SAMSUNGTaurus is a fixed earth sign, meaning that it is the stalwart of the signs of its element.  Cardinal energy is the initiator or completer (Capricorn), fixed energy is the stabilizer (Taurus), and mutable energy is the agent of change (Virgo).  In the natural order of the Zodiac, Taurus the stabilizer comes first, then Virgo makes the necessary adjustments and changes in order for Capricorn to get the job done.

That said, as we wrap up a rather tumultuous time as the April 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross nears completion, this Taurus New Moon is a welcome arrival as it brings some much-needed stability to the matters at hand.  Yet don’t mistake stability as an end to the changes.  In fact, the 2014 Taurus New Moon likely marks the beginning of the real changes that are ready to occur as the seeds for change planted during the Aries Sun Cycle and the April Cardinal Grand Cross begin to take root.

New Moons are always a gateway for new beginnings.  Yet this 2014 Taurus New Moon is special because it is also an Annular Solar Eclipse (a.k.a. – The “Ring of Fire”).  This time around, the New Moon-Eclipse occurs at 1:14p local time on 29 April 2014 (at 11:14p PDT on 28 April 2014), visible in totality from Antarctica, though it can be viewed as a partial eclipse from Australia.

Though the eclipse won’t been seen by everyone, it will be felt by everyone.  When there is a New or Full Moon involving an eclipse, the effects of that event are long-lasting – at least six months if not longer.  Therefore, we can expect that the “seeds” that take root during this 2014 Taurus New Moon will make quite an impact as the year advances.

Taurus energy shifts our focus to our lifestyle resources, or if we really want to be dramatic about it, our survival needs.  These are the actual, factual, “where the rubber meets the road” needs like shelter, food, clothing, and such – material-physical resources needed to ensure our survival.  We all need shelter and food, but in this day and age, each of us will have different preferences regarding how those needs are addressed.  Our personal preferences dictate our bottom lines…and the bottom line is and always will be different for each of us.

That said, Taurus is ultimately about establishing our material-physical-financial comfort zones.  Yet it’s been interesting to see that the events of the world are disrupting the status quo.

The old standards and structures of success for our cultures, societies, and world and our comfort zones within those structures are collapsing and being cleared away.  The collapsing and clearing is thanks to Pluto’s travels through Capricorn since 2008 (and until 2023) – the world that is being transformed.  Things are definitely no longer the way they used to be, and they have finally changed enough where many of us are finding it time to reassess our comfort zones.  What has been comfortable may no longer be comfortable, yet the idea of going in a different direction or establishing a new lifestyle is much more uncomfortable for many of us.

Many of the conflicts emerging around the world are making it very clear what people don’t want.  Yet under the influence of this 2014 Taurus New Moon-Solar Eclipse, it is now time for people to start taking steps to clarify and implement what they do want.  This may be easier said than done without the old social structures in place as there is no effective authority firmly in place telling us what successful is or what “making it” looks like or what we should do with our lives to be responsible adults and/or beings.  Now, we are each being called upon to declare those lifestyle values for ourselves.

There will still be many, though, who will fight to maintain their long-held, outdated comfort zones.  They refuse to succumb to the systematic changes that are occurring, and will fight to the bitter end to defend their perception of the world.  The next few months (and possibly years) will be very challenging for these people as the changes they are resisting are inevitable.  Their fight is reinforced by the fact that Mars Retrograde in Libra will just barely be in quincunx aspect to the 2014 Taurus New Moon-Eclipse (3° applying orb exactly at the moment).  Mars brings forth assertive if not aggressive actions that are taken to restore justice and fairness to matters, and though it may not seem like the conflicts occurring around the world are about lifestyles and the resources to support them, I have no doubt that over the next few months and years it will be very clear that it all comes down to this.

The thing is, after going so long being followers of social trends and agreements, many of us don’t really know what we really want for ourselves any more.  The fact that the old social standards and structures are losing their influence may now have you looking at your life asking the following questions:

  • What is the lifestyle that I want?
  • What is the lifestyle that I am willing to settle for?
  • What is the lifestyle that I am truly most comfortable living?
  • What do I value most in matters of lifestyle or survival?

These questions are important because they are at the crux of everything happening right now – both on a personal and a collective level.  As you read this, you may wonder when the last time was that you asked yourself those questions.  Have your answers changed since that last time?  What is most important to you now?

One thing I find very interesting is that for most of the world, this 2014 Taurus New Moon-Solar Eclipse is occurring on a numerological 22 day (29 April 2014 = 2 + 9 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 22).  This indicates that there is growing awareness that building a network of solid one-on-one relationships/partnerships is far more effective than going it alone or joining a group or alliance outright.  There is a call to reconnect on a very personal level and to rebuild community one relationship at a time on the foundation of common lifestyle values and goals.

Ceres – the asteroid that I consider the ruler of Taurus – is traveling retrograde in Libra right now, bringing attention to the value of fair, just, and balanced partnerships with others.  Another asteroid, Juno, recently entered the sign of Taurus, bringing an air of commitment to defining and establishing a comfortable lifestyle.  Neither is in aspect with the New Moon-Eclipse, but their energies reinforce the shift away from group think to partnership/relationship rooted in a commitment to a desired and/or valued lifestyle – a shift that this 2014 Taurus New Moon-Solar Eclipse embodies.

One other thing to note:  The Scorpio Full Moon on 14 May 2014 will be an interesting day as Scorpio is known for dealing in extremes.  It may be around that time that clear and decisive choices are made and actions are taken that will impact the course of our lives on every level.

Pay attention to what is happening now – around you and within you – as it may give you indications of what is coming down the chute for you and/or all of us over the next 2-3 weeks.  It may also help you clarify the choices you get to make for yourself now and moving forward in order to find and establish your new comfort zone.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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