As of 8:29a this morning, September 20th, Pluto in Capricorn has shifted out of retrograde back into direct motion, getting itself out of the depths of our inner workings.  However, in doing so, Pluto also shifts our attention back to what needs to be transformed in our lives around us to support the inner transformation that has just occurred and continues to occur within us.

Pluto in Capricorn is the stuff that changes the world.  The “great transformer” is literally destroying and reshaping institutions and organizations that have been “in command” for years, decades, and in some cases even centuries to date.  The old ways are being eliminated, and if you think anything in your life must endure, you may find that is exactly what Pluto in Capricorn will destroy.

This is an especially challenging influence for those of us who have been conditioned to believe certain “truths” about “how the world works”, or what you do/don’t have say in the matters of, or who has authority over you, or what you have the power to change.  Many of us have given our minds, our actions, our choices, and ultimately ourselves up to others to such a large degree, we have essentially forgotten our own individual power.  We have conditioned ourselves to be almost completely unable to choose for ourselves, think for ourselves, do anything for ourselves without someone else’s approval, permission, or validation.

We have taken the unique expressions of power The Universe has given each of us, and given them away… to each other.

Pluto in Capricorn is asking us to transform the way we perceive power and influence.  It is asking us to change how we perceive success and status.  It’s asking us to change how we perceive ourselves in matters of personal power and influence.

And in doing so, it is asking us to change the world.

Despite appearances to the contrary, the human ego pride-driven world isn’t working for us.  Universal Truth does, yet, this world has gotten so far removed from Universal Truth in so many ways that Pluto in Capricorn is a welcome influence in helping us reboot.  As I mentioned in a previous post, Pluto in Capricorn last occurred in the mid-late 18th century, assisting in the American and French Revolutions and the zenith of the Ottoman Empire.   The world as it was known profoundly transformed, never to go back to how it was before.  This influence is back again to help us alter the world as we’ve known it the last 200 or so years, and Pluto in Capricorn is determined NOT to leave it the world the way it found it.

While Pluto was retrograde, it has had us look within ourselves at how we collapsed ego and power and control.  It had us look at the places in our lives where we have given away our personal power, the ways in which we give it away, and how we might reclaim it from everyone and everything we have given it away to.

Now as it goes back into direct motion, Pluto in Capricorn challenges us to look at the world around us to notice where the status quo of the world no longer aligns with our inner truths.  We are now being asked to change the world around us so it aligns with what is inside us – to support our individual expressions.

However, many of us are frustrated and impatient right now because we cannot look to others to tell us how to do this.  Each and all of us are going through an individual experience of this, and as result, we are having to create our own definitions for success and status, power and influence, and authority and control.  Yet those of us who are dependent on others’ approval and validation ,or those of us who depend on having control or say over others or allowing others to have control or say over us are freaking out right now…because no one else can tell us who or how we’re supposed to be!  There are no external definitions!  There is no external validation!  There is no measure outside of ourselves to tell us when we’ve “made it”!  Yet there seems to be plenty out there that tells us when and how we haven’t.  Why?

Though we seem to travel alone in our experiences, we have forgotten that we have our individual truths and our individual voices.  We can have our individual experiences, and then we can share about them with other individuals.  In sharing, we may find others who are having similar experiences and who are thinking similar thoughts.  Yet it is only through reclaiming our independence and autonomy and expressing it that we can find our interdependence and collaborative Oneness.  It is only through standing up for our individual selves and the inner truths that distinguish us from each other; and communicating those truths through our actions and then our words that we can find those who resonate with us to find or create new communities.  Only then can we find others to collaborate with to revolutionize the world we live in today to create the world we live in tomorrow.

Yet even though it may start with you, this is not about changing the world in alignment with your individual personal agenda as much as it is about changing the world so it best serves ALL of us!  This is big-picture change – collective transformation.  This is governments, businesses/corporations, institutions, religions, environment, health – this is EVERYTHING!  How do these all intertwine?  How do these all affect each of us and therefore all of us?

You can use your own life to see how things are changing for you.  Yet you also need to see how they are changing for all of us.  It’s really not only about you!

Therefore, if you are having great difficulty in sharing your experiences with others and finding others to effectively collaborate with, there’s a good chance that you aren’t being true to yourself and your unique voice in some way.  Contributions are not contributions when they come with ego-driven strings or agendas attached.  We are in a time where when speaking your Truth with your unique voice without expectation of return is what is heard and received by others.  When you are speaking “truth” to meet your false standards and expectations, others will likely reject your sharing and “contributions”.

Pay attention to what is happening in the world around you to understand what is happening to you right now.  Recognize what rings true to you and what does not in this context.  Notice that the changes are much bigger than you alone, yet remember that you have your expression of Truth to earnestly contribute the big picture.  YOUR VOICE DOES HAVE POWER…as long as it is your unique voice.  Trying to be like other people, trying to please and get the approval of other people, trying to impress other people or belong with others – it won’t do you any good right now.  It won’t serve others well, and most importantly, it won’t serve you well.

You’ll find your place in the newly-emerging world by being and communicating your unique self.  So allow Pluto in Capricorn to work its magic.  Live your inner Truth.  Share your unique voice.  Be yourself.  Be and live your power.

As Marianne Williamson famously wrote, “be the change you wish to see in the world”.

It starts with you.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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