First, I want to apologize for being missing-in-action for a while.

I’m doing my best to finish the first Life By Soul book in the next couple of weeks, so between working on that, being in client sessions, and managing the seasonal business and marketing changes, the blog has been the unfortunate casualty.  I’ve managed to get the transit posts up and running, but I know there are quite a few of you who enjoy the blog articles.  I wanted to let you know I haven’t forgotten you, and that I acknowledge my absence.  Thanks for being patient with me as I’ve been getting other things on track.

Let’s play some catch up, shall we?

Going back into the 2014 Gemini Sun Cycle for a moment, we had Juno enter Gemini on 16th June.  This represents a shift of commitment to gathering information to increase our collective and individual base of knowledge.   However, it’s not just about getting the information – it’s about truly learning and understanding the information that we are coming into.

The question that comes with Juno in Gemini is:  Will the increase in knowledge and understanding result in better and more effective communications?  Will it open the channels between different peoples and parties in order for those much-needed communications to even occur?

Juno comes within conjunction orb of Venus in Gemini, but they never quite make an exact connection.  However, Juno in Gemini will make exact square aspects to both Neptune in Pisces (30th June) and Chiron Retrograde in Pisces (17th July) during the 2014 Cancer Sun Cycle.

Speaking of Chiron, it began its latest retrograde turn in Pisces on 20th June.  What makes this interesting at this time is that rather than focusing its attention on how well you are being of selfless service to others, it turns the tables so you can notice how well others are selflessly serving you and even more important, how well you are serving and loving yourself.  It also asks you some tough questions:

  • Have you been playing victim to those you “selflessly” serve?
  • Have you been suffering by your own hand – consciously sacrificing your needs in order to serve others?
  • Have you been using service to others to avoid being responsible for yourself and the circumstances of your life?

Now is a time for you to face any delusions of grandeur you may have by taking a hard look at how and why you may be sacrificing yourself for the sake of others.

Chiron Retrograde holds at 17° Pisces throughout the entire 2014 Cancer Sun Cycle, so anything that aspects with it is coming to it.  That includes its long-standing trine with Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio, which runs mid-May through early September 2014, giving attention to just how much you’ve structured your life around your selfless service and/or self-sacrifice.   But the two other connections of note are when Venus squares Chiron Retrograde on 8th July to challenge you with the realization of how much you sacrifice for your relationships; and when the Cancer Sun trines Chiron Retrograde only two days later on the 10th to possibly expose your and/or others’ emotional wounds around service and sacrifice to the world.

Then speaking of Venus, there is the fact that it entered Gemini a couple of days ago on the 23rd June.  Under its influence, you can be sure that there will be much thought and communication around matters of balance, fairness, justice, and equality.  In fact, it will be curious to see what steps are taken in the next few weeks around these types of matters.  Questions that may arise are:

  • Who will be bringing information forth to prove or imply that there is injustice or unfairness in how things are being handled?
  • What may occur to illustrate and inform people of where inequalities and imbalances may be present and/or prevalent?

We are sure to find out, especially when Venus in Gemini enters a square with Neptune Retrograde in Pisces on 30th June to take the rose-colored glasses off to expose what imbalances may actually be present; quincunx with Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn on 4th July to bring attention to how what is obsolete and being cleared away affects the balance of things that continue to be in place; another quincunx with Saturn Retrograde on 7th July to reveal what structures need to be implemented to transform situations so they can be fair, just, and balanced; and as previously mentioned, a trine with Chiron Retrograde the following day on 8th July that helps you recognize how your responsibility to others may out of balance with your responsibility to yourself.

There’s more to come very soon as we have some interesting transits upon us today and in the next few days that warrant their own posts.  However, it was my intention to get us all caught up to date.  I encourage you to look for more posts to come later today and in the next few days.  As always, there’s more to come…even if it takes a while to arrive.


Thanks for your patience, and thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings





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