Mercury is now in direct motion in Pisces as of 1:03p PDT earlier today.  I think I just breathed the biggest sigh of relief I have sighed in a long, long time.

I can’t tell you how happy I am that this particular Mercury retrograde cycle is over.  Irregular communications, my car being rear-ended by a daydreaming driver, etc. be gone!  I’m even more happy that the Sun goes into Aries in about 2.5 days.  Finally, some of this water – this intangible, dreamy, fantastic absentmindedness of this most unusual 2013 Pisces flood – will recede.

That said, Pisces water combined with Aries fire becomes steam.  And with Mars already in Aries and the Sun and Venus joining in not much longer afterward, there will be plenty of steam with Mercury, Chiron, and Neptune all remaining in Pisces throughout the Aries Sun cycle.

But for now, let’s keep our eyes on Mercury Direct in Pisces.  This is important because while it was in retrograde motion, Mercury was with the Sun, Venus, Mars, Chiron, Neptune, and even the Moon at this time last week in the sign of Pisces.  All of this Pisces water had us feeling very fluid and unstable.  In fact, there was a great deal of daydreaming, fantasizing, idealism, romanticism, etc.  There was plenty of imaginative vision and creative mental energy, and some of those great ideas may have come up to the surface of your consciousness.

With Mercury Direct, now is the time to begin speaking about your conscious visions and ideas to see if you can find others who are willing to help you move them forward toward reality.  Passionate action is emerging as Mars has entered Aries last week, and with the Sun and Venus joining Mars as the week continues, there will be a good deal of initiative in place to put your visions into motion.

Of course, putting the ideas into motion still doesn’t mean you’ll have tangible results.  And this is where we need to be reminded that even though steam may power the engine of a train and move it forward on its tracks, steam may still be seen simply as a bunch of hot air.  It is important that you actually have a clear vision in place and some ideas of how you can implement that vision so that others can understand and be excited about assisting you or acting on your behalf.  You don’t have to know exactly how it will happen – just have a clear vision, and present it with the feeling you had when the idea came to you.  Communicate this knowing that your vision may need to change some as you implement it, but the feeling of the vision never has to.  In fact , it is the feeling that will let you know if you are still in alignment with your initial divine inspiration.

If you still aren’t sure what you are looking for, be aware that Mercury Direct in Pisces lends itself to ways you can be of philanthropic or inspirational service to others.  The more you can articulate how you feel called to be of service, you may find that ideas and/or opportunities to serve emerge before your very eyes!  The key is to be open to those ideas and opportunities as they come forth in order for you to seize them.  You have to allow yourself to receive your dreams as they begin to come true for you.

Pisces is a collective energy, and is not a time for you to try and do everything on your own.  Thankfully, with Mars in Aries to help you take the initiative in letting others know that you are ready and eager to be of service, its influence helps get you and keep you out of the typical Pisces trap of being a martyr rather than a healthy servant.  You actually can acknowledge that serving and healing others also serves and heals you, and you are willing and able to serve others by working with others as part of the collective Oneness, serving Oneness with love.  You’ll be able to think of and speak up for the greater whole while taking action for yourself in alignment with your call to Divine service – a wonderful, healthy balance.!

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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