Everything in existence has a balance.  Some say “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”.   Others say “you get what you give”.

I say that you can only shine your Light as brightly as your darkness is dark.  This square of the Scorpio Sun and Jupiter in Leo, exact at 7:05p PST on 13th November 2014, holds potential for that balanced to be experienced in first-hand reality.

How deeply are you willing to explore your emotions and psyche in order to come to terms with ALL of who you are?  How far are you willing to delve into the darkest depths of your soul?  These are the questions you get to answer during this square transit.

The darkness of the soul often finds itself being labeled as bad, wrong, evil, lower, lesser, etc.  It is demonized, criticized, avoided, and denied.  The darkness is shunned in favor of being lighter and brighter and “Higher”.  I would strongly disagree.

I disagree because it is often within that darkness where our true strength and brilliance hides.  Negative thoughts and emotions don’t just come out of nowhere – they are often the product of the oppression or repression of our unique expressions of Light.  Resentment comes when others hold us down or back from sharing our unique expression.  Regret comes when we hold ourselves back or down from being all that we can be in and for the world.

Pain comes when we avoid or deny our responsibility in how we are being treated by others or how we are treating ourselves, because whether we realize it or not, we always have a choice in how we express ourselves.

This particular Sun-Jupiter square reveals the dilemma of Light and darkness that inevitably arises when we choose to shine our Light more brightly.

Jupiter is about growth and expansion – bigger is better – and in Leo, Jupiter wants to shine bigger and brighter than it ever has before.  Jupiter in Leo doesn’t want to deal with darkness.  It wants to shine more brilliantly to spread more optimism and cheer.  It wants to be acknowledged as a positive and progressive presence.  It wants to be seen as good.

The Scorpio Sun doesn’t trust Jupiter in Leo’s grandiosity – something about it seems a bit too eager, a bit too positive, a bit too over the top.  So through this square, the Sun wants to dig deep into the depths of darkness to find what is being hidden by Jupiter and bring it to Light.  The Scorpio Sun is looking to bring depth, substance, and balance to Jupiter in Leo’s eagerness.

With an intense determination to get to the bottom of and uncover what drives Jupiter’s lust for Light, the Scorpio Sun uses its light to explore and expose Jupiter in Leo’s hidden motivations for its focus on the expansion and growth of its outward expression of brilliance.  The Sun wants to know the whole Truth of why there is such a determination on Jupiter’s part to focus only on the bright side of life.

As result, we have two different objectives for Light that challenge each other.

The key to moving through this challenge is to remember that whenever you choose to shine more brightly, you are also called to explore your darkness more deeply.  Why?

Because you can only shine your Light as brightly as your darkness is dark.

What stands in your darkness is not always or only “bad”.  You hide things in the darkness – parts of yourself that you believed were bad, or that you were told were bad, etc.  Just because someone told you that you were bad doesn’t mean you actually were.  Just because you decided that expressing yourself was bad doesn’t mean that it was true.  By exploring your darkness, you may uncover parts of your self-expression that you have forgotten you had or discover parts of yourself that you never knew you had.  Exploring your dark side isn’t always about facing the worst about yourself – sometimes it’s about finding the best parts of yourself that you’ve hidden away.

Yet sometimes, it is about facing the worst of yourself.  This is productive because once you can come to terms with your demons, they lose power over you.  Once you can get to the root of the pain your demons bring up you, those demons can no longer cause you pain.  Once those triggers are deactivated, no one – not even yourself – can use those weapons against you.  Facing and accepting the worst about yourself can empower you…if you choose to let it.

Going through this process may result in an episode of heightened melodrama.  After all, Jupiter in Leo won’t be keen to having its bubble burst, and in true ‘upset Leo’ fashion may become excessively theatrical in its efforts to avoid or deny its hidden motives.   This will be a very tough transit for those of you who have difficulty owning up to your own shortcomings or self-created barriers, and/or who blame others for your pain and suffering.  Those of you who try to place yourselves in the Light of good by labeling or shunning others as bad or wrong may find yourselves being stabbed in the back with your own knives by your own hands.  Demonizing others by projecting your demons on them will only serve to cause you more pain in the end.

The energy of this Scorpio Sun-Leo Jupiter square will be felt from the 10th through 16th of November 2014.  Use it to step up and own up to your darkness, and experience the revelation of Light that can come from within your depths once you choose to claim ALL of who you Truly are.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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