2014 - photo by Michelle Miller

2014 – photo by Michelle Miller


This 2014 Full Moon in Leo on Friday, 14th February (a.k.a. – Saint Valentine’s Day) brings you into a space of emotional awareness and wellness as you have an opportunity to look at how you are fulfilling your role(s) in collaboration with others.  However, this is not about how well you are performing for others – this is about how well you are loving and honoring yourself in the process of fulfilling your community role.

In the Light of the Aquarius Sun which draws your attention to your unique contribution to your communities and being part of something bigger than yourself, you may find yourself met with a question:

As you strive to love and belong with others, how much and how well do you love and feel true to yourself as you do?

Being a unique individual is not only about standing apart from the crowd or being exceptional within it.  It is also about honoring the Truth of who you are.  It is being part of something that welcomes you as your True self – that respects and desires you for who you Truly are, not what someone else or others may want or expect you to be.  You fit in because there is no one else like you, and you fulfill a special role that no one else can fill.  This Full Moon in Leo asks you to emotionally experience how it feels to be your True self in the context of community, group, or team.

When this Leo Full Moon is at its zenith at 3:53p PST, it is in exact sextile (Aquarius Sun in exact trine) to Mars in Libra, and just barely out of square aspect to Saturn in Scorpio (I use a 3° orb), but because it creates a T-Square with the Sun and the Full Moon, I will count it because this configuration packs such a powerful punch.  The potential implications I see here are:

1)      Your actions taken with good intentions may find you faced with the restrictions of outdated structures and standards.  You may find yourself faced with a choice between what you want or need to do to fulfill your role in the group and what you really feel called to do in order to honor the Truth of who you are, or…

2)      You may notice that the actions that you are currently taking (or that you’ve already taken) either aren’t honoring you as an individual or aren’t fulfilling your team/group/community role.

Either scenario heightens your emotional self-awareness, and helps you become conscious of whether or not your participations are encouraging or hindering your unique self-expression and your capacity for self-love.

But that’s not the only T-Square energy of the day.

Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn, and they are both squared by Uranus in Aries.   Though this configuration is not at its zenith on the 14th, I think it’s important to mention because it is within orb and especially because it involves Aquarius’ ruling planet as the pivot.  Again, the unique expression of self as part of something larger is a theme with Uranus in this position, and it may find you not only questioning your freedom to express your True self, but also where your loyalties lie when it comes to your team/group roles – do you move in favor of securing your connections with family and loved ones, or do you move in favor of public and professional identity?  Which one best enables you to transform and/or grow into more of whom you Truly are?  A sextile-trine dynamic is also present with this set, with Chiron in Pisces sextile Pluto and trine Jupiter Retrograde.  The choices and/or moves you make hold great healing potential for you and your loved ones, even if it may not seem that way in the moment.  You may be surprised at the healing that can come when you make a choice in your own best interests – when you make choices to love yourself as much or more than you love others.

The two T-Squares are connected through exact semi-square (45°) aspects between the Full Moon and Jupiter Retrograde and near-exact between the Sun and Pluto.  This is a very profound combination of energies.

This 2014 Leo Full Moon provides a chance for you to really step into the brilliance of your True self on an emotional level.  With the T-Square energies that are present, there is enough tension for you to feel your way along your path – opportunities to make choices that Truly assist you in feeling good about yourself and your life as you connect and interact with the people you share your life and your Light with.  With full consciousness of your emotional self-expression and how you feel when you are among others, you are able to take steps to create a life and surroundings that affirm you.  These acts of self-affirmation are acts of self-love, and loving yourself is the real, True foundation from which you can love others.

Recognize that the people around you are not only your peers and/or companions – they are your teachers.  They are in your life to help you see how well you allow yourself to be yourself.  They help you see how well you love yourself.  Through their presence and your interactions with them, they teach you how to love yourself.  With the Light of their help during this 2014 Leo Full Moon, you may find that thanks to them, you find the love of your life…in the mirror.

The love you seek is within.  Be your own Valentine today, and be sure to surround yourself with people who love the real, True you.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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