Early this morning, Friday 27th June 2014, we have a New Moon in Cancer at 1:08a PDT.  New Moons always bring opportunities for new beginnings, but this time around the new beginning may be a bit different in regard to the sign of Cancer.

You may see this as an opening to seek and find new ways to care for your loved ones.  Yet the way things may be happening at this point in time, you may need to take a look to reassess how much effort you are applying to nurturing and supporting others, and see this 2014 Cancer New Moon as an opportunity to nurture and care for yourself first and foremost.

Cancer is the mother of the Zodiac, so its natural inclination is to give loving and nurturing emotional support to others before itself.  The area of one’s life that mothering/nurturing inclination reveals itself varies from person to person.  For some, it may show up in community or group contexts.  For others, it may be with clients and/or co-workers.  For others still, it may be your partners.  But whichever area of your life your mothering instinct tends to show up, this may be a wake-up call for you that putting others before yourself isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

A big part of this awakening is the fact that the Sun-Moon conjunction at 5° Cancer is within semi-sextile orb with Venus at 4° Gemini and within trine orb of Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, which is at 7° at the time the 2014 Cancer New Moon is at its newest.  This places Venus in a square aspect with Neptune Retrograde, indicating that though your inclination is to provide nurturing and loving care to your loved ones, they may be looking at your support though very logical and intellectual filters.  Therefore, they may not see the emotional investment you are making in giving or sharing our love with them, and they especially won’t see the emotional idealism you may be projecting onto your efforts and won’t be able to reciprocate it.  This is where your “rose-colored” glasses may get ripped off in order for a harsher reality to be revealed – the people you care about may not care about or appreciate your contributions of support as much as you do, and they may not give it back to you in kind.

With the Cancer Sun-Moon trine to Pisces Neptune Retrograde, if and/or when you realize that your nurturing efforts are not being received with as much emotion as you may be putting into them, it may be a good time to ask yourself:

  • Would give yourself the same for care and support that you give to others?
  • Are you cultivating you own emotional well-being?
  • Are you attending to your own emotional needs?
  • How do you feel about yourself, and are you mothering or nurturing your own inner child?

Venus in Gemini gives you an opportunity to be more objective in your assessment of how much you are doing for others so you can be emotionally detached in assessing how motherly you are toward your partners, and give you the chance to clearly see how you do or don’t take steps to support and cultivate yourself on an emotional level during this 2014 New Moon in Cancer.  Your ability to genuinely provide nurturing support to others depends on how well you are able to give yourself that same loving care.  You can only give others what you have available to give to yourself, and if you don’t love yourself, you can’t truly love anyone else.

You may be eager to play mother to the inner children of others, but don’t forget to find new ways to mother, support, and encourage yourself during these next few days.  Your ability to care for your loved ones depends on it.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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