Uranus is often about communities and groups and individuals making their unique contributions to the greater collective whole.  Yet with Uranus currently traveling in the sign of Aries, the energy of this planet shifts onto how you express your unique self and take action on your own behalf within the groups, teams, communities, associations, etc. – the social and societal circles you participate in.

During this square transit of Uranus in Aries with the Cancer Sun (exact at 11:22p PDT on Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013),  there is the opportunity for you to notice how well you have been nurturing and protecting your individuality within your social circles.  This is a prime opportunity for you to pay attention to how well the groups you choose to affiliate yourself with nurture, support, care for, or protect your inner Truth and your best self-interests.

Sometimes, you may find yourself spending time among people who aren’t supportive of who you truly are or what you are truly committed to having or accomplishing in your life.  This may be because you feel like you owe it to them to maintain your association with them for some reason –  you may have been friends with them since grade school, or have been through some very celebratory or challenging times together, or the like.

You may have a great deal of affinity and/or gratitude for their presence in your life in and through those times, yet you may also notice that now they drain your energy, seem to have a knack for tearing you down just when you’re feeling good about the direction your life, or that they may hold you back in some other way through their behaviors or attitudes toward you when you take steps to move yourself forward in your life.

Often, this type of thing happens not so much because you’re succeeding, but because your success or your movement toward it awakens in them to the fact that they aren’t living their individual truth or doing anything to move themselves forward on their journey.  Misery loves company, and they may be pushing you to stay with them rather than to make your own way which may result in your “leaving them behind”.

On the flip side, you may find that you are among people who are very eager to assist you in your individual progress.  The challenge here is that you may feel obligated to bring these people up and/or along with you, even if they aren’t the people you need to continue your journey.  This Sun-Uranus square transit may be an opportunity for you to recognize that some of the people who want to help you and that you’re determined to carry with you may not be ready for the steps you are taking.  They simply may not be the right people to assist you in moving further forward or upward.  Again but differently, your own fear of letting go of your past supporters may be keeping you from being all that you truly and uniquely are.

Either way, the key during this Sun-Uranus square is to recognize that you are ultimately an individual.  This isn’t to say you need to rebel from your communities or associations altogether.  It is, however, to say that you may want to consider running from the affiliations that no longer or possibly never really have nurtured your unique individuality well.  That may be the truth the Sun’s Light reveals to you during this square.

This Sun in Cancer -Uranus in Aries square can be a challenge, but also an opportunity for you to get clear about who you are choosing to be in the world as an individual expression of Divine Light, and to look at if your social circles support and encourage who you are nurturing yourself to be or become.  If the people you’re spending time with aren’t in alignment with your living into your unique expression of Light, of if you feel that you have to protect yourself in some way from the people you consider friends or associates, you may want to take pause to consider what you may need to do in order to nurture and protect your journey.  You may find that you just need to seek out some new circles to run with.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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