Even though their conjunction was exact yesterday, Mars and Saturn in Scorpio are still packing a punch.  Their impact will be felt through the 30th of August, and that is why Venus in Leo making square aspect to them is a pretty big deal.  Venus in Leo makes an exact square aspect with Saturn in Scorpio at 11:22a PDT on the 26th of August 2014, and makes an exact square aspect with Mars in Scorpio at 8:46a PDT the following day, the 27th of August 2014.

As stated in a previous post, Venus in Leo reminds us that we each have unique expressions of Light and darkness, and that our partners are paying attention to ours in the same way we are paying attention to theirs.  They are seeing our expression of Light as much as we are seeing theirs.  Our partners may be celebrating us and sharing their admiration for us out into the world, and we may be doing the same for them.

However, Venus in Leo also reminds us that the Light cannot exist without the darkness, and the darkness cannot exist without the Light – they need each other.  This polarity is seeks balance through Venus, and it may find it as the attention our partners bring to us and that we bring to them not only makes their positive/Light qualities known to others – it also brings the potential for their darkness to be exposed as well.  Standing in the spotlight can be a harsh place to be, and though Venus in Leo’s intentions may be noble, the reality is that the attention that they bring could reveal a lot more than your positive attributes.

That is where Scorpio’s energy comes into play.  Scorpio deals in extremes and polarities, and doesn’t seek balance but rather decisiveness.  It encourages clarity and definition between Light and darkness, good and bad, right and wrong.  With Saturn in this sign, it encourages the establishment of rigid emotional-energetic boundaries in order to establish and maintain emotional and energetic focus and discipline.   Saturn may also define and protect its ability to focus on what it believes to be its Highest interests.  With Mars in this sign, clear, decisive, and possibly extreme actions are taken to implement and enforce those personal boundaries as well as to maintain, defend, and protect them.  With Mars and Saturn still within conjunction orb of each other, this indicates extremely determined actions taken to protect and defend (newly-established) emotional-energetic boundaries.  This is an extremely intense dynamic, also as stated in a previous post.

Mars and Saturn in Scorpio are very aware that the dark side co-exists with the Light, and that they can be vulnerable to said darkness.  To that point, they don’t trust easily, and they definitely don’t take the Light at face value.  They want to see the darkness that balances Venus’ eagerness to shine Light so they can know completely who and/or what they are dealing with.   It is only when they can identify and protect themselves from the dark side that Mars and Saturn might let their guard down to trust.

That said, Venus in Leo knows its distractive power.  Square aspects infer conflict or challenge, and through the square aspects Venus makes with Mars and Saturn in Scorpio, it knows that by revealing its darkness, it may convince Mars and Saturn to let their guard down.  Yet Venus is challenged to give up the Light it so eagerly wants to shine.  It doesn’t want to see any darkness, nor does it want to expose it in those it has chosen to place on such a high pedestal.  Nevertheless, Venus may find that in bringing attention to its beloved partner(s), it does just that, exposing the dark motives and/or behaviors of its partners under Mars and Saturn’s dark Scorpionic influence.

In Mars and Saturn in Scorpio letting their guard down, Venus in Leo’s energy can bring in a lot of unnecessary drama that can get draw or force themout of their structure of intense focus and discipline.  By giving in to Venus in Leo’s need to acknowledge and be acknowledged, Mars and Saturn in Scorpio betray their carefully-constructed boundaries.  This can bring about a great deal of self-criticism and shame in Mars and Saturn, and as result, defensiveness, depression, and destructive behavior toward self and others are all resulting possibilities.  Be ready to deal with revelations or awakenings that may lead to extreme behavioral displays.

On the other side of the challenge, Mars and Saturn in Scorpio know that Venus in Leo is tempting them to let their guard down with its celebratory and generous sharing of Light.  This may intensify their resolve, and Mars and Saturn may become more protective and resistance under the increased attention.  What began as simple yet clear lines drawn in the sand in order to define personal boundaries may become towering impenetrable walls of defense under the influence of this square as Mars and Saturn in Scorpio may not be swayed by Venus in Leo’s platitudes of admiration.

Through Venus in Leo’s sharing and shining may be intended to celebrate the positive, the fact is that everything has an equal and opposite.  Though others may bring you into the Light for all the right reasons, they may unwittingly leaving your Light and darkness open to exposure in ways that may be extremely challenging foryou to accept or deal with.  Be ready to deal with revelations or awakenings that may lead to extreme displays of transformative or destructive behavior on their part and/or your own.

You may also want to remember that this dynamic goes both ways – you may be the one who leaves your others exposed and vulnerable to attack.  Be attentive to who you are putting on a pedestal and how you are doing so.  You may be awakening a defense mechanism in them that you aren’t expecting to have to deal with.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessinsgs,





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