MonarchJupiter in Cancer finally ended its retrograde motion and began moving direct
at 2:42a PST earlier this morning of 06 March 2014.  In doing so, the growth and expansion of our capacity for emotional nurturing and caring is back out in the open.  This could be a very positive thing as Jupiter is quite the optimist and tends to be quite lucky and very generous.  Yet it could also be an indicator of too much of a good thing.

Cancer is known as the maternal sign of the Zodiac.  Even in men with Cancer energy prominent in their charts, there is a strong nurturing and protective quality about them.  These are people who would do anything for their loved ones, and they will give them loving care as much and as often as they can.

During Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer, you had an opportunity to look at how you nurture and care for your loved ones and how they nurture and care for you.  This was a great time to look at whom you wanted to increase your investment of your time and energy with – to assess exactly which connections in your life you want to grow and expand on the emotional level.

But now with Jupiter in Cancer in direct motion, the time of introspection on this matter is over.  Now your loving intentions can be and likely will be openly expressed.  Be aware that there will be some people who you will be eager to express your care to/for.  This is where things can get a bit dicey as that loving care and protection can sometimes be taken a bit too far.

Remember that just because you want to give love to people doesn’t mean they want to receive that love or that they are capable of receiving it.  What you want to give others with every good intention may be too much for some, and your eagerness and generosity may overwhelm or even offend them.  This may be an especially touchy process as Jupiter is pretty much in exact square aspect to Uranus in Aries at the time of its turnaround – an independent and rather rebellious position for Uranus.  By having Jupiter in challenge aspect with this influence, you may find that trying to care for others may not be received as warmly as you would hope.  Make sure the people you want to nurture and protect actually want to be nurtured and protected.

Also be aware in your giving what your motive is in your giving.  Are you giving because you care about the people you are giving to, or are you giving because you expect reciprocation of your actions or something else in return?  Keep that question (and your answer to it) in mind as we take note that the powerfully transformative Pluto in Capricorn is within opposition aspect to Jupiter as Jupiter does its about-face to direct motion.  By giving without expectation of return, this can be a more positively transformative experience for everyone, helping all of you involved move closer to the manifestation or achievement of your individual and collective goals and intentions…if everyone chooses to play nicely and fairly.  However, if you are giving or taking with the intention of getting something in return for your emotional “investment”, you may be in for a (possibly devastating) surprise.

By the way…yes, this forms a cardinal energy T-Square configuration – Jupiter in Cancer square Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn.  There’s some pretty intense energy in place as “Jolly Jupiter” comes out of hiding.

This T-Square configuration has been in place for a few days now, but it started with Jupiter in retrograde.  Now, with Jupiter direct, Uranus on the pivot point, and Pluto in opposition/balance, it is more important than usual for you to make sure that your initiative in sharing your care and protection is not only a genuinely generous expression of emotional affinity, but that it is also really needed and applicable to the people you wish to give it to and that you’re giving it to them freely without obligation or expectation of return.  If you have strings attached to your giving, it may backfire painfully upon you as your intended recipient may not only reject it but make it very clear that they’re also rejecting you (yes – it may be personal!).  You may find the people you want to get closer to actually pull further away the more you try to express your loving intention toward them.

As long as you respect the individuality and freedom of others rather than smothering them with love, care, and protection they may not need or want, Jupiter in Cancer direct will be an opportunity for you to communicate your affinity for others in ways that let them know you really do care, and an opportunity for them to receive your caring in ways that actually serve them well.

Since all three of these planetary bodies moves rather slowly, be prepared to feel this t-square energy for a couple more months, building up to its maximum intensity around 20-21 April 2014 and easing up through until mid-late May 2014.

Just a few things to think about as Jupiter is now direct in the sign of Cancer.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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