Picture0024When it comes to human behavior, there’s one thing I’ve learned – actions really do speak louder than words.  The thing is, what are the actions saying?

We often forget to consider that the actions may hold deeper insights than they appear to on the surface.  Yes, someone saying they won’t do something only to do it anyway would imply that they lied.  But then there’s the reason behind the lie – that’s what I’m talking about.

During the Capricorn Venus – Libra Mars Retrograde square yesterday, Sunday 2 March 2014 exact at 12:03p PST, there was (and still is for another 36 hours or so) a focus on the challenges you may be facing in your one-on-one relationships and partnerships of all kinds.  This is especially the case as Libra is the sign of balance and partnership and Venus is the ruling planet of Libra with a focus on fairness, equality, beauty, and peace; and it echoes Libra’s inclination toward companionship.

As stated before in previous posts, Venus in Capricorn has you focused on whether or not your partners are supportive and encouraging in your pursuit of your individual goals and ambitions or maybe whether or not they share the same goals as you do where you can pursue them together.  This is while Mars Retrograde in Libra has you looking at your actions and behavior within your partnerships.  Are you doing what you said you would do with and/or for your partner?  Are you acting or behaving in alignment with your words and thoughts?  If not, this square transit makes it clear that there’s a deeper reason you’re not lining things up.

In this transit between Venus and Mars Retrograde, what comes up is a challenging opportunity for you to look at why you don’t follow through on your word to do or not do something in regard to your partnerships.  There’s a few things to consider:

  • The Mars Retrograde component of this transit will encourage you to look at yourself first before pointing your finger at your partner(s).  Otherwise, with the additional factor of Pisces Sun and Neptune energy in the air, you may find yourself facing an ugly disillusionment moment when you realize the difficulties you are facing together may not be all their fault.
  • Are you not getting something you the support, encouragement, or partnership for your pursuit of your goals and ambitions that you need or want in/from the partnership?  Is your out-of-alignment behavior or  lack of follow-through your way of passive-aggressively expressing your dissatisfaction without directly communicating with your partner?
  • Are you supporting and encouraging each other, or is one of you more the focus of your partnership than the other?  Do you consider yourselves equals, or is there a feeling that one of you has (or feels like you should have) priority over the other?
  • Or maybe your out-of-alignment behavior or lack of follow-through is a matter of your getting in your own way.  What is your partner holding you accountable for or bringing up for you that helps you face (and hopefully deal with) your self-created and self-imposed obstacles?

Your actions will always reflect your real truth, even if you intend something else in your thoughts and words.  Seriously check in with yourself if your actions are not in alignment with what you say or do, especially when it comes to how you are behaving in your partnerships of any and all kinds.  This is the time to consider what’s really at the root of your relationships with partners…or at least to reflect upon the last few days to see what you can learn about yourself as well as your partner(s) through the challenges you may have been facing in this regard.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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