Whenever a planet goes into retrograde motion, a couple of things happen.

1)       There is a do-over energy in the air that allows for things to be revisited or done again.

2)       There is an introspective energy that has you shift your focus to yourself and your own life by turning the representations of the planet inward.

With Neptune in Pisces – its sign of rulership – going into retrograde motion as of 1:34p PDT yesterday, June 7th, 2013, it is at its best and strongest right now.  Being in its element, there is a great deal of artistic and creative inspiration and vision right now.  There is also an abundance of spiritual awakening and awareness in process.

Most of this experience has been played outwardly.  You’ve probably noticed and/or participated in shifts in these inspired and visionary areas from the inside out, acting upon or responding to these energies awakening within you.  You may have recently become more active in charity or philanthropic efforts, or taken a new interest in your spiritual practice(s).  However it’s occurred for you, there’s a good chance you’ve been active in something that reminds you that you are part of something bigger than yourself – something that has you in selfless service to others.

Yet with Neptune now in retrograde motion, we now get to shift our focus in this regard yet again.  This isn’t a shift in the quality of Neptune in its home sign of Pisces, but a shift in the flow of its energy.

Usually, in the process of selfless service, you are expected to serve because it takes you outside of yourself and connects you with All-That-Is.  It helps you remember your connection to anything and everything around you – to your connection with and participation in Oneness.

Yet with Neptune Retrograde, you now get to be present to how your selfless service is serving you.

Service is a wonderful teacher.  It helps you learn where you are strong as well as where you can develop your strength.  Being of service is not always easy, yet for many of you, it can be easy to lose yourself in taking care of others, being attentive to the needs of others, or sharing or giving your resources to others.  The tricky thing is, Pisces energy is also known as “martyr energy”.  It is easy to give away what you need to serve yourself under the belief that you are serving others by giving it away.

Under the influence of Neptune in Pisces, it could be easier than usual for you to give away your resources of time, money, material belongings, opportunities for advancement, physical resources or efforts, etc.  By giving these resources away, you may be giving away the manifestations of your own visions or the fulfillment of your own dreams.

In being of “selfless service”, are you giving away what you need to have your own life work?

As Neptune goes retrograde, this is not a call for you to stop being of selfless service.  Yet it is a call for you to look at how your way of being of service is serving you.

Are you taking care of yourself as well or as much as you are taking care of others, or are you sacrificing your well-being and your ability to contribute to the Oneness of All-That-Is by forgetting that you, too, are part of the Oneness you are serving?

Neptune Retrograde gives you the opportunity to learn how you serve, and to assess whether you are being too selfless or maybe even not selfless enough.  Either way, you have a chance to reclaim or renew your own vision and your own dreams for your life during this time.

Neptune in Pisces will be in retrograde motion now through November 13th, 2013.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post (which will be in a few minutes)…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Sunset - Emeryville, CA - GDC




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