Ceres in Scorpio makes an exact trine aspect with Neptune Retrograde in Pisces this morning, the 26th of August 2014 at 9:00a PDT (6°).  This is an interesting connection because it seems to encourage the alignment of our values with our ideals.  This two bodies were within orb with each other earlier in the week to form a Water Grand Trine with Juno in Cancer, bringing emotion-based commitments, attachments, and/or addictions to the fore.  Juno moved out of orb yesterday evening.

Trines are considered to be positive aspects because the energies of the connected entities tend to bring out the best in each other in trine.  Usually, the most positive aspects of these entities are brought forth during this type of aspect.  The thing is…depending on the characteristics of the entities involved, this may be a wonderful thing, or it may be disastrous.  In this case of Ceres in Scorpio and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, this is a tough call.

This is because under Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, there is more idealism than usual.  Neptune is at home in Pisces, the sign it has rulership over.  Its presence in this sign brings humanity into heightened aware ness of something that connects us all yet transcends us all as well, and as result, spiritual idealism can be especially present while Neptune enjoys its time at home.  However, with Neptune in retrograde motion, we experience this transcendence as external events and messages occurring around us and coming to us – all encouraging us to internally and personally recognize our interconnection to All-That-Is.  This means that each of us is having our own individual experience of these events and messages, which are encouraging each of us to discover what spiritual-energetic truth is for ourselves.

Ceres is the practical mother of the Zodiac and the ruler of the sign of Taurus.  She is the one who attends to our material and physical wellness; the one who makes sure that we actually survive in the world.  She also determines the standards by which we choose to live.  That said, in Scorpio, Ceres is (or wants to be) very clear and decisive about her lifestyle standards as she does her best to reconcile her worldly needs with her emotional-spiritual-psychological truths as Scorpio deals in extremes – all or nothing, right or wrong, good or bad.

How the combination of Ceres in Scorpio and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces translates into a personal message or experience for you will depend on where you stand in your own life journey.  One thing to note is that collectively, this may indicate an especially strong push toward the integration of our material-physical-financial value choices with our spiritual-emotional-energetic ideals.  We see this in the world right now as more and more of the world’s conflicts reflect this blending of religious belief with political agenda in ways that seem to be repeating the history of the world in many ways.  The fact that this type of conflict is yet again rearing its head is rather unnerving as it initially seems that humanity has not learned its lessons from what we have done to each other in our past in attempts to resolve our disagreements regarding religious and spiritual beliefs and values.

Yet, in light of history repeating through those who believe they must take extreme action to impose their beliefs onto others, there also seems to be an emergence of something different: an awakening to and acknowledgment of something  that interconnects humanity to itself, to the Earth, and to the Universe – something that transcends religion.  Whether one’s God is Allah, Buddha, Yahweh, science, money and material resources, etc., there is awareness of a common thread between them all which cannot be clearly defined yet clearly cannot be denied.  It’s almost as if the latest resurgence of religion-based bloodshed is intended to help contrast the emergence of another, peaceful way to approach human existence and spirituality.  In true Scorpio fashion, Ceres in Scorpio is bringing this polarity of our values to Light in order for us to make individual and collective choices about what is in our best interests.  Which choices can we make regarding our personal values which will ensure not only our individual survival, but the survival of humanity?

For Ceres is Scorpio, the goal is that there is no gray area – there is no question what is being stood for and what is trying to implemented in order to ensure our survival on all levels.  Ceres wants to get below the surface and thoroughly examine the matter to make sure that we attend to both the Light and the darkness of our natures, making sure we have what we truly need to survive.

This is where this Ceres-Neptune Retrograde trine can get complicated.  If transcending the past is the intent and ideal, then there are quite a few of us who are going to need to give up our old belief and value systems to align with transcendental intent.  This is easier said than done, as this may lead many of us to a transformation of our lives that we were not expecting to make, yet may need to make in order to align ourselves with the spiritual truths that are awakening within us individually, and eventually, collectively.  Our behaviors will change, and as result, our lifestyles will change as well.  This may be very confronting for those of us who equate our religious or spiritual beliefs and practices or even our emotional-psychological beliefs and practices with our human survival.

There is also the not-so-little detail of Jupiter in Leo entering orb to connect with this trine aspect.  Jupiter in Leo squares/challenge Ceres and to quincunx/distract Neptune Retrograde by bringing Light to and increasing awareness of the spiritual awakening that is occurring.  This may place additional pressure on each of us to choose our values decisively, possibly as a matter of public declaration.

To this point, notice what your personal values are rooted in right now.  Notice if your long-held beliefs are shifting and changing.  As they change, notice which elements of your life and lifestyle you may now be beginning to question or wanting to change.

As you reconsider your values and beliefs, you may also want to ask yourself whether or not you are choosing your values based upon something you are trying to avoid dealing with about or within yourself by choosing your lifestyle values.  And in the after-effects of the Water Grand Trine earlier in the week, you may want to ask yourself if your values are rooted in your emotion-based commitments, attachments, and/or addictions to certain people or projects.  That said:

  • Are you trying to avoid dealing with the emotional-psychological reality of your life by escaping into religious or spiritual practices and/or “selfless” religious or spiritual service to others?  Are you using religious or spiritual beliefs, practices, and selfless service as ways of excusing yourself from dealing with your emotional and/or psychological health and well-being?
  • Are your emotional –psychological challenges due to your attachment to religious and/or spiritual beliefs that no longer align with a truth that is emerging within you?  Are you trying to live your life by beliefs and values that no longer serve you well as you move toward your individual emotional-spiritual call to expression?

As the Universe continues to bring to our attention experiences and messages to guide us to our needed transformation, some of us may resist these external communications coming to us.  We may hunker down into our emotional or psychological attachments to our existing lifestyles and beliefs, and the value systems that we have built upon them.  We may try to deny the changes that we are being called to make.

However, it seems this Ceres-Neptune Retrograde trine could indicate the initiation of a new value system for the whole of human kind.  Others of us will revel in this transcendental awakening, embracing the events and messages that are occurring, recognizing the bigger picture that is being revealed piece by piece.

I get a sense that on a collective level, this will be harder before it is easier.  Yet as each of us embraces this shift of truth on an individual level, we may find that we are able to tip the scales in a clear and decisive way that makes it clear – religious conflict no longer has a place in our world.

The influence of this Ceres in Scorpio-Neptune Retrograde in Pisces trine has been making its presence known since early on the 18th of August 2014, and it will continue to be felt through the morning of the 3rd of September 2014.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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