As if we didn’t already notice, there’s a lot of revolutionary energy floating about.  However, I’m noticing that it may be more rebellious than revolutionary.

To that point, we experienced an exact opposition of Mars in Libra and Uranus in Aries today at 1:26a PDT.  Mars in Libra is the initiative to take action when things are out of balance, unfair, or unjust.  Uranus in Aries is the initiative to express one’s uniqueness and individuality – to essentially rebel against the social and/or cultural norms in place.

Oppositions tend to create balance between energies.  Yet in this case, it’s a curious mix of the desire to act to bring justice and equality to dualities trying to balance with the desire to take defiance action in the face of the collective whole.  These two energies both have an assertive if not aggressive quality to them, which ends up making this opposition something like trying to balance out fire with fire – it doesn’t really calm things down.  If anything, it stirs things up.  This is fire fueling fire.

Though it was exact today, this aspect will be felt from 16th June through 3rd July.  So far, what is suspected to be a bomb went off in a crowded civilian shopping area in the capital city of Nigeria today.  A cease fire in the Ukraine has dissolved, reviving sanctions against Russia from western nations.  Insurgents in Iraq are getting stronger and taking over more territory, including one of Iraq’s largest air bases.  It’s quite an assortment of events, and we’ve got a few more days to go.  It will be interesting to look back at what transpires during this time in world events and why.

I’d love to hear what you see is happening around you and within your own life during this frame of time.  Please add your commentary to this post in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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