At 5:52a PST, Venus in Pisces squared Jupiter in Gemini.  Pisces Venus square Gemini Jupiter is a challenging aspect, but only in that it challenges us to look at our partnerships of all kinds in different ways.  For some of us, that difference may seem to be a negative.  For others of us, it may seem to be a positive.  However it occurs for you, the shift that occurs will probably be the best thing for both (and all) parties involved for you and your partner(s) to learn some new things and gain some clarity about the true nature of your relationship.

Venus in Pisces tends to idealize relationships and partnerships with a rose-colored glasses perspective.  It looks for the best in everything, and tends to go into denial or tries to escape reality when the truth proves the fantasy to be untrue.  Though Venus is naturally associated with air energy (Libra), in Pisces it’s ability to see things clearly and objectively is drowned out by Pisces’ watery emotion.  One’s emotions are likely heavily invested in dreams, visions, and sometimes delusions of “happily ever after’.

Jupiter in Gemini tends to seek ways to expand its knowledge base and grow in its ability to have intellectual   and objective exchanges with others in ways that give all parties involved more information.  With Gemini being an air sign, Jupiter has no emotional investment in the information communicated – it’s all ideas and logic.  And with Jupiter usually associated with fire energy (Sagittarius), it is eager to make a big deal of the new truths it is discovering.  Jupiter in Gemini is enthusiastic about what it is learning and passionate about sharing it with anyone who will listen and feed its fire by giving it even more to learn.

Combining these two energies proves very interesting as Jupiter in Gemini brings information to Venus in Pisces that will likely challenge Venus’ perception that everything is good, happy, and wonderful.  Even if what is being communicated by Jupiter in Gemini isn’t absolutely true, it puts enough reasonable doubt in the air about what is or isn’t real or true – enough of a question to burst Venus in Pisces’ bubble.

And with Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun in Pisces today as well, the truths that come to Light may leave Venus in Pisces either having to come to terms with its dreams being tempered with reality, or desperate to escape the truth that is emerging.

For you as an individual, you may find yourself choosing to accept the reality of a situation that you have been resisting for some time as information comes forth that has you let go of your ideal to make the best of what you’ve got.  This doesn’t necessarily mean that the dream is dead – just that it may come in a way different that you envisioned, or that something even better than you could ever imagine is coming to you instead.

On the other hand, if you are really emotionally invested in a particular outcome, you may find that this Pisces Venus-Gemini Jupiter square has you running to escape the truths coming to Light.  You may find yourself in heavy denial, seeking shelter from the reality that is revealing itself so harshly.

The tension dynamics of Pisces Venus square Gemini Jupiter are likely to be visible in matters of partnerships and one-one-one relationships of all kinds.  This may show up as one partner wanting to grow intellectually with the other or as one wanting to grow in a new or different direction than their partner to expand their knowledge or to put themselves in a position to have more communication or interaction with others.  The other partner may not want to grow closer in this way or may feel their ability to think for themselves is being compromised by their partner.

Pisces Venus square Gemini Jupiter could be especially notable in partnerships of a romantic nature.  Partners who have been feeling a great deal of emotional or spiritual connection may now take time to actually talk or think about what is happening between them rather than just going by their feelings and emotions alone.  In doing so, they may realize that they don’t have much more than emotions and dreams – that there’s no intellectual connection or that they don’t think enough alike for their connection to work out long term.  Others may find that they connect better in their meeting of the minds than they do emotionally or spiritually, or vice-versa, and this may lead them to shift the dynamic of their relationship.

Either of the afore-mentioned reactions of acceptance or denial could be yours, but they could also be the experience of your partner if you are the one holding the intellectual cards in the dynamic of this transit.  They may not see this conversation or revelation coming, and your thoughts on the nature of your partnership could be quite upsetting for them.  Be aware of this possibility before you drop what may be a bomb on their vision, and if you are on the receiving end of the news, be aware that your partner probably doesn’t intend to hurt you.

These are the growing pains of relationships – the ones in which we realize that partnership is not all always easy or fun or dreamy.  Sometimes, there are some realities that needs to be addressed for it to work if it’s going to last.  Even then, if they do last, the relationships may not always last in the way we think or hope they will.

Remember that however Pisces Venus square Gemini Jupiter occurs for you today, any shift that occurs will probably be the best thing for all parties involved for you and your partner.  Embrace any changes that may happen today, and allow them to help you learn and grow in your knowledge and understanding of the true nature of partnership.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blesings,





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