With Neptune entering retrograde motion on Monday 09 July 2014 at 12:52p PDT, you may find yourself witnessing the manifestation of dreams all around you.  Some of these dreams may yours, but most of them will likely be the dreams of others.   All of it may leave you asking questions such as, “Is my dream coming true?”, “Is my dream still my dream”, or maybe even, “Was my dream ever really my dream, or was it someone else’s?”

During Neptune in Pisces Retrograde, be careful what you wish for – you just might get it.  The question is, when it comes, will you still want it?

Neptune has a funny effect – particularly when it’s in its home sign of Pisces.  It tends to idealize things.  In fact, Neptune in Pisces is THE ultimate rose-colored glassed effect, so we may all be tempted to cover up a good deal of ugly truth with pretty lies during this time.  Especially when it comes to long-held dreams and ideals, we may be especially stubborn in holding onto dreams or ideals which no longer serve us.

However, when Pisces Neptune goes retrograde, the external manifestations of dreams and ideals may make impressions on you.  You may finally realize what it takes to make dreams reality, whether it is committed effort or a complete investment of faith.  You may find yourself taking a second look at your dreams to see if they are truly or still in alignment with who you truly are and if you are truly willing to do whatever it takes to pursue them.

If you’ve gone through a good deal of change in your life recently, you may also find that the dreams you’ve been holding onto may not have the same magic as they did before your transformation.  Your ideals may have shifted, and that may lead to a reassessment of what you are aspiring for in your life.

One thing that many of us forget is that in order to have our dreams come true, we need to be in alignment with the intention of them on all levels to receive their fulfillment with courage, gratitude, and appreciation.

For that reason, as you experience changes in your life, you may want to take a moment to recognize whether or not the ‘new you’ still matches your old ideals.  Remember that retrograde energy can be a “do-over” energy.  Things slow down or pause long enough for you to reassess and make changes if you feel they are necessary.

Neptune in Pisces Retrograde gives you this opportunity to go back and make sure that your dreams are really and truly the dreams you want to have fulfilled in and for your life.  So don’t get upset about your dreams not manifesting as quickly as you may like or not at all.  The Universe may be giving you an opportunity to make adjustments to your dreams before your intentions are set in motion.  Just take a little more time to make sure that what you’re asking for or what you’re pursuing is really what you want.

Thanks for reading Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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