Sun Rise Over the South Pacific - International Space StationCeres is often referred to as “The Great Mother”, yet in my experience, I have found that Ceres shares the mothering duties with the Moon.  Where the Moon is the emotional component of the maternal impression, Ceres is the physical component.

Ceres reveals what has us feel safe, secure, and taken care of on a physical-material level.  It represents our creature comforts – what we need to “survive” and the quality of those needs based on our early or conditioned impressions.  It’s the quality aspect that lends Ceres to another association – with our personal values and standards, our personal lifestyles.

When it comes to our lifestyle resources, what is “good enough” for us?  This is often determined by what we value – by what is comfortable for us.  For some, appropriate shelter is a cardboard box that won’t leak when it rains.  For others, nothing less than an 8-bedroom mansion on 10 acres of land will do.  It all depends on who you are as an individual, and what your personal comfort levels are.

For the reasons noted above, I associate Ceres with the sign of Taurus to answer the questions, “What are you comfortable with?” and “What makes you feel safe and at ease?”

That said, as of 9:21a PST on 3rd February 2014, Ceres moved into the sign of Scorpio – the sign opposite Taurus. This placement brings all of us into a deep emotional awareness of our lifestyle needs and values, giving us each and all an opportunity for us to see where our needs and values are rooted in our psyche.

This is an important time as many of us have access to a major transformation of our beliefs about what we are worth or deserve.  For some, this will occur as a boost in our self-worth.  For others, this will occur as a rude awakening that takes our expectations down a few notches.  Either way, the results are sure to prove fascinating.

Scorpio is about decisiveness.  It tends to extremes – all or nothing, left or right, up or down, etc.  It doesn’t like to stand in the middle because the middle isn’t a clear stance, and a stance that is not clear cannot be trusted as far as Scorpio is concerned.  During this Ceres in Scorpio time, you may find that you are more decisive than usual in your feelings about certain matters in your life. Your personal values may become much clearer and much more reliable as result.

As your values become clearer, it will also become clearer how your current lifestyle either does or doesn’t align with those values.  That discord is where the transformative magic begins.  As you awaken to the emotional disconnection between where you are and where you want to be, you may find that you actually have to make tangible, practical changes to your lifestyle.  Your comfort zone begins to shift, to re-align.  Taurus isn’t one for change, but under Scorpio’s powerful thumb it finds it doesn’t have much of a choice.

For some of you, these decisions will come more easily than for others as you will be prompted to make these changes on your own accord.  But for those of you who are extra stubborn about giving up what you know and are comfortable with, you may find that life happens with incredible intensity as to force you into a re-alignment of your comfort zone.  The struggles will likely continue until you recognize that “resistance is futile”, and the changes that are happening need to happen whether you want them to or not.  Allowing them makes your experience of them so much easier, even if it doesn’t feel easy in the moment.

After all, it’s difficult to get comfortable with something new…when you’re holding on so tightly to the old thing.  Yet as you let go of your old creature comforts, you may find that life becomes much easier than you ever imagined possible.  It takes some time, but you will gradually get used to a new experience of your reality.  Just make sure it’s a reality that you are worthy and deserving of.

Establishing that reality requires that you really get down into your deep, dark emotional depths in order to work out whatever it is that holds you back from embracing all that you say that you want in life, whether it’s self-sabotaging the good in your life when it comes or never allowing yourself to even embrace the good in the first place.  What is it that keeps you from manifesting the lifestyle you want?  What is it that keep you from taking the next step forward and upward toward the life of your dreams?  Ceres in Scorpio is the time to find out.

This is at first a brief visit into Scorpio, as Ceres goes into retrograde motion on 26th February, then reenters Libra for a few more months on 23rd March shifting our values and resources focus back to practical partnerships and visual aesthetics.  Yet Ceres will return to direct motion on 2nd June and reenters Scorpio for a full straight run from 7th August through 27th October 2014.  Use this brief taste of Ceres in Scorpio to start the work that you may need to do in earnest come late summer.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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