Mars, the planet of initiative and action, entered the sign of Capricorn on Sunday, 26th October 2014.  When it did, Mars’ focus shifted from actions taken to explore and experience to actions taken to get things accomplished and fulfilled.

Mars in Capricorn creates a climate for getting things done.  This isn’t a sit back, relax, and take it easy kind of vibe – this is a determined, focused, diligent energy.  Mars becomes stern and serious in this placement, and takes initiative to bring matters to completion.  It wants and needs tangible and/or practical results to prove that its work was done and its goals were achieved.  Mars in Capricorn wants people to know that it has done something to earn its reward and glory.

During this 2014 Mars in Capricorn period (which will run now through 4th December 2014), you may notice that you are a bit more inclined to finish the unfinished, complete your tasks, and fulfill your goals.  You may also notice that other people around you are also itching to get things done, which may inspire you to do the same for yourself.  You may also find yourself frustrated with people who procrastinate and aren’t being active, or you yourself may be pushing the buttons of people around you with your own procrastination.

Most of all, you may notice that you want something to show for your efforts and others want something to show for theirs.  None of you want all of the time, energy, and resource you’ve put into a project or venture to be for nothing – you want to experience and/or receive the fruit of your labors and investments.  Whether it is a paycheck, a certificate, a job title, a trophy, social status – whatever your reward is, you want others to know that you’ve earned it or achieved it.

The challenge for some of you may be that Mars in Capricorn does bring a materialistic and/or socio-economic status focus to matters at hand.  There may be a great deal of focus on the growing divide between the haves and the have-nots over these next few weeks.  It may seem to some of you that no matter how hard you work, you can’t seem to get ahead.  If you are frustrated that you aren’t receiving what you believe are your just rewards, you may find yourself called into action under this influence.

Mars joins Pluto in the sign of CapricornPluto has been traveling in Capricorn since 2010, reaping havoc upon all of the social and societal institutions, establishments, corporations, and such that have traditionally ruled the roost for decades if not centuries.  The long-held ideas and ideals that defined what success in this world are no longer viable – success is measured in very different ways now (or is beginning to be assessed in very different ways now).  Many of the institutions and organizations that have held power and influence in the world are undergoing complete overhauls if not being completely dismantled or destroyed – they are being phased out or replaced by more modern, more effective, more inclusive, and more efficient models of how the new millennium world works.  Many of our collectively-held standards for success and accomplishment are undergoing a huge transformation, and with Mars and Pluto in Capricorn and the Sun, Venus, Saturn, and soon Mercury all in transformative Scorpio (the sign Pluto rules), you may want to be prepared for the fact that Mars and Pluto in Capricorn may make their presence known a bit (or a lot) more strongly than usual.

Pluto may blow stuff up, but Mars is the planet that will inspire you and others to take action to make your mark on this period of profound change.  If they aren’t already in your line of sight, refocus yourself on your goals and ambitions, and use this 2014 Mars in Capricorn period to move forward on your path to fulfillment.  By taking actions during these next 5 weeks, you could truly set forth the power of transformation in your life in ways you never imagined.  Your actions during this time really could change the course of your life.

Make the most of it!  Don’t procrastinate.  Just get your stuff done already.  Now is the time.  Now could be YOUR time.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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