Who can you really count on for lifestyle support?   When I say “lifestyle support”, I mean who are those people who you can count on to pick you up when your car breaks down, or who will loan you that money in a crunch, or who will bring you soup when you’re ill?  Who are those people in your life?  Venus entered the sign of Taurus on 28 May 2014, and while in this sign, Venus brings these types of questions to the fore.

1)      Do you have any of these kinds of people in your life – those who will do their best to be there for you no matter what?

2)      Do you give them the same or comparable support that they give to you?

3)      Do you really share the same or similar lifestyle morals and/or values as they do?

4)      Do you really want the people who do in your life to be in your life, or are you only taking advantage of them as long as they will do things for you?

Venus in Taurus brings us into greater awareness of the partnerships of necessity in our lives.  These are the connections we may think we need to sustain in order to access the lifestyle resources (a.k.a. – the survival needs) we need to live our lives in a way that is comfortable and secure.  Sometimes, we like these relationships to be physically

It is important to remember that Venus is the ruler of Libra – an air element sign – so it can be very emotionally detached in its assessments, despite its association with feminine energy.  It does want to maintain peace, fairness, and aesthetic beauty; however, it wants to do so through truly balanced partnerships.  Venus in Taurus provides you with a lens of objectivity through which to look at your relationships purely on the basis of what is good for your physical-material-financial well-being and comfort.

Venus in Taurus makes a couple of very interesting transits this week.  The first is a trine with Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn at 6:40p on Tuesday 10 June 2014.  The second is an opposition with Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio at 9:08p on Friday 13 June 2014.

When Taurus Venus trines Capricorn Pluto Retrograde, there is a focus on which of your partnerships are truly needed and which ones may have run their course.

  • Which of your partners have transformed or are transforming your life and/or lifestyle in positive ways?
  • Which relationships continue to make a powerfully positive impact on your life and lifestyle?
  • Which ones drain your energy, power, and/or your lifestyle resources, affecting your ability to acquire or maintain what you need to provide for your own safety, security, and comfort?
  • Which ones have served their purpose in your life, possibly no longer contributing or enhancing your life in positive ways?

It is important to recognize that the Universe may be bringing events to you that encourage you to question the value of some of your partnerships and relationships at this stage of your life’s journey.  Sometimes, we will outgrow people or relationships, needing to move on beyond what they offer us.  Sometimes, others will outgrow or move beyond us even if we don’t think we’re done with them.  Recognize that these questions get to be answered by each and all of us.  Remember that when people leave your life, it is an opportunity for you to get in touch with how strong and capable you may actually be on your own or with a different partner.

Now you may say that you want to keep relationships going that have been helped changed you and your life for the better.  You may feel like you owe it to them to keep them in your life, or that they should keep you in their lives as an act of gratitude.  However, I would like to note that some of these relationships may have done exactly what they were meant to do and their work is now complete.  Even though they may have served you well, the question you get to ask yourself at this time is whether or not those relationships are continuing to contribute to your life in a powerful way.

When Taurus Venus opposes Scorpio Saturn Retrograde, this is an opportunity for you to notice which partnerships have an effect on the emotional and spiritual disciplines you’ve put in place to help you maintain your focus on your goals.  Notice which relationships take you out of alignment with your decisions and chosen direction, and notice which relationships support your exploration into your emotional-spiritual depths, helping you get to the root of the challenging matters in your life.

  • Which relationships/partnerships truly support you in your chosen lifestyle and life direction?
  • Do they provide you with tangible resources that enable you to pursue what is deeply valued by you on an emotional-spiritual level?
  • Do they help balance your life – keep your emotions in check by bringing in much-needed realism, or do they add an emotional-spiritual component to your materialistic or physical focus?
  • Do they distract you from your chosen goals and keep you away from your Light, or encourage you to delve into your deepest darkness in order to overcome it & have it bring you into your brightest Light/expression?
  • Do they help you do the spiritual-emotional work necessary to achieve your material-physical-financial goals?

BOTH the Venus-Pluto and Venus-Saturn transits may help you move beyond lifestyle (physical-material-financial) obstacles and challenges by helping you focus on and clear out any emotional or spiritual issues that may be at the root of the blockages.

You may become very clear during this time – from 07 June through 16 June – exactly who the people are in your life who really “have your back” when you are in need.  These are the people you can truly count on to actually and physically be there for you when you need someone to be physically, financially, materially, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally/intellectually.  Now is the time to seek them out or to notice who they already are in your life.  In doing so, you may learn through these 2014 Venus in Taurus transits that there truly are some relationships worth keeping, and some worth letting go.  Acknowledge both as you go through these next few days.


Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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