Gemini is the perpetual student of the Zodiac.  It likes to listen and learn, then use all of its freshly-gathered information to come up with some really great theories and ideas that are rooted in or based upon that information.

Yet Sagittarius is the wise professor to the Gemini’s eager student.  Sag walks in and says to Gem, “Okay kid.  Let’s take your theory out into the real world to see if it actually proves true.  I’ll go there and do it, and I’ll come back and let you know if what you say is true or not.”

In other words, it’s under the Full Moon in Sagittarius that the Gemini Sun’s ideas and theories hit “the big time”, either to hold up or fail miserably out in the world.

This particular 2014 Full Moon in Sagittarius brings much to look forward to in regard to finding out people’s true feelings about what is happening in the world around them and how it is directly affecting their lives.  The only other planet in aspect with the Sun and Moon during the Full Moon opposition is Jupiter at 22.65° Cancer.  It is in quincunx aspect (150° apart) with the Moon and in semi-sextile aspect (30° apart) with the Sun at the time the Full Moon is at its fullest at 22.09° Sagittarius at 9:13p PDT on Thursday, 12 June 2014.

The semi-sextile represents sequence – the Gemini Sun brings thing to Light through communication that likely result in Jupiter in Cancer seeking to increase or expand its emotional connections to loved ones.  Quincunx aspects usually represent two energies that don’t seem to have anything to do with each other affecting each other.  However, that is not the case this time around.

During this 2014 Sagittarius New Moon, there is a brief occurrence of what is known in astrology as mutual reception – when planetary bodies are in each other’s signs of rulership.  In this instance, Jupiter is currently traveling in the Moon’s sign of rulership, Cancer, making its optimistic and expansive presence known by bringing a need for emotionally nurturing connection and expression to the fore; while the Moon goes into full phase in Jupiter’s sign of rulership, Sagittarius, expanding its desire for honest and hands-on emotional exploration in order to validate its emotional reality as true (or false).

As this phenomenon occurs during the 2014 Sagittarius Full Moon, the grand message that may arise is that it’s one thing to think or talk yourself and/or others into believing that things are fine and going well on a personal level or in your private emotional and/or domestic matters, but it’s an entirely different thing when the actual and experiential truth goes on full display for all to see.  This Sagittarius Full Moon is a brilliant opportunity to see not only who is walking their talk but, more importantly, whose talk and walk are real and true.

Truth is paramount for Sagittarius.  Anything short of truth discovered through ‘trial by fire’ will always be in question or not taken seriously.  After all, a theory can only remain a theory until proven valid through experience; and this is where Gemini can prey on those who don’t want to do the work or experience the adventure in order to know first-hand whether or not it’s true.  Sagittarius knows that Gemini’s charm and talk has no substance until it can be proven in the “real” world and it encourages others to find out if something is actually true or not.  It challenges people not to simply believe everything they hear or see as gospel, encouraging them to find truth for themselves.  This 2014 Sagittarius Full Moon may actually get people to wake up and notice how their willing blindness to Gemini’s playful mind and word games can sometimes lead to frustrating, exhausting, misleading, and eye-roll inducing experiences for themselves and others.

The Sag Full Moon will reflect the Gemini Sun’s ideas, theories, and games back upon itself to be faced with its own truth, for better or worse.  If you are willing and ready to do the emotional work and to face your own truth, now may be the best time so far this year to take your first steps toward reclaiming the power of truth in all areas of your life.  However, if you aren’t willing or ready to do this, you may be a bit surprised by where and how your pretentious or deceptive words or actions may come back to haunt you and force you to face the truth about who you really are, what you are really doing, and whether or not you are being who you say you are in and for the world.

I hope you’re ready to face your emotional truth over the next few days…because it’s on its way in a big way through the 2014 Sagittarius Full Moon.


Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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