It’s time to do things differently…

…Or at least that’s what Mars has to say about it as it moved into the sign of Aquarius at 3:57p PST on Thursday, 4th December 2014.

Aquarius is the eccentric of the Zodiac.  Even though it is often associated with communities, collectives, teams, and humanity-at-large, it also represents the individual who brings something unique to those collectives.  If everyone was trying to be the same, nothing would get done.  That’s why Aquarius and its ruling planet, Uranus, are so important – they make sure we are each and all held accountable for being our unique and individual selves as we also take our places within the whole of human kind.

Humans tend to be strangely predictable en masse, yet equally unpredictable as individuals.  It’s difficult for people to go rogue.  As humans, we are often conscious if not super-conscious of what others may think of us, how we may or may not fit into our communities, and can we survive on our own if we leave the rest of the pack because we can’t find a way to fit in or belong.

NOTE: If you feel like you don’t belong, it may be because you haven’t found your tribe because you haven’t been being your True self fully in order to find it.

Mars in Aquarius practically ensures that this is a time for taking action to assert your unique expression of individuality, yet to assert it in a way that reveals your unique contributions to others.

In order to find out where you truly belong and in order to feel like you truly belong there, you need to be your True self – strange, odd, bizarre, etc.  – in ALL ways!  You need to let your freak flag fly!  This is the only way you’re going to find other “freaks” that will appreciate who you are and what you have to bring to the table of humanity.  With Mars in Aquarius, you may find yourself empowered to take actions to assert your individuality to the benefit or detriment of the collective whole.  Often, these acts can be rather unexpected or unconventional – there’s likely to be something unique and/or surprising about them – something that bring a new perspective to the matters-at-hand.  You may be the one taking the steps OR you may be on the receiving end of them.  Either way, you may not look at yourself or others around you the same way again.

It’s interesting that this time around, Mars, the ruler of Aries, is in Aquarius while Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is currently traveling retrograde in Aries.  This places these planets into an astrological phenomenon called mutual reception where the energies of these two planets will actually be increased due to the fact that they are in each other’s signs.  This strengthens the initiative of individuals to make themselves known to as many people as possible and to do so through assertive if not aggressive actions.  Any social and/or cultural revolutions that have been bubbling yet haven’t surfaced before now have a much-heightened likelihood of coming up during this 2014-2015 Mars in Aquarius period.

We can already see the signs of these changes bubbling to the surface in the events of the last few days and weeks – physical and verbal protests challenging systems, processes, institutions, etc.  The way things have been are no longer serving the ways things are now, and people are speaking up and acting out for change.

Aquarius is also a sign that represents technology, innovation, and mass communication.  Mars in Aquarius could also indicate that mass media and social media could play huge roles in how individuals and groups take actions to make themselves and their unique, unconventional, rebellious, revolutionary, enlightening, and/or inspiring messages known to others.  You can already see it in the ways many people and groups have organized themselves for these protests using the media technology available to them.

Mars will be in the sign of Aquarius from 4th December 2014 through 12th January 2015.  Uranus will be in Aries throughout Mars’ entire run.

It’s time to expect some long-expected “unexpected” events.  It’s time to do things differently.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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