Shoreline SunsetThe last day of the month of February 2014 and the first day of March 2014 could make for a rather emotionally rambunctious 48 hours.  First of all, it is the last day of Pisces 9 astro-numerological energy, which is an indicator that if it’s emotionally-rooted and needs to be resolved and/or purged but hasn’t been resolved or purged yet, you may want to be ready for an emotional drop kick in the last 24 hours of the period.  There’s a good chance that the 28th February 2014 could be a very memorable day as something that has needed to be released for a long time may finally find its way out of your life.

That said, the astrological activity of the 28th February 2014 starts early on with Ceres in Scorpio goes into retrograde motion at 12:41a PST.  This turns matters of our personal values and ethics inward.  We begin looking at these matters with questions such as “Do I really believe this?  Do I really want this?  Does what has always made me comfortable still make me comfortable?  Is it time for me to change my position/stance on this?”  With Scorpio being the sign of emotional-spiritual depth and transformation, the beginning of this Ceres Retrograde period could produce quite a deeply powerful emotional shift for you and others around you.  However, Ceres moves back into Libra on 23rd March, helping us look at our values, morals, and ethics around our relationships and partnerships of all kinds before turning direct again 1st/2nd June 2014.

Ceres starting its retrograde motion is followed only a few hours later by Mercury ending its retrograde.  At 6:00a PST, Mercury turns back into direct motion in the sign of Aquarius, bringing our minds back to how we are individually contributing to our communities/groups/teams/networks.  This is a bit of a complicated twist to have our minds focused on our individual contributions to collaborative efforts while we are questioning our values.  You may find that during these next few weeks, your collaborative actions give your personal values questions more fuel for their fire.

But wait!  We’re not done.  At 8:05p PST, the Pisces Sun trines Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer.  The Sun-Jupiter Retrograde energies play nicely with each other in this transit, yet that only means that they work together to bring Light to your emotional growth through your interactions with those you nurture and care for (or who nurture and care for you).  This is a great aspect because it brings to your attention just how well you are (or aren’t) loving and serving yourself by reflecting back to you just how much the love is flowing and growing between you and others.  “Others” could especially apply to your family members and closest friends.  You may want to pause to ask yourself – how often do you show the people you love and care about most in your life that you love and appreciate yourself just as much?

The energy of this Sun-Jupiter Retrograde trine is compounded by the fact that the Pisces New Moon is at its newest right at 12:00 midnight 1st March 2014, ushering in the month of March with quite an emotional bang.  This is a strong indicator that whatever dynamics the Sun exposes in its trine with Jupiter Retrograde could have quite an emotional impact on you and/or your loved ones.  With the Sun and Moon conjunct in Pisces, things are a lot more sensitive emotionally and intuitive than usual.  Use that sensitivity to your advantage – allow yourself to honor your gut feelings about things as this is how you’re likely to grow and mature emotionally, taking advantage of the Jupiter Retrograde energy.

And as if there weren’t enough retrograde energy in place already…Mars in Libra enters retrograde motion at 8:23a on the 1st of March as well, giving you a chance to reflect upon the logic of your actions and behaviors in your one-on-one relationships of all kinds.  Libra Mars joins Cancer Jupiter and newly turned Scorpio Ceres in the retrograde parade, with Mars continuing its backward path through 20th May 2014.

To top it all off, the 1st of March 2014 also brings in a new astro-numerological energy as we begin a Pisces 1 month.  Everything that happens during this 48-hour period sets the stage for planting some seeds for new emotional experiences both personally/individually and collectively after clearing out so many old emotional responses during the previous Pisces 9 period.  It will be up to each and all of us to nurture these seeds so they may take root, grow, and thrive over the next few weeks – especially in light of the fact that we are rapidly moving toward the first Aries 1 astro-numerological period in quite a while.  A major seed-planting endeavor is set to begin very soon.

It’s a lot of emotional and intellectual energy to face and process in a very short frame of time, but you can do it.  We can do it!  Let’s get our hearts and minds sorted out during this 48-hour emotional rollercoaster so we can trust our hearts and our intuitions as we step individually and collectively into a new emotional journey and possibly a new life direction all together.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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