Earlier this morning of Sunday, 15th February 2015 – at 12:17a PST to be exact – Ceres made an exact conjunction with Pluto at 14.63° Capricorn.

Pluto has been in Capricorn for a while. Since 2008 and continuing well into 2023, it’s doing its transformation thing by clearing out long-held standards for power, influence, success, and achievement which no longer serve us well.  This process has been forcing the “powers-that-be” – all of the governments, religions, educational institutions, corporations, and other similar societal establishments – that abide by and practice outdated standards to change to align with the modern world, or to die by extinction or destruction.  The influence of Pluto in Capricorn has had many of us in a state of uncertainty as the people and/or institutions we’ve always looked up to for guidance or direction are falling from the ivory towers many of us placed them upon.

Ceres is the ruler of Taurus, and represents our personal lifestyle needs and values.  It’s our ‘physical mother’, helping us know what we need materially, physically, and financially in order to feel stable, safe, & secure.
In Capricorn, Ceres indicates a very goal-oriented and results-driven lifestyle, one in which societal achievements and having tangible results to back them up are very important.  Ceres in Capricorn’s influence may have you making sure that things aren’t only getting done in your life and your environment, but that they’re getting done in alignment with your personal values.

That said, this 2015 Ceres-Pluto conjunction brings two major challenges to your attention:

  • The external institutions that you’ve often looked to in order to help you define your personal values and goals are in a state of uncertainty and flux themselves…that is, if they even still exist. As these institutions fall from the pedestals you’ve placed them on, the values they promoted also fall.  If you depended on them to define your own personal value system, you may be feeling very lost, insecure, and unstable right now.
  • The values that you’ve been living by before now may no longer be values that serve you well or align with your own inner Truth. You may have felt challenged in aligning with those values for a long time, but now – in the face of so much change – you may feel ready to change your beliefs yet also feel very uncertain about what to believe in as you may feel like there’s no one else you can count on or trust to tell you what to believe.

So…what do you do when there’s no one else to look up to or tell you what’s important?

You figure out what’s important to you for yourself.

As this transit becomes exact, Ceres and Pluto in Capricorn form a loose Yod with Chiron in Pisces and Jupiter Retrograde in LeoCeres and Pluto sextile Chiron to form the base, with all three quincunx to Jupiter Retrograde which sits at the point.

What’s interesting about this Yod is that the energy that is created at the Ceres-Pluto-Chiron base is trying to shift our value system in order to heal long-standing emotional-spiritual wounds.  This indicates that though things may seem like they’re getting worse, this is only because so many of us are being forced to give up own faulty or outright false belief systems to change our individual world views and Universal perspectives and beliefs.  These individual perspective and belief changes allow space for collective emotional-spiritual healing to be considered and received.

This Ceres-Pluto-Chiron base energy is focused toward Jupiter Retrograde in Leo point and what is growing and expanding in your personal-individual (and our collective) self-awareness and self-expression.  This is a call for each and all of us to look within ourselves and discover and align ourselves with whatever allows us to shine our individual expressions of Light truthfully, authentically, and completely.  In other words, we get to look to our unique, individual selves and find what honors our inner Truths, then align ourselves, our goals and ambitions, and our lifestyles with our emerging values.

As you look at what is happening around you, ponder the following questions to assist in discovering your own True personal values:

  • How does what is happening around you make YOU feel?
  • What do you think about what is happening around you? Does it threaten or confront your beliefs, or does it empower and inspire your beliefs?
  • What does it make YOU want to accomplish (or get done)?
  • How does it inspire YOU to serve others – to help and/or heal others (and yourself in the process)?
  • How does it make YOU want to be known in the world?
  • What are you willing to change – if anything – about your perspectives, your beliefs, and your life now that you are seeing things from a different perspective?

Answering those questions will help you get a better sense of what you truly value at this stage in your life journey.  And once you have your values clear, you’ll be able to pursue a course for your life that helps you establish a clearly-defined path to success…whatever success means to YOU.

Your emerging personal values may not look like anyone else’s at first…and that’s okay.  The key thing is to discover what’s most important to you, and to align with it.  Over time, you may find that you really aren’t alone…or that you are a pioneer, and your courage to believe in something so strongly may inspire others around you to courageously embrace similar values.

Changing your values will help us all change the world.  Everybody’s vote counts right now, including yours!  Vote by choosing your self-defined personal values under the influence of this Ceres-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, and live by your values moving forward.

The effects of this Ceres-Pluto conjunction have been palpable since 6th February 2015 and will be felt through 23rd February 2015.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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