There have been many changes in the last few months, weeks, and days.  However, thanks to the Virgo Sun being in trine aspect to Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn exact at 1:46a PDT this morning of September 1st, 2013, we may now have an opportunity to get a grip on a few things.

With this Earth energy trine, you are being given an opportunity to create a plan to provide some structure for the next steps of your life, whatever those may be.  By forming a plan, you can create a board…think of it as a “surfboard” upon which you can “surf” the waves of change.

That said, the specific details of that surfboard may vary for each of us.  That is the beauty of what is happening right now:  The plan you create for yourself will not be and cannot be the same plan as it is for me.

Virgo energy is focused on making life work.  Functionality, efficiency, effectiveness – those qualities are the order of the day, every day for VirgoCapricorn is about goals and ambitions – very results-driven.  Together, they combine to help each and all of us create a plan for how to do what needs to be done now for things to be effective in achieving our desired results.

Yet as I’ve mentioned in previous posts, Pluto in Capricorn is all about destroying the old paradigms of success and status.  The old benchmarks no longer apply, ad are being eliminated.  During this Pluto Retrograde, we are being asked to establish new standards for social status and success.  The challenge is that we must do this individually before a collective pattern can emerge as the new standard.

So…what is important to YOU?  How do you define success for yourself?  How do you recognize when your life is working for you?

These may be better questions to ask to narrow things down:

  • What do YOU resources do you need to attain or have in place in order to feel like you can handle whatever is coming to you in the ever-changing constant of life?
  • Knowing that the old ways no longer serve, can you now figure out what is really and truly important to you in your life?
  • What makes you feel successful, whether or not anyone else agrees with you?
  • What tangible outcomes prove to you that you are on the right path for you or that you belong where you are or where you are going?

The thing is that the plan that works for you is NOT a plan that will work for someone else.  Thanks to Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, the days of doing what everybody else is doing or having people tell you what success is are gone.  There is no quick fix or “one size fits all” package, product, promotion, or program that will work for everyone.  There are no gurus or masters that can tell you how to live your life.  You actually get to customize this plan you are creating to fit YOUR unique needs.

This Virgo Sun trine Capricorn Pluto planning opportunity requires that you make the effort to get real about who you are, where your life stands now, and what you are committed to creating for yourself.  Without clarity of your truth based in the practical reality of your life, you cannot create or execute an effective plan.

From there, continuing in true Virgo fashion, it will take more effort from you in order to put your plan into action.  The plan doesn’t simply happen after you create it.  You actually have to implement the plan yourself.

Of course, you may find that as you apply your effort in practical ways, once others understand and see that you are indeed making headway, they will be more eager to help.  Then, this strange phenomenon occurs – the more work you do, the more help you get.  The more you work the plan, the less according to plan in the best possible way.  The Universe seems to rally behind you when you are willing to do the work yourself in order to get the results you want to have.  And before you know it, the results that make Capricorn happy might be achieved.

This trine lays the foundation for this effective rally.  The plans you make now have every promise of manifestation and satisfaction.  All you need to do during this Virgo Sun trine Capricorn Pluto Retrograde is the work necessary to make those plans and to plot your course.  When you’re ready to set those plans in motion (possibly during the New Moon in Virgo later this week on the 5th), you can be confident that you are working toward can be a success.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs & Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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