photo by Angela Light

photo by Angela Light

With The Sun, Neptune, and Chiron in Pisces 1 energy right now, there’s a great deal of energy being directed into the creation of hopes and dreams.  In some cases, there may be a bit of delusion happening as you may be so caught up in dreaming up dreams that you aren’t able to see what your next practical step may be in making those dreams real for yourself in your actual, factual, day-to-day life.

That’s where the Virgo Full Moon comes in…at 10:08a PDT today, Sunday 16 March 2014.

Full Moon in Virgo brings some much-needed emotional grounding to the matters at hand.  It sheds light on the practical steps that get to be taken next toward the real-world manifestation of your dreams and ideals.

However, during this 2014 Virgo Full Moon there is also a sobering dose of change in progress.  There is a lot of serious business happening in the world right now, thanks to Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Scorpio.  Things are changing in a big way, and they really won’t ever be the same again no matter how much you or anyone else may resist the changes.  In fact, the old ways may be shifting so quickly into new ways that you may feel very out of sorts, especially on an emotional level.

At its fullest, the 2014 Virgo Full Moon will be in a separating wide sextile aspect to Saturn in Scorpio, helping you find some emotional footing as your life structures are profoundly changing.  Recognize that this may be a perfect time for you to take a deep breath, focus your energy on what your next practical steps for your dream manifestation might be, and to actually take one or more of those steps.  The step(s) you take will likely provide you with some unexpected emotional healing and/or a solution to a problem that brings you some emotional peace of mind.

This step doesn’t need to be very fancy or very big.  It could be a huge step, but it may just as effectively be a relatively simple or small action that helps you get your emotions in check and your life direction clear.  The key during this Virgo Full Moon is that a well-considered step is taken in some direction to help bring your consciousness into the here-and-now moment, and that the step moves you forward and/or upward on your chosen path in a way that affirms your vision for yourself and your life.

Remember – your dreams will remain as dreams until you’ve taken palpable steps to make them the manifest reality of your life.  Take this opportunity of the Virgo Full Moon to take a deep breath, take a step, and start making your dreams your reality.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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