your life.

Most of all, enjoy the effects of Jupiter Direct in Gemini.  Jupiter will be in the sign until late June 2013, so make the most and best of it until then by learning and sharing the knowledge and wisdom you are growing into.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next time…
~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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